
Sell Your Business For More Than It’s Worth
HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED why some businesses thrive when others take a nosedive or why some entrepreneurs are suc¬cessful when others are not? Why do some businesses sell for maximum value, other businesses sell for pennies on the dollar, and some businesses do not sell at all? In her groundbreaking book, Sell Your Business For More Than It’s Worth, Michelle Seiler-Tucker says, “Give me 30 minutes and I will identify what’s wrong with your business and show you how to fix it and sell it for More Than It’s Worth!” Michelle does this by utiliz¬ing her method: “Define the top nine (mistakes entrepreneurs make) and get your business in line!” Sell Your Business For More Than It’s Worth, addresses the vital issues that add value to your business as well as increase the sales price potential of your business. This dynamic book will define industries that are desirable to buyers and it will open your eyes to dis¬cover if your industry is thriving or dying and what you can do about it. This must-read will provide valuable tips on creating congruent profit centers and diversifying your product/ client mix. Learn how to build brand loyalty versus location loyalty. Most importantly, Sell Your Business For More Than It’s Worth is a blueprint for anyone that wants to increase market share, become more profitable, and (for those who want to) sell their business for Top Dollar! This extraordinary book will demonstrate how to increase profits, plan your exit strategy, and sell your business for maximum value in the quickest time possible in an easy to understand step-by-step approach.
Business, Fiction and Literature, Nonfiction
Angeboten von
Arabella Publishing (Verleger)
(User: newshelves)
June 2013
Startet: 2013-06-03
Abgeschlossen: 2013-07-01
Im Verkauf
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