NachlassbibliothekRev. Samuel Davies

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Library Information

"JJJJ-MM-TT", "JJJJ" "JJJJ-MM-TT v. Chr.", "5.-6. Jh. v. Chr.",
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
"Boston, Massachusetts, USA", "London, England", "The Plaza Hotel, New York, New York, USA", "Hogwarts", "Alpha Centauri", "Hölle"
Größe der Bibliothek (Titel)
Die Anzahl der Titel in der Bibliothek. 1.459; ~50; 100-200; Unbekannt ("Eine Menge Bücher")
Größe der Bibliothek (Bände)
"about 550"
Die Anzahl der Bände in der Bibliothek. 1.459; ~50; 100-200
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Newspaper advertisement for sale: New-York Mercury, 23 March 1761, p. 3; 30 March 1761, p. 4; 13 April 1761, Supplement p. 1; 27 April 1761, Supplement, p. 1
Newspaper advertisement for sale: Pennsylvania Gazette, 2 April 1761, p. 3; 21 May 1761, p. 4
Testament (1765, freigegeben 1784); Nachlassbestand (1675)
Anmerkungen zur Bibliothek
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Advertisement text (Mercury): "To be Sold, On thursday the 28th day of May next, at Princetown, the sale to begin at two o'clock in the afternoon, the houshold furniture and library of the Rev. Mr. Samuel Davies, late president of the college of New-Jersey, deceased. The furniture is chiefly new, and consists among other things, of several genteel beds, looking-glasses, wallnut and mahogany leather bottom'd chairs, tables, chests of drawers, pictures, &c. The library is made up of about 550 volumes, in divinity, history, poetry and philosophy; and every one who was acquainted with the taste of Mr. Davies, will readily conclude, that books of his collecting, must be valuable and entertaining. If any person should incline to purchase any part of the furniture before the day of sale, application may be made to the subscriber, at his house, for that purpose.

The creditors are desired forthwith to send their Account that they may be discharged, ; and all persons indebted to the said Estate, are desired to make speedy payment.

Richard Stockton, Administrator

N.B. In the above Library there are particularly, the following, viz. Poole's Synopsis Critic. 5 vol. Augustini Opera in Omnia, 5 vol. Ciceronis Opera Omnia, 2 vol. Calvini Opera Omnia, 9 vol. Justini Mart. Opera, Tertulliani Opera, 4 vol. Lactantii Opera, and several other of the Fathers; as also Ridgley's, Watts's, Guise's, Doddridge's Works, and several others of the most eminent modern Divines, and Universal History, &c. &c. &c.

There are some few Books lent out, the Persons who have them, are desired forthwith to return them."
Advertisement text (Gazette): "To be sold on Thursday the 28th Day of May next, at Princetown, the Sale to begin at Two o'clock in the Afternoon, the Houshold Furniture and Library of the Rev. Mr. Samuel Davies, late President of the College of New-Jersey, deceased. The Furniture is chiefly new, and consists among other Things, of several genteel Beds, Looking-glasses, Walnut and Mahogany Leather Bottom Chairs, Tables, Chests of Drawers, Pictures, &c. The Library is made up of about 550 Volumes, in Divinity, History, Poetry and Philosophy; and every one who was acquainted with the Taste of Mr. Davies, will readily conclude, that Books of his collecting must be valuable and entertaining. If any Person should incline to purchase any Part of the Furniture before the day of sale, application may be made to the Subscriber, at his House, for that purpose.

The Creditors are desired forthwith to send their Accounts, that they may be discharged; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are desired to make speedy payment.

Richard Stockton, Administrator.

N.B. In the above Library there are particularly, the following, viz. Poole's Synopsis Critic. 5 vol. Augustini Opera in Omnia, 5 vol. Ciceronis Opera Omnia, 2 vol. Calvini Opera Omnia, 9 vol. Justini Mart. Opera, Tertulliani Opera, 4 vol. Lactantii Opera, and several other of the Fathers; as also Ridgley's, Watts's, Guise's, Doddridge's Works, and several others of the most eminent modern Divines; the Universal History, &c. &c. &c.

There are some few Books lent out, the Persons who have them, are desired forthwith to return them."
Exlibris-Designs, Miteigentumsvermerke, etc.
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Bibliotheken des frühen Amerikas; Künstler; Unterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung; U.S. Präsidenten
Gesamter Buch-Wert
$300; �52/10/2
Gesamter Inventar-Wert
$3000; �654/13/5
Der Name eines LibraryThing-Mitglieds.

Entity Information

"JJJJ-MM-TT", "JJJJ" "JJJJ-MM-TT v. Chr.", "5.-6. Jh. v. Chr.",
"JJJJ-MM-TT", "JJJJ" "JJJJ-MM-TT v. Chr.", "5.-6. Jh. v. Chr.",
Benutze die englischen Bezeichnungen "female" und "male" oder gebe eine andere Freitext ein. Fur Unternehmen und kollektive Autorschaft benutze "n/a".
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
"Boston, Massachusetts, USA", "Paris, Frankreich", "Algerien"
"Staatliche Universität Mississippi (Bakkalaureus|Bibliothekswissenschaft)", "Universität Oxford (Christ Church College)", "Universität von Kalifornien, Berkeley"
Die Informationen stammen von der englischen "Wissenswertes"-Seite. Ändern, um den Eintrag der eigenen Sprache anzupassen.
Installateur, Kellner oder Ingenieur
Legacy -Verbindungen
Huxley, Julian (Bruder), Orwell, George (Student), Huxley, Leonard (Vater)