Children's Books Parasitized by \\"Progressive\\" Politics

A book which includes gratuitous political content. The important point is that it should be gratuitous and not related to the main subject. The political content should also be generally understood to be "progressive", i.e., adhering to a particular ideology which is pretty easy to recognize, although it goes under many names.
15 Mitglieder
3 Rezensionen
½ 4.4
themulhern: There's an inset inside the front cover, which is a-historical and fails to recognize that North America is a continent, containing many people. This often happens with Africa also, a continent which many ignorantly well-meaning people view as a land of homogeneity. The inset is also a guilt-gram, not at all related to beavers. I think the end-matter also bares a look, but I can not recall it just at present.
themulhern: Too many uses of the word "white" when more precise, and less racial, words would have worked better.
14 Mitglieder
1 Rezension
themulhern: Hakim's books are usually good, and this one has lots of redeeming features. However, there is an inset in which a man discovers that he is "on the wrong side of history". Does Hakim really subscribe to the Whig view of history? Or is she just parroting a popular shibboleth? This book was published in 2023 and so probably she did her writing in principally in 2022. Another unfortunate aspect of this book is the uneven treatment of conquest; she implies that the Arab conquest of North Africa was mostly peaceful. The descendants of the North Africans who were resident at that time continue to disagree. Further, describing Europe as a "backwater" makes no sense; better to describe it as emerging from a dark age. Anything that ferocious Scandinavian warriors have been emerging from for a century or two can't seriously be described as a "backwater".