
On the Evolution from the Primitive Egoic Mind by Means of Pure Consciousness: Through Living Exclusively in the Present Moment

This book is meant to help ANYONE desiring to UPDATE the Operating System of their own MIND. I will show you how you can rewire your brain as proven by science. In the book, I show public domain scientific studies display how techniques like my program connect your brain to itself in UNFATHOMABLE WAYS.

Science studies have found this interconnection of the brain leads to a significant reduction in stress, controls anxiety, promotes emotional health, enhances self-awareness, lengthens attention span, reduces age-related memory loss, generates kindness, help fight addictions, improves sleep, helps control pain, decrease blood pressure, and its accessible anywhere and its always FREE!

The science journals provided conclusively prove when there's a decrease in the function of the Default Mode Network, the brain rewires, and makes new connections and associations. I believe it's what the mystics were referring to as GOD. The Default Mode Network is the function of the brain that's responsible for the self-conversation / self-monologue that happens inside everyone's mind.

There have been 3 proven ways to decrease the Default Mode function: Psilocybin, LSD, and meditation. All of them are temporary. Except meditation. BUT ONLY IF practiced throughout the entire day, like my program shown in the book.

I recently saw a documentary on Thich Nhat Han. He explained how Buddhism prevailed in society for some time and there was peace. It was his life's work to bring the ideology back to awareness and practice. But our society is now being governed entirely by the Egoic self and with very little restraint. And there are no new plans for how to curb the suffering imposed by the self on almost the entire population (except for medications).

Unfortunately, Buddhism is an ideology in itself. And even though it's also a way to connectedness, most Buddhist believe Enlightenment is only for the Buddha.

Not good! Everyone is most welcomed. Please!

Get your brain connected and see there are no such ideals within.

My program does NOT discriminate.

Any race, color, beliefs, religion, addictions, political affiliations, disabilities, LGBTQ, etc.

I now believe it is possible for mental disease to be a thing of the troubled past!

Follow my crystal clear, extra easy instructions and find out for yourself.

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Health & Wellness, Nonfiction
Angeboten von
vicber (Autor)
Veröffentlicht von
Independently Published
Januar 2023
Startet: 2023-01-02
Abgeschlossen: 2023-01-25
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