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Library Information

"JJJJ-MM-TT", "JJJJ" "JJJJ-MM-TT v. Chr.", "5.-6. Jh. v. Chr.",
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
"Boston, Massachusetts, USA", "London, England", "The Plaza Hotel, New York, New York, USA", "Hogwarts", "Alpha Centauri", "Hölle"
Größe der Bibliothek (Titel)
Die Anzahl der Titel in der Bibliothek. 1.459; ~50; 100-200; Unbekannt ("Eine Menge Bücher")
Größe der Bibliothek (Bände)
Die Anzahl der Bände in der Bibliothek. 1.459; ~50; 100-200
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Newspaper advertisement for sale: Green & Russell's Boston Post-Boy & Advertiser, 30 June 1760, p. 2; 7 July 1760, p. 1
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Boston News-Letter, 10 July 1760, p. 3
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Boston Evening-Post, 11 August 1780, p. 3
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Boston-Gazette, and Country Journal, 25 August 1760, p. 3; 1 September 1760, p. 3
Newspaper advertisement for sale: Green & Russell's Boston Post-Boy & Advertiser, 25 August 1760, p. 3; 1 September 1760, p. 4
Testament (1765, freigegeben 1784); Nachlassbestand (1675)
Anmerkungen zur Bibliothek
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Advertisement text (30 June and 7 July): "To be Sold by PUBLIC VENDUE, on WEDNESDAY the Ninth of July next, at the House of the late Doctor William Clark deceas'd, in Wings Lane, near the Town Dock, Boston: A Variety of exceeding Good HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting of [list ...] A Collection of valuable Books, in Latin, English, and other Languages, on Physick, Surgery, and other Subjects, Doctors Instruments, &c. &c. The Goods may be viewed Two Days before the Sale;--And the Sale is to begin on the above-mentioned Ninth of July next, at TEN o'Clock in the Forenoon. N.B. Whoever has any of the late Doctor Clark's Books, are desired to be so kind as to send them to Mr. Benjamin Dolbear before the Sale begins. A very good Chaise Horse belonging to said Estate is to be Sold by private Sale."
Advertisement text (10 July): "THIS AFTERNOON at Three o' Clock, will be Sold, The LIBRARY, and Doctor's Instruments, &c. belonging to the late Doctor William Clarke: and sundry other Sorts of Goods, at his late Dwelling-House in Wing's Lane."
Advertisement text (11 August): "TO BE SOLD by PUBLIC VENDUE, at the House of the late Dr. Wm. Clark, in Wing's Lane, near the Town-Dock, on WEDNESDAY the 20th of August Instant, THE Remainder of the said Dr. CLARK'S Estate, consisting of — sundry Bedsteads, Silver Tankards, Spoons, Porringers, and other Pieces of Plate; a Card Table; Looking-Glasses, Tables, Chairs; a Quantity of glaz'd Pictures in Setts;—all sorts of Kitchen Furniture in Pewter, Brass, Copper, &c. a large second-hand Turkey Carpet. ALSO, the Doctor's LIBRARY, consisting of most curious and valuable Books in Divinity, Philosophy, History, &c. — And likewise Doctors's Instruments. The Goods may be seen the Day before the Sale. The Sale will begin at 11 o'Clock 'forenoon, on the said 20th Day of August."
Advertisement text (Gazette, 25 August): "To be Sold by AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY the Third of September next, at the Dwelling-House of the late Dr. William Clark, in Wings-Lane, near the Town Dock —— THE LIBRARY of the said Doctor, consisting of a Number of the most valuable Books in his Possession; together with his Collection of excellent Books upon a Variety of other Subjects in English. As the Sale is on Purpose to sell off the above-mentioned Library, there will be nothing else Sold but the Books. N.B. The Sale to begin at 10 o'Clock, A.M. on 3d September. J.G."

The text for 1 September changes "next" to "Inst." in the second line.
Advertisement text (Post-Boy, 25 August and 1 September): "To be Sold by Auction, ON WEDNESDAY the Third Day of September next, at the Dwelling-House of the late Dr. William Clarke in Wing's Lane, near the Town-Dock, The LIBRARY of the said Doctor, consisting of a Number of the most valuable BOOKS in his Possession; together with his Collection of excellent BOOKS upon a Variety of other Subjects in English. As the Sale is on Purpose to sell off the abovementioned LIBRARY, there will be nothing else sold but the Books. The Sale to begin at X o'Clock, A.M. the Third of September."
www.beispiel.com, https://www.beispiel.com/, www.beispiel.com/some/url
Exlibris-Designs, Miteigentumsvermerke, etc.
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Bibliotheken des frühen Amerikas; Künstler; Unterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung; U.S. Präsidenten
Gesamter Buch-Wert
$300; �52/10/2
Gesamter Inventar-Wert
$3000; �654/13/5
Der Name eines LibraryThing-Mitglieds.

Entity Information

"JJJJ-MM-TT", "JJJJ" "JJJJ-MM-TT v. Chr.", "5.-6. Jh. v. Chr.",
"JJJJ-MM-TT", "JJJJ" "JJJJ-MM-TT v. Chr.", "5.-6. Jh. v. Chr.",
Benutze die englischen Bezeichnungen "female" und "male" oder gebe eine andere Freitext ein. Fur Unternehmen und kollektive Autorschaft benutze "n/a".
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
"Boston, Massachusetts, USA", "Paris, Frankreich", "Algerien"
"Staatliche Universität Mississippi (Bakkalaureus|Bibliothekswissenschaft)", "Universität Oxford (Christ Church College)", "Universität von Kalifornien, Berkeley"
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Installateur, Kellner oder Ingenieur
Legacy -Verbindungen
Huxley, Julian (Bruder), Orwell, George (Student), Huxley, Leonard (Vater)