Klassifikation der Library of Congress [LCC] (USA)S55.T10

Ausgewählte Werke (1,305 insgesamt)

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1970s(7) 19th century(5) 70s(6) agriculture(448) American(11) animals(47) anthropology(6) art(7) autism(22) big book(5) biology(15) birds(21) botany(45) bullies(5) bullying(10) business(21) California(8) Canada(18) children(17) children's(31) children's literature(10) Christmas(193) climate(7) conservation(18) conversation(9) cookbook(18) cookbooks(7) cookery(6) cooking(20) crops(10) culture(8) curriculum(19) differences(9) disease(9) diversity(8) dogs(10) ecology(13) economics(7) education(21) egg(10) English literature(7) environment(10) esl(39) family(5) farm(18) farm life(7) farmers(6) feelings(10) fish(5) folk(8) folklore(12) food(26) forest(6) friends(5) friendship(11) garden(10) gardening(76) genealogy(9) geography(16) government(17) Grade 2(5) guide(7) health(11) history(64) holidays(32) homesteading(14) horses(13) horticulture(24) how-to(8) humor(11) insects(36) juvenile(7) kids(8) land(14) language(5) legends(6) literature(11) livestock(15) management(5) marketing(6) math(23) Michigan(5) music(55) natural resources(8) nature(35) North America(13) nutrition(8) ocean(8) outdoors(5) pamphlet(5) penguins(54) photography(9) picture book(36) poetry(10) pop(5) pop-up(28) primary(5) punk(13) reader(6) recreation(5) reference(88) research(37) rock(41) rock and roll(15) Santa(14) school(7) science(42) self-esteem(7) self-sufficiency(6) snow(7) soundtrack(9) standards(20) students(5) survival(5) trees(54) usa(28) usda(156) Virginia(7) vocabulary(15) war(5) winter(44) writing(16) youth(8)

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