Statist Political Philosophy

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“All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” I think some Italian guy said this. I think he was one of the dissidents against American corporate influence or the Vietnam war, or something. I’m not sure, but I do know that he was in favor of universal health insurance. After taking a really cool, enriching and stimulating Extension Course at the New School, and studying under a really great, funny, sensitive, and understanding professor (not that my ex-boyfriend would know anything about THOSE things), I have decided to set up this group on the First of April, 2007. The purpose of it is also to serve as a “fair and balanced” alibi should a certain someone reevaluate his decision not to join a certain other political philosophy group. (Just so everbody knows, the Greek statue guy is Plato. He was also in favor of universal health insurance. And that was before ANYBODY had health insurance, which means he was pretty cool.)

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Are Libertarians the New Nazis?6 ungelesen / 6Doug1943, April 2007
Five Year Plans versus Three Year Plans: Pros and Cons7 ungelesen / 7Doug1943, April 2007
Conformity5 ungelesen / 5Eurydice, April 2007
Did you notice....1 ungelesen / 1LeninGrad, April 2007
Bulk supplies of Viagra available, also Rolex, Tag Heuer, Cartier, all the major luxury brands2 ungelesen / 2ffarglloveiluj, April 2007
Taxation with or without representation is a jolly good thing, thank you!1 ungelesen / 1PolicyWonk, April 2007
Gary Hart: the later writings.1 ungelesen / 1PolicyWonk, April 2007
Progressive and Liberal Members: What a bunch of wimps, sell-outs and wets!1 ungelesen / 1Popescu, April 2007
Statism and Wicca: Two really cool, like, you know, philosophies.2 ungelesen / 2LeninGrad, April 2007
Context, metaphor, ontology and meaning in John Rawls’s A Theory of Justice1 ungelesen / 1AcademyGuy, April 2007
Bet you can’t read all of A Theory of Justice in one sitting!1 ungelesen / 1AcademyGuy, April 2007
Justice Holmes Was Right: The argument for compulsory sterilization.1 ungelesen / 1PolicyWonk, April 2007
Otto Von Bismarck: A Celebration1 ungelesen / 1PolicyWonk, April 2007
¿quién es más macho, Che Guevara, Theodor Adorno o David Souter?1 ungelesen / 1julioIglesias, April 2007
Bet you can’t read all of Das Kapital in one sitting!1 ungelesen / 1AcademyGuy, April 2007
Mao More Than Ever: the philosophical argument for state sponsored starvation.1 ungelesen / 1AlfredENewman, April 2007
Bill Bradley’s The New American Story: After 3,000 years, someone finally got this whole political1 ungelesen / 1PolicyWonk, April 2007
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