Vedanta: for the Western World.

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"Vedanta philosophy is a three-fold concept: first, the real nature of Man is divine; second, the aim of human life is to realize this divine nature; and, third, all religions are essentially in agreement."

I was raised one religion, then i wanted to create God my own way, then I wanted to renounce all titles and be called nothing [yet still having philosophy and God].....and here I find myself with Christopher Isherwood, the writer of a 1960's philosophy book. The things I once learned were "wrong, the devil" [all these words, words words] are now to me the Truth. To me anyways.

But "All knowledge is objective: the Seer, the real Self, which is behind all knowledge, remaining unknown."

I don't claim a religion. I know I am not right. But I do believe in my divine nature, and my love for humanity, to [so cliche right now] COEXIST.

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Lesson One: Brahman and You.3 ungelesen / 3DBloedorn, Juni 2010
Brief Greeting.2 ungelesen / 2naren2, Mai 2010
Tao.1 ungelesen / 1SwamiBuilding, Januar 2010
Gratzi.1 ungelesen / 1SwamiBuilding, Januar 2010
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