
When You Come Home
With the publication of When You Come Home, award-winning novelist Nora Eisenberg enters uncharted territory in American fiction, exploring the tragedy of the first Gulf War and Gulf War Illness. The novel's publication coincides with a major scientific report that concludes, after 18 years of official denial, that Gulf War Illness is a serious disease caused by toxins the government exposed soldiers to in the 1991 war. As thousands of soldiers return home with similar symptoms from today's war in the region and civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to suffer, Eisenberg's tale resounds with urgent meaning and engages pressing public issues through the most intimate of stories. A timely political novel, When You Come Home, is also a timeless love story. In the Gulf sands, surrounded by death and danger of the 1991 war, marine reservist Anthony Brave has thought only of Lily, the feisty orphan raised in his home. When he comes home, their childhood affection morphs into adult love. Both have lost fathers to the Vietnam War, but now, safe and settled, they rejoice that war and loss are behind them at last. Or, so it seems. Readers will be shocked--and haunted--by what Tony discovers about war, country, and self in the gripping conclusion of this groundbreaking novel.
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
Curbstone Press (Verleger)
(User: Curbstone)
February 2009
Startet: 2009-02-02
Abgeschlossen: 2009-02-25
Im Verkauf
Kanada, Vereinigte Staaten
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