Profiles Profiled or Reviewed

Diese Gruppe ist offiziell eingeschlafen. Sowas passiert. Wenn du diese Gruppe wiederbeleben oder eine neue Gruppe zum gleichen Thema gründen willst, sieh dir diese Seite an.

Somewhat similar to 'Reviews Reviewed,' this is seen as a place to solicit comments on your own profile or to suggest to others any profiles that are interesting, informative, different, imaginative, fun or thought provoking. It may also be used to get suggestions on improving or setting up your own profile.

When you start discussion of a specific profile you should start a new thread for that profile, unless you have a good reason not to do so. I'd suggest that the topic indicate the member's name in the title.

I don't see anything amiss in suggesting someone else's profile as interesting or for other reasons, although you should ask them if it is okay to do so.

With luck, it will develop into a civilized and interesting group!

The picture, of course, is a small, very small, play on words.

Comments on the profiles are certainly welcome. And, if anyone asks for help on their profile, questions are welcome as well.

ThemaThemaPosteingangLetzter Beitrag 
alco261 Profile2 ungelesen / 2HarryMacDonald, April 2013
greytone profile1 ungelesen / 1bookblotter, April 2013
Welcome & bookblotter1 ungelesen / 1bookblotter, April 2013
This is a feature balloon