Vorab-RezensentenStephanie Caye

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

May 2022 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: Mai 30 um 06:00 pm EDT

Reihen: Gravity's Daughter (1)

Faeries lie.

That’s what the Consilium told Jude when they recruited her into a supernatural cold war against the Court. It’s what her friend Aubrie said too, convincing her to search for illicit magic under their noses.

But he’s half-Faerie like her. And since honesty’s never exactly been Jude’s strong suit either, she probably should have listened. Might have saved her the pain of his betrayal, not to mention a trip to the ICU.

When a shady group of Faeries co-opts her to help them stop Aubrie from taking control of both the human and Faerie worlds, Jude’s tentatively game. Ruining the man who double-crossed her sounds good in theory. Problem is, joining up with these alleged otherworldly allies could condemn humanity to life under a curly-toed boot instead.

Everybody wants to rule the world. Jude just wants some premium tequila shots on a warm, sandy beach in the vicinity of “The Hell Away from This Mess.”

That’s a lie—she’d settle for the cheap stuff.

Fantasy, Fiction and Literature
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stephaniecaye (Autor)
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