
A Princess of Passyunk
Format: Open, non-DRM file. Winners will be sent the url of a webpage where they can download the eBook in PDF, ePub, Kindle, or prc format. "If Market Street ever flooded," said Stanislaus Ouspensky, "South Philly would be an island. ...Water on three sides; history on the fourth. All it would take is a little push and we're cut off from the present. Because Time gets confused in South Philly." So begins A PRINCESS OF PASSYUNK. Set in Philadelphia in the 1950's, A PRINCESS OF PASSYUNK is a peculiar coming-of-age tale--a story of faith, love and magic set in the archipelago formed by immigrant neighborhoods. Three generations live in the Puzdrovsky house on the zibete (Seventh Street). They are Polish and American; Jewish and Catholic. They are bound by the past and divided by the future. Baba Irina, the embodiment of tradition, is the keeper of the past. She spins tales of the homeland in which her teenaged grandson, Ganady, believes as completely and naturally as he believes in Irina, herself. So, Ganady Puzdrovsky grows from boy to man on a quest for New World magic. He finds it in unlikely places: in his Baba Irina's stories, in the imaginative ramblings of Mr. Ouspensky, in the religious faith of a priest and a rabbi, in a pop foul at a Giants'/Phillies game, in love that goes beyond racial or religious boundaries, in Izzy's Jewish deli. Ganady hardly notices when he is gradually drawn into one of Baba's stories and, through the agency of a very special baseball, finds and falls for a peculiar and mysterious princess that no one else believes exists. But having found the girl of his dreams, Ganady loses her again. He must go on a hero's quest and contend with a Sausage King, a feisty crone, and a winsome bard in order to find her. Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff is the author of six fantasy novels and a collection of short fiction (I LOVED THY CREATION). She is also a founding member of the Book View Café online publishing co-op. Her short works have been published in Analog, Amazing Stories, Realms of Fantasy, Interzone, and Jim Baen's Universe and have been finalists for the Nebula, Sidewise and British Science Fiction awards. She is also a musician/singer/songwriter and performs and records original and filk/parody music with husband Jeff. Their latest release is, "Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff: Grated Hits." Maya is currently working on a new Star Wars novel with Michael Reaves.
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
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BookViewCafe (Verleger)
(User: chrisdolley)
August 2010
Startet: 2010-08-09
Abgeschlossen: 2010-08-27
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