
There Goes Gravity
Lisa Robinson has interviewed everyone from John Lennon to Bono to Mick Jagger, Led Zeppelin, Patti Smith, Eminem, and Jay-Z and Beyonce. She’s talked nail polish with a 12-year-old Michael Jackson, hosted The Clash at Studio 54, and watched David Bowie and Lou Reed slow dance at a gay club in London. She had total access to the punk scene at CBGBs, sat at Andy Warhol’s fabled table at Max’s Kansas City, was on a private plane with the Rolling Stones that almost crashed in a lightning storm, and with Led Zeppelin when their tour manager whipped out a gun. She introduced David Bowie to Lou Reed and got Elvis Costello and the Clash their record deals. The story of rock and roll is Lisa Robinson’s story and she has lived and breathed music – the sound, the scene, the personalities – for decades. Unlike all of the other women ever allowed on tour, Lisa was never a groupie; she never parties with the musicians, she instead asked all the right (and wrong) questions, earning their respect and trust, capturing hours of the authentic, often hidden side of rock’s most public persona’s. Lisa was the only female music journalist to break into an elite boys club, tour with the Stones on their “Tour of the Americas” and accompany Led Zeppelin on five tours in the ‘70s. She’s been on the side of the stage, backstage, in dressing rooms, hotel rooms, seedy motel rooms, tour buses, recording studios, and private homes of the biggest stars and the most obscure ones and has seen the sex, the drugs, and, of course, the rock and roll. From rock to punk to hip hop, Lisa has over four decades of unparalleled access to anyone and everyone and she’s sharing her stories for the first time here.
Biography & Memoir, History, General Nonfiction, Nonfiction
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Riverhead Books (Verleger)
(User: RiverheadBooks)
February 2014
Startet: 2014-02-03
Abgeschlossen: 2014-02-24
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