
GRE Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence Practice Questions (Sixth Edition)

Practice GRE Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence questions to improve your vocabulary and learn to fill in the blanks!

This book comprises:

  • 250+ Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence Questions
  • Practical Strategies to tackle the questions
  • Detailed Answer Explanations
  • Overview of the GRE General Test (updated after Covid-19)
  • Stress Management Techniques (online)
  • 6-month and 8-week study plans (online)

This book contains 132 Text Completion and 121 Sentence Equivalence practice questions that are given in the exact format of the actual test. Besides, answers to the questions are not stated in one word but are explained in detail in the book so that you can understand why an option is correct or incorrect and comprehend the context behind the questions.

To approach the two types of questions, the book also includes effective strategies to improve your vocabulary, choose the correct answers, and effectively manage your time on the test day. An overview of the GRE General Test in the book gives you an idea of the format and scoring procedures of the test.

Additional Resources

To lower the stress experienced when preparing for the GRE, you can also access an eBook on Stress Management available on our website. The eBook has techniques to manage stress and plan out your prep with a 6-month and an 8-week study plan.

About Test Prep Series

The focus of the Test Prep Series is to make test preparation streamlined and fruitful for competitive exam aspirants. Students preparing for the entrance exams can now access the most comprehensive series of prep guides for GRE, GMAT, ACT, and SAT preparation. All the books in this series are thoroughly researched, frequently updated, and packed with relevant content that has been prepared by authors with more than a decade of experience in the field.

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Reference, Nonfiction
Angeboten von
Vibrant Publishers (Verleger)
(User: VibrantPublishers)
Januar 2023
Startet: 2023-01-02
Abgeschlossen: 2023-01-25
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