NachlassbibliothekRev. Nathaniel Williams

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Library Information

"JJJJ-MM-TT", "JJJJ" "JJJJ-MM-TT v. Chr.", "5.-6. Jh. v. Chr.",
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
"Boston, Massachusetts, USA", "London, England", "The Plaza Hotel, New York, New York, USA", "Hogwarts", "Alpha Centauri", "Hölle"
Größe der Bibliothek (Titel)
Die Anzahl der Titel in der Bibliothek. 1.459; ~50; 100-200; Unbekannt ("Eine Menge Bücher")
Größe der Bibliothek (Bände)
Die Anzahl der Bände in der Bibliothek. 1.459; ~50; 100-200
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Newspaper notice: New England Weekly Journal, 7 March 1738, p. 2
Newspaper advertisement for sale: New England Weekly Journal, 18 and 25 April 1738, p. 2
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Boston Gazette, 24 April 1738, p. 3; 1 May 1738, p. 4
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Boston Weekly News-Letter, 4 May 1738, p. 2
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Boston Gazette, 8 May 1738, p. 3
Newspaper advertisement for sale: New England Weekly Journal, 9 May and 30 May 1738, p. 2
Testament (1765, freigegeben 1784); Nachlassbestand (1675)
Anmerkungen zur Bibliothek
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Notice text: "IF any Person has any Books belonging to the Library of the late Rev. Mr. Nathanael Williams, it is desirest that they would return them."
Advertisement text (18 and 25 April): "THE Library of the Rev. Mr. Nathanael Williams, consisting of Divinity, Physic, and many valuable Classical and Academical Books, will be disposed of by a mark'd Sale, the lowest Price being marked in the first Leaf in each Book, the Sale will Open on Thursday the fourth day of May next, at his House in Queenstreet, Boston, and continue de die in diem, till the Sale is finished"
Advertisement text (24 April and 1 May): "THE Library of the Rev. Mr. Nathanael Williams, consisting of Divinity, Physic, and many valuable Classical and Academical Books, will be disposed of by a mark'd Sale, the lowest Price being marked in the first Leaf in each Book, the Sale will Open on Thursday the fourth day of May next, at his House in Queenstreet, Boston, and continue de die in diem, till the Sale is finished"

N.B. The ad in this paper is set in italics, the former in roman.
Advertisement text (4 May): "THE Library of the Rev. Mr. Nathanael Williams, consisting of Divinity, Physic, and many valuable Classical and Academical Books, will be disposed of by a mark'd Sale, the lowest Price being marked in the first Leaf in each Book: The Sale will Open on THIS DAY being the Fourth of May, at his House in Queen-Street, Boston, and continue de die in diem, till the Sale is finished."
Advertisement text (8 May): "The Sale of the Library of the late Reverend Nathanael Williams Deceased, not being compleated is still continued agreable to the Method proposed, as Advertis'd in our last Paper; at his House in Queen-Street Boston, where Attendance will be given"
Advertisement text (9 May): "The Sale of the Library of the late Reverend Nathanael Williams Deceased, not being compleated is still continued, agreable to the Method proposed, as Advertis'd in our last Paper; at his House in Queen-Street Boston, where Attendance will be given."
Advertisement text (30 May): "The Sale of the Library of the late Reverend Nathanael Williams Deceased, not being compleated, is still continued, agreable to the Method proposed, as formerly Advertis'd; at his House in Queen-Street Boston, where Attendance will be given."
Inherited the "Books, Papers, Medicines and Apparatus" of his maternal uncle, Dr. James Oliver. See Sibley's 4:182-186.
Exlibris-Designs, Miteigentumsvermerke, etc.
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Bibliotheken des frühen Amerikas; Künstler; Unterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung; U.S. Präsidenten
Gesamter Buch-Wert
$300; �52/10/2
Gesamter Inventar-Wert
$3000; �654/13/5
Der Name eines LibraryThing-Mitglieds.

Entity Information

"JJJJ-MM-TT", "JJJJ" "JJJJ-MM-TT v. Chr.", "5.-6. Jh. v. Chr.",
"JJJJ-MM-TT", "JJJJ" "JJJJ-MM-TT v. Chr.", "5.-6. Jh. v. Chr.",
Benutze die englischen Bezeichnungen "female" und "male" oder gebe eine andere Freitext ein. Fur Unternehmen und kollektive Autorschaft benutze "n/a".
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
"Boston, Massachusetts, USA", "Paris, Frankreich", "Algerien"
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
"Staatliche Universität Mississippi (Bakkalaureus|Bibliothekswissenschaft)", "Universität Oxford (Christ Church College)", "Universität von Kalifornien, Berkeley"
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Installateur, Kellner oder Ingenieur
Legacy -Verbindungen
Huxley, Julian (Bruder), Orwell, George (Student), Huxley, Leonard (Vater)