Vorab-RezensentenArthur Shattuck O'Keefe

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September 2022 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: September 26 um 06:00 pm EDT

It is August 1899 and Aleister Crowley is psychically attacked while mountain climbing in Tibet. Attempting to teleport back to his base camp, he instead finds himself in the Manhattan home of inventor Nikola Tesla. Crowley is convinced he was attacked by a malevolent entity that is attempting to cross over into our world and implores Tesla to help him.

When Thomas Edison unveils his new spirit phone, an invention that he claims will allow people to speak with the dead, Crowley and Tesla are suspicious of the device. Teaming up, the unlikely duo combine their respective skills in magick and technology to investigate the device’s actual origin and ultimate purpose.

As insanity and suicide multiply among spirit phone users, newspaper articles begin hinting about the possibility of the increase being linked to the new gadget, and the race is on to solve the mystery of the strange device.

Crowley and Tesla soon find themselves embroiled in a desperate race to stop the spirit phone's use by an unknown adversary who is only interested in one thing—inaugurating hell on earth.

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Fantasy, Mystery, Science Fiction, Horror, Suspense & Thriller, Historical Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
BHC Press (Verleger)
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Lieferung geschlossen

August 2022 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: August 25 um 06:00 pm EDT

It is August 1899 and Aleister Crowley is psychically attacked while mountain climbing in Tibet. Attempting to teleport back to his base camp, he instead finds himself in the Manhattan home of inventor Nikola Tesla. Crowley is convinced he was attacked by a malevolent entity that is attempting to cross over into our world and implores Tesla to help him.

When Thomas Edison unveils his new spirit phone, an invention that he claims will allow people to speak with the dead, Crowley and Tesla are suspicious of the device. Teaming up, the unlikely duo combine their respective skills in magick and technology to investigate the device’s actual origin and ultimate purpose.

As insanity and suicide multiply among spirit phone users, newspaper articles begin hinting about the possibility of the increase being linked to the new gadget, and the race is on to solve the mystery of the strange device.

Crowley and Tesla soon find themselves embroiled in a desperate race to stop the spirit phone's use by an unknown adversary who is only interested in one thing—inaugurating hell on earth.

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Eine angehängte digitale Datei wird an Ihre E-Mail-Adresse gesendet
Fantasy, Mystery, Science Fiction, Horror, Suspense & Thriller, Historical Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
BHC Press (Verleger)
Informationen zum BuchLibraryThing Werk-Seite
Lieferung geschlossen