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Library Information

"JJJJ-MM-TT", "JJJJ" "JJJJ-MM-TT v. Chr.", "5.-6. Jh. v. Chr.",
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
"Boston, Massachusetts, USA", "London, England", "The Plaza Hotel, New York, New York, USA", "Hogwarts", "Alpha Centauri", "Hölle"
Größe der Bibliothek (Titel)
Die Anzahl der Titel in der Bibliothek. 1.459; ~50; 100-200; Unbekannt ("Eine Menge Bücher")
Größe der Bibliothek (Bände)
Die Anzahl der Bände in der Bibliothek. 1.459; ~50; 100-200
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Boston Post-Boy, 14 October 1754, p. 2; 21 October 1754, p. 2; 4 November 1754, p. 2
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The New-York Mercury, 28 October 1754, p. 3; 4 November 1754, p. 4; 11 November 1754, p. 4; 18 November 1754, p. 4
Testament (1765, freigegeben 1784); Nachlassbestand (1675)
Anmerkungen zur Bibliothek
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Advertisement text (Post-Boy): "Newport, Rhode-Island, October 10. 1754. TO be Sold at Publick Vendue the 20th of November next, A valuable and large Collection of BOOKS, being the Library of a Physician lately deceased; among which are, the Venetian Collection, the Eustrachran Tables, Ambrose Parey, Fabricius ab Aqua pendente, Aretaeus, Vesalius, Frederick Ruysch de Graaf, &c. &c. with most of the curious and capital Books in every Branch of Physick: Also a very curious Collection of the Dictates of the several Professors of Medicine in the University of Leyden, very fairly written and handsomely bound; among which are 17 Volumes upon the Institutions and 11 upon the Aphorisms compiled from Boerhaave, in Quarto; together with his Lectures upon nervous Diseases, Vision, &c. in his private Colleges: All the practical Dictates of Professor Oosterdyke with the Lectures of Van Royen Albinus and Alston upon Prescription, &c. with all the good modern English Writers upon Physick and Surgery, with a Variety of English Books upon all Subjects. N.B. Any Gentleman that chuses to purchase Part or the Whole of the aforesaid Library at private sale, may treat with Mrs. Mary Brett, at Newport."
Advertisement text (Mercury): "T be sold at publick vendue, on the 20th day of November next, at Newport, in Rhode-Island, a valuable collection of BOOKS, being the library of a physician lately deceas'd, among which are, the Venetian collection, the Eustrachran tables, Ambrose Parey, Fabricius ab Aqua Pendente, Aretaeus, Vesalius, Frederick Ruysch de Graaf, &c. with most of the curious and capital books in every branch of physick. Also a very curious collection of the dictates of the several professors of medicine in the university of Leyden, very fairly written and handsomely bound, among which are 17 volumes upon the institutions, and 11 upon the aphorisms, compil'd from Boerhaave, in quarto, together with his lectures upon nervous diseases, vision, &c. in his private colleges. All the practical dictates of professor Oosterdyke, with the lectures of Van Royen, Albinus and Alston upon prescription, &c. with all the good modern English writers upon physick and surgery, with a variety of English books, upon all Subjects. Any gentleman that chuses to purchase part, or the whole of the aforesaid library at private sale, may treat with Mrs. Mary Brett, at Newport."

The 11 and 18 November text substitutes "Inst." for "next" in the opening line.
A founding member of the Redwood Library, to which he gave certain books.
www.beispiel.com, https://www.beispiel.com/, www.beispiel.com/some/url
Exlibris-Designs, Miteigentumsvermerke, etc.
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Bibliotheken des frühen Amerikas; Künstler; Unterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung; U.S. Präsidenten
Gesamter Buch-Wert
$300; �52/10/2
Gesamter Inventar-Wert
$3000; �654/13/5
Der Name eines LibraryThing-Mitglieds.

Entity Information

"JJJJ-MM-TT", "JJJJ" "JJJJ-MM-TT v. Chr.", "5.-6. Jh. v. Chr.",
"JJJJ-MM-TT", "JJJJ" "JJJJ-MM-TT v. Chr.", "5.-6. Jh. v. Chr.",
Benutze die englischen Bezeichnungen "female" und "male" oder gebe eine andere Freitext ein. Fur Unternehmen und kollektive Autorschaft benutze "n/a".
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
"Boston, Massachusetts, USA", "Paris, Frankreich", "Algerien"
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
"Staatliche Universität Mississippi (Bakkalaureus|Bibliothekswissenschaft)", "Universität Oxford (Christ Church College)", "Universität von Kalifornien, Berkeley"
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Installateur, Kellner oder Ingenieur
Legacy -Verbindungen
Huxley, Julian (Bruder), Orwell, George (Student), Huxley, Leonard (Vater)