
Paper Covers Rock & Triplicity: Poems in Threes (Indigo Ink Flip Edition)
Poetry so sharp it will cut the roof of your mouth. One snips authentically around the edges of an erotic coming of age tale, then plunges into the heart of what it means to be a woman; the other stabs precisely into the chaos of love, loss and levity all with complete ubiquity. United in Indigo Ink's debut "flip" edition, two pointed, poignant poets will cleave you, leave you ragged with their jagged lines and barbed writing. Paper Covers Rock is a collection of poems, largely in first-person persona, that explores coming-of-age as perpetual transition-birth, death, love, loss, sex, illness, and transcendence. Inspired by William Blake's line, "To see the world in a grain of sand" (Auguries of Innocence), many of the poems suggest that we can find vast truth in small events, life continually unfolding its mystery in everyday happenings. Primarily narrative, the poetry is lean, direct and grounded in fresh images. While Triplicity: Poems in Threes didn't start out as a collection of triplets, these utterly disarming poems fit quite snuggly into themed triads. At once ethereal and cryptic, McHenry writes eloquently about everything from pigs to prophets, from Vegas to victims, and the dangers of falling love with a Vulcan and does so with the experience of a woman navigating her female-ness.
Poetry, Fiction and Literature
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Indigo Ink Press (Verleger)
(User: IndigoInkPress)
August 2011
Startet: 2011-08-08
Abgeschlossen: 2011-08-30
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