AUM: Association of University Meditators

Diese Gruppe ist offiziell eingeschlafen. Sowas passiert. Wenn du diese Gruppe wiederbeleben oder eine neue Gruppe zum gleichen Thema gründen willst, sieh dir diese Seite an.

This is a club at the University of California Irvine for the study and practice of meditation and spirituality. If you are in it, this is our online library! Create your own profile, upload your books to your profile, give them ratings, and add your own commentary specifically for AUMers! This commentary should be added under the commentary tab (you will see this after you have added the books and then you go to the page Your Books).

For the ratings, please be accurate. If every book is a five star, then the stars would be useless. Please reserve the five star rating for the really really good ones, and don't feel like you are insulting anyone by only doing two stars or something. The fact that you own the book and put it up shows you like it, we just want to get an idea how much!

Whenever you feel like you want to get a new book to read, and want to save some money, just hop on, check out other people's books in this group, and approach them and ask if you could borrow it.

There is also a Tag section under the Your Books page. Perhaps we could tag very simple words, for example, my celtic shaman book I would tag as shamanism, celtic, spiritual, and perhaps the bhagavad gita I would tag as spiritual, religious, scripture, hindu, etc. This way when we go on we can search for the topic we are interested in!

Enjoy the interconnectedness of the internet!
Peace and Love!

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Done2 ungelesen / 2bernielou, Mai 2009
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