Publishers' Series

Diese Gruppe ist offiziell eingeschlafen. Sowas passiert. Wenn du diese Gruppe wiederbeleben oder eine neue Gruppe zum gleichen Thema gründen willst, sieh dir diese Seite an.

A group wherein to maintain your lists of publishers' series. Have you gone to a lot of trouble to enter a series into CK, but find your work undone by someone else? That is likely the result of Series guidelines. If the series entered does not meet those guidelines (which will be copied here after I find them), it will be deleted. Publishers' series falls in that category.

Until LibraryThing has a vehicle to handle that type of series, its just a shame to see the information lost. So, I suggest here a place to store it till then, where other Thingamabrarians can benefit by it.

If you have a Publishers' Series that you would like to list, please make that seres title the title of your topic. Since the topics are sortable alphabetically, it would be helpful to enter the titles as: Starfish Series, The (for instance). If your series order / number of books changes over time, you can edit your post.

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