Klassifikation der Library of Congress [LCC] (USA)DG809.B67

DG. City
DG11-999. History of Italy
DG691-817.3. Central Italy
DG803-817.3. Rome (Modern city)

Ausgewählte Werke (809 insgesamt)

Verwandte Tags

16th century(21) 17th century(9) 18th century(5) 1950s(5) 19th century(14) 21st century(23) adventure(7) ancient(21) Ancient Roman History(6) ancient world(5) antiquity(38) archaeology(109) architecture(236) art(217) art history(74) arts(8) biography(81) cartography(7) Catholicism(17) cemeteries(15) challenge(5) Christianity(40) church(20) cities(69) city(12) classical antiquity(5) classical studies(8) classics(10) coffee table(5) cultural history(19) culture(38) diary(5) drawings(5) Early Christianity(8) Early Church(9) early modern(7) Elsewhere(6) empire(5) essay(8) Europe(177) European(6) European History(59) expats(5) fascism(13) Florence(9) food(8) geography(80) geology(8) Germany(5) guide(122) guidebook(316) historical(7) historical biography(6) history(908) hotel(7) hotels(9) Italian author(7) Italy(1,681) journal(6) Latin(14) literary criticism(6) literature(41) map(22) maps(43) medieval(68) Middle Ages(32) military(6) military history(5) modern history(11) museums(7) Norfolk(7) opera(8) painting(5) Papacy(14) photographs(19) photography(81) pilgrimage(17) politics(9) Pope(7) reference(95) Reisen(16) religion(53) Renaissance(79) renaissance history(9) restaurants(24) Roma(161) Roman History(150) Saints(7) sculpture(7) social history(11) topography(16) tourism(82) tourist(5) travel(1,631) travel essays(8) travel writing(38) traveling(13) travelogue(19) urban(13) urban studies(7) urbanism(20) Vatican(85) Vatican City(14) Venice(7) voyage(6) war(5) wine(5) women(7) world travel(6)

Verwandte Themen