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Do have a list of "you and one other" books as long as your library? Are many of them stapled together, or in envelopes, or published by presses run out of someone's loft? There's some Thingers out there with great collections of post-LANGUAGE poetry and other weird shit from the edge. Writers as well as readers. Time to say [Fuck You. Aloha. I Love You.]

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Peripheral Works1 ungelesen / 1oh_that_zoe, Oktober 2008
Tiny but Tasty5 ungelesen / 5samay54, Dezember 2007
What Makes You Meow?7 ungelesen / 7lategray, September 2007
poetics of the moment1 ungelesen / 1deliriumslibrarian, August 2007
Notes Toward an Apocryphal Text1 ungelesen / 1burningaccordion, April 2007
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