ReihenMnemosyne Supplements

433 Werke Beliebtheit 21,022 (359 Mitglieder) 1,615 Bücher 3 Rezensionen 4.0
Two Comedies by Apollodorus of Carystus Terence's Hecyra and Phormio von Wolter Everard Johan Kuiper 2 Exemplare1
The Greek Aulularia : a study of the original of Plautus' masterpiece von W.E.J. Kuiper 1 Exemplar2
A systematical bibliography of Sallust (1879-1950) (Mnemosyne bibliotheca classica Batava. Supplementum) von Anton Daniël Leeman 1 Exemplar4
The Poet at Play (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Kenneth John McKay 1 Exemplar6
Erysichthon: A Callimachean Comedy (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von K.J. McKay 1 Exemplar7
Prolegomena to an edition of the scholia to Statius (Mnemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava) von Robert Dale Sweeney 1 Exemplar8
Three Odes of Pindar von David C. Young 3 Exemplare9
Enarratio Catulliana. Carmina L, XXX, LXV, LXVIII von Charles Witke 2 Exemplare10
P. Rutilii Lupi De figuris sententiarum et elocutionis libri duo . Accedunt Aquilae Romani et Julii Rufiniani de eodem argumento libri von Publius Rutilius Lupus 1 Exemplar11
Thesaurus criticus ad Sexti Propertii textum von W.R. Smyth 2 Exemplare12
The Ephebic Inscriptions of the Fourth Century B.C. (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von O. W. Reinmuth 1 Exemplar14
Apollonius' Argonautica Re-Examined. I: The Neglected First and Second Books (Mnemosyne, Supplement 13) von Levin 1 Exemplar15
Pindar Isthmian 7: Myth and Exempla (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von David C. Young 3 Exemplare15
The Date and Author of the Satyricon: With an Introduction by J.P. Sullivan (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von K F C Rose 1 Exemplar16
Theme of the Mutilation of the Corpse in the Iliad von Charles Segal 3 Exemplare17
Petron : Überlieferung und Rekonstruktion von Helmut van Thiel 2 Exemplare20
The Fifth Column in the Peloponnesian War von Luis A. Losada 2 Exemplare21
The Textual Transmission of Caesar's Civil War (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Virginia Brown 2 Exemplare23
Studies in Catullan Verse: An Analysis of Word Types and Patterns in the Polymetra (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Loomis 3 Exemplare24
Man in an artificial landscape: The marvels of civilization in imperial Roman literature (Mnemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava. Supplementum) von Zoja Pavlovskis 0 Exemplare25
Blameless Aegisthus. A study of Amumōn [Romanized form] and other Homeric epithets von Anne Amory Parry 2 Exemplare26
Aeneid VIII and the Aitia of Callimachus von Edward Vincent George 2 Exemplare27
The oral nature of the Homeric simile von William C. Scott 3 Exemplare28
Enallage and Greek Style (Mnemosyne , Vol Suppl. 29) von Victor Bers 1 Exemplar29
Comedy in the Pro Caelio: With an Appendix on the in Clodium Et Curionem von Katherine A. Geffcken 12 Exemplare30
Political intelligence in classical Greece (Mnemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava) von Chester G. Starr 1 Exemplar31
Aphrodite's Entry Into Greek Epic (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Deborah Dickmann Boedeker 0 Exemplare32
Panyassis of Halikarnassos : text and commentary von V. J. Matthews 0 Exemplare33
Heroism and divine justice in Sophocles' Philoctetes von Joe Park Poe 1 Exemplar34
A commentary on Virgil : Aeneid VIII von P. T. Eden 1 Exemplar35
The Arms of Achilles and Homeric Compositional Technique (Mnemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava : Supplementum) von Richard Stoll Shannon Iii 0 Exemplare36
Studies in the Scholia on Aeschylus: I. the Recensions of Demetrius Triclinius (Mnemosyne, Supplements) (English and Ancient Greek Edition) von Ole Langwitz Smith 0 Exemplare37
Inlaboratus et facilis: aspects of structure in some letters of Seneca von B. L. Hijmans 1 Exemplar38
A bibliography of Petronius von Gareth L. Schmeling 5 Exemplare39
Lucretius and the diatribe against the fear of death: De rerum natura, 3 von Barbara Price Wallach 2 Exemplare40
Lucian : theme and variation in the second sophistic von Graham Anderson 4 Exemplare41
Helen : the evolution from divine to heroic in Greek epic tradition von Linda L. Clader 5 Exemplare42
Studies in Lucian's comic fiction von Graham Anderson 3 Exemplare43
De Hagniae hereditate : an Athenian inheritance case von Wesley E. Thompson 0 Exemplare44
C. Sallustius Crispus, Bellum Catilinae : a commentary von Patrick McGushin 1 Exemplar45
The Living Universe: God and Men in Virgil's Aeneid von Agathe Thornton 2 Exemplare46
Ovid's art of imitation: Propertius in the 'Amores' (Mnemosyne) von Kathleen Morgan 0 Exemplare47
In Mist Apparelled: Religious Themes in Plutarch's "Moralia" and "Lives" (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Frederick E. Brenk 0 Exemplare48
The Prescripts of Athenian Decrees von Alan S. Henry 1 Exemplar49
Interpretations of Plato: A Swarthmore Symposium (Mnemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava : Supplementum 50) von Helen F. North 2 Exemplare50
The elder Seneca von Lewis A. Sussman 0 Exemplare51
The Last Scenes of the Odyssey (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Dorothea Schmidt Wender 1 Exemplar52
The Silvae of Statius : structure and theme von Stephen Thomas Newmyer 1 Exemplar53
Literacy in ancient Sparta (Mnemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava : Supplementum) von Terrence A. Boring 2 Exemplare54
Theocritus at court (Mnemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava : Supplementum) von Frederick T Griffiths 1 Exemplar55
The Letters of Apollonius of Tyana: A Critical Text with Prolegomena, Translation and Commentary by R.J. Penella (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Robert J. Penella 1 Exemplar56
Private morality in Greece and Rome : some historical aspects von W. den Boer 1 Exemplar57
Narrative and simile from the Georgics in the Aeneid von Ward W. Briggs 1 Exemplar58
Callimachus' Iambi von D. L. Clayman 3 Exemplare59
Vergil's Agricultural Golden Age: A Study of the Georgics (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von P a Johnston 0 Exemplare60
Liber de Optimo Genere Interpretandi (Epistula 57): Ein Kommentar Von G.J.M. Bartelink (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Hieronymus 0 Exemplare61
Manners in the homeric epic von I. M. Hohendahl-Zoetelief 0 Exemplare63
A Commentary on Persius (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von R A Harvey 0 Exemplare64
Studies in Greek colour terminology von P. G. Maxwell-Stuart 0 Exemplare65
The Dido Episode and the Aeneid: Roman Social and Political Values in the Epic (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava. Supplementum, 66) von Richard C. Monti 0 Exemplare66
Studies in Greek colour terminology von P. G. Maxwell-Stuart 1 Exemplar67
On Seneca's "Ad Marciam" von C. E. Manning 1 Exemplar69
Les rôles du mágeiros : étude sur la boucherie, la cuisine et le sacrifice dans la Gr ece ancienne von Guy Berthiaume 2 Exemplare70
A Commentary on Quintus Smyrnaeus Posthomerica XII (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava, Supplementum) von Malcolm Campbell 0 Exemplare71
Echoes and Imitations of Early Epic in Apollonius Rhodius (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Malcolm Campbell 0 Exemplare72
Formular Language and Poetic Design in the Aeneid von Walter Moskalew 3 Exemplare73
The Classical Priamel from Homer to Boethius (Mnemosyne , Vol Suppl. 74) von William H. Race 2 Exemplare74
The Syntax of Sophocles (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von A. C. Moorhouse 1 Exemplar75
Catullus 68 : an interpretation von John Sarkissian 1 Exemplar76
Horace's Roman Odes : a critical examination von Charles Witke 1 Exemplar77
Euripides' Bacchae : the play and its audience von Hans Oranje 2 Exemplare78
P. Papini Stati Thebaidos Libri XII: Recensuit Et Cum Apparatu Critico Et Exegetico Instruxit (Mnemosyne , Vol Suppl. 79) (Latin Edition) von D. E. Hill 3 Exemplare79
The paintings in the Cnidian Lesche at Delphi and their historical context (Mnemosyne bibliotheca classica Batava) von Robert B. Kebric 1 Exemplar80
Aristophanes and Athenian society of the early fourth century B.C von Joseph David 1 Exemplar81
P. Papinius Statius, Silvae book II : a commentary von H.-J. van Dam 1 Exemplar82
Callimachus, Hymn to Delos von Callimachus 2 Exemplare83
Fortress Attica : defense of the Athenian land frontier, 404-322 B.C. von Josiah Ober 5 Exemplare84
The Pindaric Mind: A Study of Logical Structure in Early Greek Poetry (Mnemosyne , Vol Suppl. 85) von Thomas K. Hubbard 2 Exemplare85
Commentary on Hesiod - Works and Days, Vv. 1-382: Works and Days, Vv. L-382 (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava. Supplementum, 86) von W. J. Verdenius 4 Exemplare86
Euripides Kresphontes and Archelaos : introduction, text and commentary von Annette Harder 3 Exemplare87
The Eclogues and Cynegetica of Nemesianus von Heather J. Williams 4 Exemplare88
The Foreign Policy of Mithridates VI Eupator, King of Pontus von B.C. McGing 4 Exemplare89
Lucretius and the late Republic : an essay in Roman intellectual history von John Douglas Minyard 5 Exemplare90
Roman economic policy in the Erythra Thalassa, 30 B.C. - A.D. 217 von S.E. Sidebotham 1 Exemplar91
Rethinking Plato and Platonism (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava) von C.J. de Vogel 2 Exemplare92
From Delos to Delphi: A Literary Study of the Homeric Hymn to Apollo (Mnemosyne, Bibliothica Classica Batava) von Miller 2 Exemplare93
The Chaonian Dove: studies in the Eclogues, Georgics, and Aeneid of Virgil von A. J. Boyle 2 Exemplare94
Athletics in ancient Athens von D G Kyle 0 Exemplare95
Seneca on the Stage von Dana Ferrin Sutton 2 Exemplare96
Commentaries on Pindar. 2, Olympian odes 1, 10, 11, Nemean 11, Isthmian 2 von W. J. Verdenius 2 Exemplare97
Xenophon's Sparta: An Introduction (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum, 98) von Gerald Proietti 1 Exemplar98
Some recently found Greek poems: text and commentary von Jan Maarten Bremer 5 Exemplare99
Hephaestion on Metre: A Translation and Commentary (Mnemosyne : Bibliotheca Classica Batava) von J. M. van Ophuijsen 1 Exemplar100
Time Holds the Mirror: A Study of Knowledge in Euripides Hippolytus (Mnemosyne Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum, 102) von Cecelia Eaton Luschnig 0 Exemplare102
Alcestis Barcinonensis: Text and Commentary (Mnemosyne Supplement 103) von Miroslav Marcovich 0 Exemplare103
Alexander the Great and Bactria: The Formation of a Greek Frontier in Central Asia (Mnemosyme, Bibliotheca Classica Batava, Supplementum Centisimum) von Frank L. Holt 15 Exemplare104
Senecas Tragodien: Sprachliche und Stilistische Untersuchungen: Mit Anhangen zur Sprache des Hercules Oetaeus und der Octavia: Mit Anhaengen Zur ... Und Der "Octavia" (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Margarethe Billerbeck 1 Exemplar105
Die Einheit Der Polis: Eine Studie Uber Platons Staat (Mnemosyne , Vol Suppl. 106) (German Edition) von J. F. M. Arends 0 Exemplare106
The textual tradition of Plato's Republic von G. J. Boter 1 Exemplar107
Stratagem and the Vocabulary of Military Trickery (Mnemosyne Supplement 108) von Everett L. Wheeler 2 Exemplare108
Philip II and the Sacred War (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava. Supplementum Centesimum Nonum, Vol 109) von John Buckler 2 Exemplare109
The Archaistic Style in Roman Statuary (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Mark D. Fullerton 2 Exemplare110
Politics and Persuasion in Aristophanes' Ecclesiazusae (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Kenneth S. Rothwell 3 Exemplare111
Eduard Meyer : Leben und Leistung eines Universalhistorikers von William M. Calder, III 0 Exemplare112
Georg Busolt : his career in his letters von Mortimer H. Chambers 0 Exemplare113
A study of Thumos in early Greek epic von Caroline P. Caswell 1 Exemplar114
Isis Und Ihre Dienerinnen in Der Kunst Der Romischen Kaiserzeit (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) (German Edition) von Johannes Eingartner 0 Exemplare115
Narrative in Drama: The Art of the Euripidean Messenger-Speech (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Irene J. F. de Jong 2 Exemplare116
The language of the freedmen in Petronius' Cena Trimalchionis von Bret Boyce 2 Exemplare117
Demokrit - Lachender Philosoph Und Sanguinischer Melancholiker: Eine Pseudohippokratische Geschichte (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (German Edition) von Thomas Rütten 0 Exemplare118
Promise-Giving and Treaty-Making: Homer and the Near East (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Peter Karavites 0 Exemplare119
The rhetoric of gender terms : 'man', 'woman', and the portrayal of character in Latin prose von Francesca Santoro L'Hoir 4 Exemplare120
Ships and sea-power before the great Persian War : the ancestry of the ancient trireme von H. T. Wallinga 8 Exemplare121
Vergil's Aeneid: A Poem of Grief and Love (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Steven Farron 1 Exemplar122
Les Lieux Communs Du Roman: Stereotypes Grecs D'Aventure Et D'Amour (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (French Edition) von Françoise Létoublon 1 Exemplar123
Narrative Setting and Dramatic Poetry (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Mary Kuntz 2 Exemplare124
Die Orationes Homeri Des Leonardo Bruni Aretino: Kritische Edition Der Lateinischen Und Kastilianischen Ubersetzung Mit Prolegomena Und Kommentar ... Batava Supplementum) (German Edition) von Peter Thiermann 0 Exemplare126
Religion in Livy (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von D. S. Levene 5 Exemplare127
Studies in Euripides' "Orestes" (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von John R. Porter 1 Exemplar128
Two Studies in Attic Particle Usage: Lysias and Plato (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von C.M.J. Sicking 2 Exemplare129
Modern Critical Theory and Classical Literature (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Irene J. F. De Jong 5 Exemplare130
Homeric morality von Naoko Yamagata 4 Exemplare131
Euripidea (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von David Kovacs 3 Exemplare132
The declamations of Calpurnius Flaccus : text, translation, and commentary von L.A. Sussman 1 Exemplar133
Statius Thebaid VII: A Commentary (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Johannes Jacobus Louis Smolenaars 4 Exemplare134
Methods in the Mediterranean : historical and archaeological views on texts and archaeology von David B. Small 1 Exemplar135
The Mythic Voice of Statius: Power and Politics in the Thebaid (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von William J. Dominik 1 Exemplar136
Plato's Apology of Socrates: A Literary and Philosophical Study with a running Commentary von E. de Strykker 1 Exemplar137
Seneca's Phoenissae: Introduction and Commentary (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Marica Frank 3 Exemplare138
Leaders and Masses in the Roman World: Studies in Honor of Zvi Yavetz (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Irad Malkin 3 Exemplare139
Theatres in Roman Palestine and Provincia Arabia (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Arthur Segal 3 Exemplare140
A Commentary on Apollonius Rhodius Argonautica III 1-471 (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Malcolm Campbell 2 Exemplare141
Apollonius' Argonautica: A Callimachean Epic (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Mary Margolies Deforest 2 Exemplare142
Ancient Stepmothers: Myth, Misogyny, and Reality (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Patricia A. Watson 4 Exemplare143
Psychological and ethical ideas : what early Greeks say von Shirley Darcus Sullivan 5 Exemplare144
Athenian Settlements of the Fourth Century B. C. von Jack Cargill 1 Exemplar145
Theatrum Arbitri: Theatrical Elements in the Satyrica of Petronius (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Costas Panayotakis 3 Exemplare146
Groaning tears : ethical and dramatic aspects of suicide in Greek tragedy von Elise P. Garrison 3 Exemplare147
Blood and Iron: Stories and Storytelling in Homer's Odyssey (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von S. Douglas Olson 1 Exemplar148
Olbia: Eine Altgriechische Stadt Im Nordwestlichen Schwarzmeerraum (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (English and German Edition) von Jurij G Vinogradov 0 Exemplare149
Interpolation in Thucydides (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Karl Maurer 3 Exemplare150
A companion to the study of Virgil von Nicholas Horsfall 25 Exemplare151
The Renewal of Epic: Responses to Homer in the Argonautica of Apollonius (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Virginia H. Knight 5 Exemplare152
The Gorgon's Severed Head: Studies of Alcestis, Electra, and Phoenissae von C. A. E. Luschnig 3 Exemplare153
Lygdamus: Corpus Tibullianum Iii. 1-6: Lygdami Elegiarum Liber (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Fernando Navarro Antolín 0 Exemplare154
Antimachus of Colophon: Text and Commentary (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von V. J. Matthews 1 Exemplar155
The Role of Metals in Ancient Greek History (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Studies in Human Society,) von Michail Yu Treister 2 Exemplare156
Voice into Text: Orality and Literacy in Ancient Greece (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Ian Worthington 4 Exemplare157
Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica, Book V: A Commentary (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Bk. 5) von H. J. W. Wijsman 2 Exemplare158
The novel in the ancient world von Gareth L. Schmeling 20 Exemplare, 1 Rezension159
Two Studies in the Semantics of the Verb in Classical Greek (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von C.M.J. Sicking 4 Exemplare160
Euripidea Altera (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplemen von David Kovacs 1 Exemplar161
Warrior Women: The Anonymous Tractatus De Mulieribus (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Deborah Levine Gera 6 Exemplare162
A new companion to Homer von Ian Morris 23 Exemplare163
Temples, Religion and Politics in the Roman Republic von Eric M. Orlin 17 Exemplare164
Geschichte der römischen Literatur. von Michael von Albrecht 16 Exemplare165
Αἶνοι, Λόγοι, Μῡθοι: Fables in Archaic, Classical, & Hellenistic Greek Literature: With a Study of the Theory & Terminology of the Genre von Gert-Jan van Dijk 2 Exemplare166
Die Lieder des Bakchylides von Herwig Maehler 3 Exemplare167
Two Greek rhetorical treatises from the Roman Empire : introduction, text, and translation of the Arts of rhetoric, attributed to Anonymous Seguerianus and to Apsines of Gadara von Mervin R. Dilts 1 Exemplar168
Quaestiones Propertianae (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Hans Christian Günther 0 Exemplare169
P. Ovidius Naso, Der XII. Heroidenbrief: Medea an Jason : Einleitung, Text und Kommentar von Theodor Heinze 1 Exemplar170
Grammar As Interpretation: Greek Literature in Its Linguistic Contexts (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Egbert J. Bakker 4 Exemplare171
A Companion to the Greek Lyric Poets (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Douglas E. Gerber 7 Exemplare173
The Greek World of Apuleius: Apuleius and the Second Sophistic von Gerald Sandy 5 Exemplare174
Greek readers' digests? : studies on a selection of subliterary papyri von Monique van Rossum-Steenbeek 1 Exemplar175
Paralysin Cave: Impotence, Perception, and Text in the Satyrica of Petronius (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Sup von John M. McMahon 2 Exemplare176
The Near East Under Roman Rule: Selected Papers (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Benjamin Isaac 2 Exemplare177
Dynastic Lycia: A Political History of the Lycians and Their Relations With Foreign Powers, C. 545-362 B.C. von Antony G. Keen 3 Exemplare178
Lucian's Science Fiction Novel True Histories: Interpretation and Commentary (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Aristoula Georgiadou 9 Exemplare179
Ein Neuer Metrischer Traktat Und Das Studium Der Pindarischen Metrik in Der Philologie Der Palologemzeit (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava) (German Edition) von Hans Christian Günther 0 Exemplare180
A Textual History of Cicero's Academici Libri (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (English and Latin Edition) von David J Hunt 0 Exemplare181
Athenian Generals: Military Authority in the Classical Period von Debra Hamel 4 Exemplare182
The Propaganda of Power: The Role of Panegyric in Late Antiquity (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava. Supplementum, 183) von Mary Whitby 0 Exemplare183
The Poetics of Aristotle and the Tractatus Coislinianus: A Bibliography from About 900 Till 1996 (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Omert J Schrier 2 Exemplare184
Distant Companions: Selected Papers (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava. Supplementum, 185.) von C.M.J. Sicking 0 Exemplare185
Lucrece Et Les Sciences De LA Vie (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava) (French Edition) von P.H. Schrijvers 0 Exemplare186
Seneca - Hercules Furens: Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar von Margarethe Billerbeck 3 Exemplare, 1 Rezension187
Signs of Orality: The Oral Tradition and Its Influence in the Greek and Roman World (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von E. Anne Mackay 3 Exemplare188
Roman Epic: An Interpretive Introduction (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Michael von Albrecht 0 Exemplare189
A Commentary on the Letters of M. Cornelius Fronto (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Michael Petrus Josephus van den Hout 3 Exemplare190
The Limits of Historiography: Genre and Narrative in Ancient Historical Texts (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Christina S. Kraus 3 Exemplare191
Greek Colonisation: An Account of Greek Colonies and Other Settlements Overseas (Mnemosyne Bibliotheca Classica Batava) von Gocha R. Tsetskhladze 5 Exemplare193
Imperial women : a study in public images, 40 B.C.-A.D. 68 von Susane Wood 8 Exemplare194
Linguistics into Interpretation, Speeches of War in Herodotus VII 5 & 8-18: Speeches of War in Herodotus VII 5 & 8-18 (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica ... (English and Ancient Greek Edition) von Johannes M. van Ophuijsen 1 Exemplar195
Ancient Greeks West and East: Edited by Gocha R. Tsetskhladze (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Gocha R. Tsetskhladze 5 Exemplare196
Three Aeginetan Odes of Pindar: A Commentary on Nemean V, Nemean Iii, & Pythian VIII (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (English and Ancient Greek Edition) von Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer 2 Exemplare197
Virgil, Aeneid 7: A Commentary (Mnemosyne Supplements) (Bk. 7) von Nicholas Horsfall 5 Exemplare198
Military religion in Roman Britain von Georgia L. Irby-Massie 2 Exemplare199
The League of Aitolians (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von John D. Grainger 2 Exemplare200
History of the Graeco-Latin Fable: Introduction and from the Origins to the Hellenistic Age (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Francisco Rodríguez Adrados 1 Exemplar201
Aitolian Prosopographical Studies (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von John D. Grainger 0 Exemplare202
Harmonics von Jon Solomon 4 Exemplare203
Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica, Book VI : a commentary von H. J. W. Wijsman 3 Exemplare204
Josephus and the Politics of Historiography: Apologetic and Impression Management in the Bellum Judaicum (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Gottfried Mader 3 Exemplare205
Poetry for Patrons: Literary Communication in the Age of Domitian (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Ruurd R. Nauta 1 Exemplar206
History of the Graeco-Latin Fable: The Fable During the Roman Empire and in the Middle Ages (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Francisco Rodríguez Adrados 0 Exemplare207
A Commentary on Quintus of Smyrna, Posthomerica V (Mnemosyne Bibliotheca Classica Batava) von Alan James 0 Exemplare208
Leaving Words to Remember: Greek Mourning and the Advent of Literacy (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Katharine Derderian 2 Exemplare209
The Challenge of Epic: Allusive Engagement in the Dionysiaca of Nonnus (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Robert Shorrock 0 Exemplare210
Debating Roman Demography (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Walter Scheidel 5 Exemplare211
L. Annaeus Seneca Troades : introduction, text, and commentary and Dutch translation von Atze J. Keulen 2 Exemplare212
The Role of the Physical Environment in Ancient Greek Seafaring (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Jamie Morton 3 Exemplare213
Collected papers on Greek colonization von A. J. Graham 2 Exemplare214
Die Erzahlung Von Meleagros: Zur Literarischen Entwicklung Der Kalydnischen Kultlegende (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (German Edition) von Peter Grossardt 0 Exemplare215
Ethics in Aesop's Fables: The Augustana Collection (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Christos A. Zafiropoulos 3 Exemplare216
A Companion to Apollonius Rhodius von Theodore D. Papanghelis 11 Exemplare217
Speaking Volumes: Orality and Literacy in the Greek and Roman World (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum von Janet Watson 1 Exemplar218
Dolos and Dike in Sophokles' Elektra (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Leona Macleod 2 Exemplare219
Reading the Ovidian Heroine: "Metamorphoses" Commentaries, 1100-1618 (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supple von Kathryn L. McKinley 2 Exemplare220
Ovid Heroides 11, 13, and 14 : a commentary von James Reeson 3 Exemplare221
Apollonius of Perga's Conica: Text, Context, Subtext (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Michael Fried 0 Exemplare222
A Commentary on Isocrates' Busiris (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Niall Livingstone 4 Exemplare223
Clio and the Poets: Augustan Poetry and the Traditions of Ancient Historiography (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Damien P. Nelis 7 Exemplare224
The orator in action and theory in Greece and Rome von Cecil W. Wooten 2 Exemplare225
Martial, Book VII: A Commentary (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Guillermo Galan Vioque 2 Exemplare226
Die Unfahigkeit Sich Zu Erkennen: Sophokles' Tragodien (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Eckard Lefèvre 0 Exemplare227
Death on the Nile: Disease and the Demography of Roman Egypt (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnem von Walter Scheidel 8 Exemplare228
Philitas of Cos (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Konstantinos Spanoudakis 1 Exemplar229
Epea and Grammata. Oral and Written Communication in Ancient Greece: Orality and Literacy in Ancient Greece (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Ian Worthington 4 Exemplare230
Thinking Like a Lawyer: Essays on Legal History and General History for John Crook on His Eightieth Birthday (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Paul McKechnie 1 Exemplar231
The Classical Commentary: Histories, Practices, Theory (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Roy K. Gibson 4 Exemplare232
After the Past: Essays in Ancient History in Honour of H.W. Pleket (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Willem Jongman 0 Exemplare233
Oikistes: Studies in Constitutions, Colonies, and Military Power in the Ancient World offered in Honor of A.J. Graham von Vanessa B. Gorman 1 Exemplar234
Noch Einmal Zu...: Kleine Schriften Von Stefan Radt Zu Seinem 75. Geburtstag (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava) von Stefan Lorenz Radt 0 Exemplare235
History of the Graeco-Latin Fable: Inventory and Documentation of the Graeco-Latin Fable (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Francisco Rodríguez Adrados 1 Exemplar236
Stesichoros, P. Oxy. 2359, 3876, 2619 & 2803 (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Gerson Schade 3 Exemplare237
Andreia: Studies in Manliness and Courage in Classical Antiquity (Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava, Supplementum, Vol. 238) von Ralph M. Rosen 2 Exemplare238
The Roman war of Antiochos the Great von John D. Grainger 5 Exemplare239
Euripidea Tertia (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von David Kovacs 0 Exemplare240
The Ancient Novel and Beyond (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Stelios Panayotakis 2 Exemplare241
Converging Truths: Euripides' "Ion" and the Athenian Quest for Self-Definition (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Katerina Zacharia 1 Exemplar242
Justice As an Aspect of the Polis Idea in Solon's Political Poems: A Reading of the Fragments in Light of the Researches of the New Classical Archaeology (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Joseph A. Almeida 1 Exemplar243
Virgil, Aeneid 11: A Commentary (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava. Supplementum, 244) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Nicholas Horsfall 5 Exemplare244
Cicero's Style: A Synopsis (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Michael von Albrecht 7 Exemplare245
Greek Identity in the Western Mediterranean: Papers in Honour of Brian Shefton (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Kathryn Lomas 7 Exemplare246
A Rhetorical Grammar: C. Iulius Romanus, Introduction to the Liber de Adverbio von Dirk Schenkeveld 0 Exemplare247
Oral Performance and Its Context (Mnemosyne Supplements) von C. J. Mackie 0 Exemplare248
Lucans poetische Technik : Studien zum historischen Epos von Jan Radicke 2 Exemplare249
The Statesman in Plutarch's Works, Volume I: Plutarch's Statesman and His Aftermath: Political, Philosophical, and Literary Aspects von Lukas de Blois 1 Exemplar250
Ovid, Fasti 1: A Commentary (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Steven J. Green 6 Exemplare251
Wort und Wandlung : Senecas Lebenskunst von Michael von Albrecht 2 Exemplare252
The story of Apollonius, King of Tyre : a study of its Greek origin and an edition of the two oldest Latin recensio von G. A. A. Kortekaas 3 Exemplare253
Free Speech In Classical Antiquity (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Ralph M. Rosen 4 Exemplare254
The narrative voice in the Theogony of Hesiod von Kathryn Stoddard 6 Exemplare255
Annaeana Tragica: Notes On the Text of Seneca's Tragedies (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von John G. Fitch 1 Exemplar256
Narrators, narratees, and narratives in ancient Greek literature : studies in ancient Greek narrative von Irene J. F. De Jong 8 Exemplare257
Poetic Memory: Allusion In The Poetry Of Callimachus And The Metamorphoses Of Ovid (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Heather Van Tress 1 Exemplar258
Sophrosyne and the Rhetoric of Self-Restraint. BRILL. 2004. von Adriaan Rademaker 4 Exemplare259
Clause Combining in Ancient Greek Narrative Disourse: The Distribution of Subclauses and Participial Clauses in Xenophon's Hellenica and Anabasis (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Michel Buijs 4 Exemplare260
The Manipulative Mode: Political Propaganda in Antiquity: A Collection of Case Studies (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava) von Karl A.E. Enenkel 2 Exemplare261
Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica, Book I : a commentary von A. J. Kleywegt 7 Exemplare262
Mythical and Legendary Narrative in Ovid's Fasti (Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Paul Murgatroyd 2 Exemplare263
Xerxes' Greek Adventure: The Naval Perspective (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava. Supplementum, Vol. 264.) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von H. T. Wallinga 7 Exemplare264
The trajectory of archaic Greek trimeters von Ippokratis Kantzios 5 Exemplare265
Not Wholly Free: The Concept Of Manumission And The Status Of Manumitted Slaves In The Ancient Greek World von Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz 4 Exemplare266
Critical Notes on Plato's Politeia von S. R. Slings 5 Exemplare267
A Historical Commentary on Herodotus Book 6 von Lionel Scott 6 Exemplare268
Sophocles and the Greek language : aspects of diction, syntax and pragmatics von Irene J. F. De Jong 3 Exemplare269
Flavian poetry von Ruurd R. Nauta 6 Exemplare270
Fragile hierarchies : the urban elites of third century Roman Egypt von Laurens E. Tacoma 7 Exemplare271
Solon of Athens: New Historical and Philological Approaches (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Edited by Josine H. Blok and André P.M.H. Lardinois 4 Exemplare272
Virgil, Aeneid 3 (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Nicholas Horsfall 6 Exemplare273
Singing Alexandria : music between practice and textual transmission von Lucia Prauscello 3 Exemplare274
The Governor and His Subjects in the Later Roman Empire (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Daniëlle Slootjes 3 Exemplare275
Founding the Year: Ovid's Fasti And the Poetics of the Roman Calendar (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Molly Pasco-Pranger 6 Exemplare276
The Roman Collegia: The Modern Evolution of an Ancient Concept (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Jonathan Scott Perry 2 Exemplare277
Martial, book IV : a commentary von Rosario Moreno Soldevila 3 Exemplare278
City, Countryside, and the Spatial Organization of Value in Classical Antiquity (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Ineke Sluiter 8 Exemplare279
Politics of Orality (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Craig R. Cooper 3 Exemplare280
Von den Toren des Hades zu den Hallen des Olymp : Artemiskult bei Theokrit und Kallimachos von Ivana Petrovic 1 Exemplar281
Kommentar zu den simonideischen Versinschriften von Andrej Petrovic 2 Exemplare282
Writing Exile: The Discourse of Displacement in Greco-Roman Antiquity and Beyond (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Jan Felix Gaertner 3 Exemplare283
Commentary on the Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von G. A. A. Kortekaas 2 Exemplare284
The value of victory in Pindar's odes : gnomai, cosmology and the role of the poet von Hanna Boeke 3 Exemplare285
Granddaughter of the Sun von C. A. E. Luschnig 3 Exemplare286
Wisdom in Loose Form (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Nikolaos Lazaridis 4 Exemplare287
The World of Ion of Chios (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Victoria Jane Jennings 5 Exemplare288
Ammianus after Julian (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Jan Den Boeft 2 Exemplare289
La fiction des declamations (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) (French Edition) von Danielle van Mal-Maeder 2 Exemplare290
Time in Ancient Greek Literature (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Irene J. F. De Jong 6 Exemplare291
The choruses of Sophokles' Antigone and Philoktetes a dance of words von kitzingermargeretrac 1 Exemplar292
Connecting a City to the Sea : The History of the Athenian Long Walls von David Conwell 3 Exemplare293
The Rhetoric of Explanation in Lucretius' De Rerum Natura (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Daniel Markovic 4 Exemplare294
The First Hall of Fame : A Study of the Statues in the Forum Augustum von Joseph Geiger 2 Exemplare295
Gender and communication in Euripides' plays : between song and silence von James H. Kim On Chong-Gossard 1 Exemplar296
Gellius the satirist : Roman cultural authority in Attic nights von Wytse Hette Keulen 3 Exemplare297
Orality, Literacy, Memory in the Ancient Greek and Roman World von E. Anne Mackay 6 Exemplare298
Virgil, Aeneid 2: A Commentary (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Nicholas Horsfall 5 Exemplare299
Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his World von Paul McKechnie 10 Exemplare300
Between grammar and rhetoric Dionysius of Halicarnassus on language, linguistics and literature von Casper C. de Jonge 3 Exemplare301
Augustan and Julio-Claudian Athens : a new epigraphy and prosopography von Geoffrey C. R. Schmalz 4 Exemplare302
People, Land, and Politics : Demographic Developments and the Transformation of Roman Italy, 300 BC–AD 14 von Luuk de Ligt 5 Exemplare303
Diplomats and Diplomacy in the Roman World von Claude Eilers 4 Exemplare304
Theios Sophistes: Essays on Flavius Philostratus' Vita Apollonii von Kristoffel Demoen 2 Exemplare305
The poetry of Statius von Johannes J. L. Smolenaars 2 Exemplare306
KAKOS, Badness and Anti-Value in Classical Antiquity (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Ineke Sluiter 3 Exemplare307
Marcus Aurelius' rain miracle and the Marcomannic wars von Kovács Péter 2 Exemplare308
Ovid in Exile (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Matthew M. McGowan 2 Exemplare309
Fiction on the Fringe: Novelistic Writing in the Post-Classical Age (Mnemosyne, "Supplements") von Grammatiki A. Karla 5 Exemplare310
A commentary on Book 4 of Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica von Paul Murgatroyd 2 Exemplare311
Governmental intervention in foreign trade in archaic and classical Greece von Errietta M. A. Bissa 3 Exemplare312
Homer's Winged Words (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Steve Reece 1 Exemplar313
The Play of Texts and Fragments: Essays in Honour of Martin Cropp (Mnemosyne, Supplements, 314) von J. R. C. Cousland 0 Exemplare314
Sermo iuris Rechtssprache und Recht in der augusteischen Dichtung von Ulrich C. J. Gebhardt 2 Exemplare315
Repertorium Der Konjekturen in Den Seneca-tragödien (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) von Margarethe Billerbeck 0 Exemplare316
Tragic props and cognitive function aspects of the function of images in thinking von Colleen Chaston 1 Exemplar317
The Regime of Demetrius of Phalerum in Athens, 317-307 BCE von Lara O'Sullivan 3 Exemplare318
Emperors and Historiography von author 2 Exemplare319
The Syrian Wars von John D. Grainger 7 Exemplare, 1 Rezension320
Latin historiography and poetry in the early empire generic interactions von John F. Miller 5 Exemplare321
Early Greek poets' lives the shaping of the tradition von Maarit Kivilo 3 Exemplare322
Valuing others in classical antiquity von Ralph M. Rosen 3 Exemplare323
Technopaignia, Formspiele in der griechischen Dichtung von Christine Luz 5 Exemplare324
Hesiod, the other poet : ancient reception of a cultural icon von Hugo H. Koning 2 Exemplare325
Solon the Athenian, the Poetic Fragments (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Maria Noussia Fantuzzi 5 Exemplare326
Euripides and the language of craft von Mary C. Stieber 4 Exemplare327
Plato and the Poets (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Pierre Destrée 6 Exemplare328
Pliny the Elder: Themes and Contexts (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Roy K. Gibson 4 Exemplare329
Poetry as window and mirror : positioning the poet in Hellenistic poetry von Jacqueline Klooster 1 Exemplar330
Diodorus' mythistory and the pagan mission : historiography and culture-heroes in the first pentad of the Bibliotheke von Iris Sulimani 1 Exemplar331
Sacred Words: Orality, Literacy and Religion (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Andre Lardinois 3 Exemplare332
Stesichoros's Geryoneis von Paul Curtis 2 Exemplare333
Horace's Iambic Criticism: Casting Blame (Iambikē Poiēsis) (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Timothy S. Johnson 1 Exemplar334
Orality, Literacy and Performance in the Ancient World (Mnemosyne Supplements) (Latin Edition) von Elizabeth Minchin 2 Exemplare335
Law and Religion in the Roman Republic (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Olga Tellegen-Couperus 3 Exemplare336
Plato and Myth: Studies on the Use and Status of Platonic Myths (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Catherine Collobert 7 Exemplare337
Space in ancient Greek literature studies in ancient Greek narrative von Irene J. F. De Jong 4 Exemplare339
Letting and hiring in Roman legal thought : 27 BCE - 284 CE von Paul J. du Plessis 1 Exemplar340
Society, Medicine and Religion in the Sacred Tales of Aelius Aristides (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Ido Israelowich 5 Exemplare341
Processes of integration and identity formation in the Roman Republic von Saskia T. Roselaar 2 Exemplare342
Quintus Smyrnaeus' Posthomerica : engaging Homer in late antiquity von Calum Alasdair Maciver 1 Exemplar343
The use of anonymous characters in Greek tragedy the shaping of heroes von Florence Yoon 1 Exemplar344
Tacitus the Epic Successor: Virgil, Lucan, and the Narrative of Civil War in the Histories (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Timothy A. Joseph 2 Exemplare345
Parthenope : the interplay of ideas in Vergilian bucolic von Gregson Davis 1 Exemplar346
Religion and social transformations in Cyprus from the Cypriot basileis to the Hellenistic strategos von Giorgos Papantoniou 3 Exemplare347
Xenophon:: Ethical Principles and Historical Enquiry (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Fiona Hobden 4 Exemplare348
The Julio-Claudian succession reality and perception of the "Augustan model" von A. G. G. Gibson 1 Exemplar349
Aesthetic value in classical antiquity von Ineke Sluiter 4 Exemplare350
The Ancient Sailing Season (Mnemosyne Supplements History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity) (Latin Edition) von James Beresford 8 Exemplare351
Images of Eternal Beauty in Funerary Verse Inscriptions of the Hellenistic and Greco-Roman Periods von Andrzej Wypustek 1 Exemplar352
Performance in Greek and Roman Theatre (Mnemosyne, Supplements) (Latin Edition) von George W. M. Harrison 4 Exemplare353
Commenter la Thébaïde (16e-19e s.) : Caspar von Barth et la tradition exégétique de Stace von Valéry Berlincourt 4 Exemplare354
Water and Roman urbanism : towns, waterscapes, land transformation and experience in Roman Britain von Adam Rogers 1 Exemplar355
Disabilities in Roman Antiquity : Disparate Bodies, a capite ad calcem von Christian Laes 7 Exemplare356
Die dramatische Zeit in Senecas Tragödien von Andreas Heil 3 Exemplare357
Individuals and Society in Mycenaean Pylos (Mnemosyne Supplements History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity) (Ancient Greek Edition) von Dimitri Nakassis 4 Exemplare358
Epistolary Narratives in Ancient Greek Literature von Owen Hodkinson 5 Exemplare359
Women and the Roman City in the Latin West (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Emily Hemelrijk 6 Exemplare360
Taxing freedom in Thessalian manumission inscriptions von Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz 2 Exemplare361
Topography and History of Ancient Epicnemidian Locris von José Pascual 3 Exemplare362
Shifting Social Imaginaries in the Hellenistic Period: Narrations, Practices, and Images von Eftychia Stavrianopoulou 2 Exemplare363
A commentary on selected speeches of Isaios von Brenda Griffith-Williams 3 Exemplare364
Civic patronage in the Roman Empire von John Nicols 3 Exemplare365
Flavian Poetry and Its Greek Past von Antony Augoustakis 1 Exemplar366
Between orality and literacy : communication and adaptation in antiquity von Ruth Scodel 1 Exemplar367
Herodotus in Nubia (Mnemosyne Supplements) von László Török 4 Exemplare368
Valuing the Past in the Greco-Roman World Proceedings from the Penn-Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values VII von Christoph Pieper 3 Exemplare369
Pindars sechste olympische Siegesode : Text, Einleitung und Kommentar von Zsolt Adorjáni 3 Exemplare370
Le Brutus de Cicéron: Rhétorique, politique et histoire culturelle von Sophie Aubert-Baillot 4 Exemplare371
Legendary Rivals: Collegiality and Ambition in the Tales of Early Rome (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Jaclyn Neel 2 Exemplare372
Literature and society in the fourth century AD : performing paideia, constructing the present, presenting the self von Lieve Van Hoof 2 Exemplare373
Nicander of Colophon's Theriaca : a literary commentary von Floris Overduin 2 Exemplare374
Urban dreams and realities in antiquity : remains and representations of the ancient city von Adam M. Kemezis 1 Exemplar375
Figures grecques de l'epouvante de l'antiquite au present : peurs enfantines et adultes von Maria Patera 3 Exemplare376
Emotion in action : Thucydides and the tragic chorus von Eirene Visvardi 2 Exemplare377
Proba the Prophet : the Christian Virgilian Cento of Faltonia Betitia Proba von Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed 4 Exemplare378
The Policy of Darius and Xerxes Towards Thrace and Macedonia (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and) von Miroslav Vasilev 4 Exemplare379
Studies in Colluthus' "Abduction of Helen" (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, Late Antiqu) von Cosetta Cadau 3 Exemplare380
Queens, Consorts, Concubines: Gregory of Tours and Women of the Merovingian Elite (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, Late Antiqu) von E. T. Dailey 8 Exemplare381
Processes of cultural change and integration in the Roman world von Saskia T. Roselaar 2 Exemplare382
Eumenes of Cardia : A Greek among Macedonians von Edward Anson 9 Exemplare383
Hymnic Narrative and the Narratology of Greek Hymns (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Andrew Faulkner 4 Exemplare384
Philosophy, rhetoric, and sophistry in the high Roman Empire : Maximus of Tyre and twelve other intellectuals von Jeroen Lauwers 3 Exemplare385
Aeneid 5 : text, translation and commentary von Lee M. Fratantuono 4 Exemplare386
Hosios : a semantic study of Greek piety von Saskia Peels 7 Exemplare387
Circum Mare: Themes in Ancient Warfare (Brill's Companions in Classical Studies) von Jeremy Armstrong 4 Exemplare388
Spolia in fortifications and the common builder in late antiquity von Jon M. Frey 2 Exemplare389
Aristophanes and his tragic muse : comedy, tragedy and the polis in 5th century Athens von Stephanie Nelson 3 Exemplare390
The Look of Lyric: Greek Song and the Visual: Studies in Archaic and Classical Greek Song, Vol. 1 (Mnemosyne, Supplements) (English and Ancient Greek Edition) von Vanessa Cazzato 0 Exemplare391
Valuing landscape in classical antiquity : natural environment and cultural imagination von Jeremy McInerney 3 Exemplare393
Family in Flavian epic von Nikoletta Manioti 1 Exemplar394
The Hellenica Oxyrhynchia and historiography : new research perspectives von Egidia Occhipinti 3 Exemplare395
Voice and voices in antiquity von Niall W. Slater 2 Exemplare396
Direct speech in Nonnus' Dionysiaca : narrative and rhetorical functions of the characters' "varied" and "many-faceted" words von Berenice Verhelst 2 Exemplare397
On the agora : the evolution of a public space in Hellenistic and Roman Greece (c. 323 BC - 267 AD) von Christopher Paul Dickenson 2 Exemplare398
The Alexander romance by Ps.-Callisthenes : a historical commentary von Krzysztof Nawotka 2 Exemplare399
The textual tradition of Plato's Timaeus and Critias von Gijsbert Jonkers 2 Exemplare400
La Phrygie Parorée et la Pisidie septentrionale aux époques hellénistique et romaine : Géographie historique et sociologie culturelle von Hadrien Bru 2 Exemplare401
Authorship and Greek song. authority, authenticity, and performance / Volume 3 : Studies in Archaic and classical Greek song von Egbert J. Bakker 3 Exemplare402
The Theatre of Justice: Aspects of Performance in Greco-Roman Oratory and Rhetoric (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Sophia Papaioannou 1 Exemplar403
The economic integration of Roman Italy : rural communities in a globalising world von Tymon C.A. de Haas 2 Exemplare404
Plato and the power of images von Radcliffe G. Edmonds, III 2 Exemplare405
Rhetorical strategies in late antique literature : images, metatexts and interpretation von Alberto J. Quiroga Puertas 2 Exemplare406
Citizens in the Graeco-Roman world : aspects of citizenship from the archaic period to AD 212 von Lucia Cecchet 4 Exemplare407
Nonnus of Panopolis in Context II : Proceedings of the International Conference on Nonnus of Panopolis, 26th - 29th September 2013, University of Vienna, Austria von Herbert Bannert 2 Exemplare408
Nonnus of Panopolis in Context II: Poetry, Religion, and Society (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, Late Antiqu) von Herbert Bannert 0 Exemplare408
Classical Greek tactics : a cultural history von Roel Konijnendijk 6 Exemplare409
Caesar's Civil War: Historical Reality and Fabrication (Mnemosyne Supplements) von Richard W. Westall 2 Exemplare410
Characterization in Ancient Greek Literature : Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative, Vol. 4 von Koen De Temmerman 3 Exemplare411
Money, Culture, and Well-Being in Rome's Economic Development, 0-275 CE (Mnemosyne Supplements: History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity) von Daniel Hoyer 2 Exemplare412
Homer and the Good Ruler in Antiquity and Beyond (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Jacqueline Klooster 2 Exemplare413
Feasting and Polis Institutions (Mnemosyne, Supplements: History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity) (English and Ancient Greek Edition) von Floris Van den Eijnde 2 Exemplare414
Ptolemy I and the Transformation of Egypt, 404-282 BCE (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity) von Paul McKechnie 5 Exemplare415
Virgil, Aeneid 8 (Mnemosyne Supplements) (English and Latin Edition) von Lee M. Fratantuono 0 Exemplare416
Plato and Xenophon (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Gabriel Danzig 3 Exemplare417
Rome and the Indian Ocean Trade from Augustus to the Early Third Century CE (Mnemosyne, Supplements: History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity) von Matthew Adam Cobb 3 Exemplare418
Use and Abuse of Law in the Athenian Courts (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and) von Chris Carey 0 Exemplare419
Galien De Pergame Ou La Rhétorique De La Providence: Médecine, Littérature Et Pouvoir À Rome (Mnemosyne, Supplements) (French Edition) von Caroline Petit 3 Exemplare420
Quintus of Smyrna’s Posthomerica: A Study of Heroic Characterization and Heroism (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, Late Antique Literature) von Tine Scheijnen 0 Exemplare421
Ciceros Korrespondenz als Medium literarischen und gesellschaftlichen Handelns (Mnemosyne, Supplements) (German Edition) von Meike Rühl 0 Exemplare422
Eris vs. Aemulatio (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Cynthia Damon 0 Exemplare423
The Letters of Alciphron: A Unified Literary Work? (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, Late Antiqu) von Michèle Biraud 0 Exemplare424
The Political Economy of Classical Athens (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and) von Barry O'Halloran 0 Exemplare425
Baalbek-Heliopolis, the Bekaa, and Berytus from 100 BCE to 400 CE (Mnemosyne, Supplements: History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity) von Simone Paturel 1 Exemplar426
Deconstructing Imperial Representation: Tacitus, Cassius Dio, and Suetonius on Nero and Domitian (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Verena Schulz 0 Exemplare427
Genre in Archaic and Classical Greek Poetry: Theories and Models (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Margaret Foster 0 Exemplare428
The Economics of Friendship Conceptions of Reciprocity in Classical Greece (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von Tazuko van Berkel 0 Exemplare429
The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World: Transmission, Canonization and Paratext Studies in Archaic and Classical Greek Song, Vol. 5 ... Supplements) (English and Greek Edition) von Bruno Currie 2 Exemplare430
Regional Urban Systems in the Roman World, 150 BCE - 250 CE (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and) von Luuk de Ligt 1 Exemplar431
Aelia Capitolina Jerusalem in the Roman Period In Light of Archaeological Research (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and) von Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah 0 Exemplare432
Die Römische Armee auf dem Oceanus Zur römischen Seekriegsgeschichte in Nordwesteuropa (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and) (German Edition) von Jorit Wintjes 0 Exemplare433
The Values of Nighttime in Classical Antiquity: Between Dusk and Dawn (Mnemosyne, Supplements) von James Ker 1 Exemplar434
Eastern Wines on Western Tables Consumption, Trade and Economy in Ancient Italy (Mnemosyn Supplements: History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity) von Paulina Komar 2 Exemplare435
People and Institutions in the Roman Empire Essays in Memory of Garrett G. Fagan (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and) von Andrea F. Gatzke 0 Exemplare437
Nonnus of Panopolis in Context III: Old Questions and New Perspectives von Filip Doroszewski 0 Exemplare438
Early Arsakid Parthia (ca. 250-165 B.C.) At the Crossroads of Iranian, Hellenistic, and Central Asian History (Mnemosyne, Supplements: History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity, 440) von Marek Jan Olbrycht 2 Exemplare440
Speech in Ancient Greek Literature Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative, Volume five (Mnemosyne Supplements, 448) von Mathieu de Bakker 1 Exemplar448
Emotions and Narrative in Ancient Literature and Beyond : Studies in Honour of Irene de Jong von Mathieu de Bakker 1 Exemplar451
From Homer to Solon Continuity and Change in Archaic Greece (Mnemosyne Supplements: History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity, 454) von Johannes C. Bernhardt 1 Exemplar454
Hesiod and the Beginnings of Greek Philosophy (Mnemosyne, Supplements, 455) von Leopoldo Iribarren 3 Exemplare455
Cyprus in Texts from Graeco-Roman Antiquity von Katerina Carvounis 1 Exemplar467
The Public Lives of Ancient Women 500 Bce-650 Ce (Mnemosyne, Supplements / Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity, 468) von Lucinda Dirven 2 Exemplare468
Searching for the Cinaedus in Ancient Rome (Mnemosyne Supplements: Monographs on Greek and Latin Language and Literature, 475) von Tommaso Gazzarri 1 Exemplar475

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nfactor13 (407 Werke), hnn (53), NeosAlexandria (38), UMClassics (33), chriscross (33), fotomicha (26), aabdelrahmanm (23), Kieln (22), Empousa (19), ubcrr (13), Den85 (12), Donogh (12), nelsam (12), sharedpresence (11), PomonaClassics (11), UCSB-claslib (11), alicekeller (10), Stenger (9), GT (9), scottmanning (9), Rudolf (9), CARmizzou (7), mostwal1 (7), obscured_ (7), paradachs (7), zhuazhua88 (6), prothumialibrary (6), LibraryImporter (6), xaagmabag (6), Lumisnumis (5), Stefano75 (5), guclassics (5), Alessandro_Russo (5), boughner (5), KAMacFarlane (5), curculio (5), John_Dryden_Jr (5), shikari (5), sphragis (5), Chandra97 (4), ClaudeDetienne (4), Anna_Smith (4), Leischen (4), CSMackay (4), UCLA_Classics (4), rolandperkins (4), nicebooks (4), idiosyncratic (4), SaintCeadda (3), camslibrary601 (3), togobitsky (3), JPZARECKI (3), RUClassicsLibrary (3), wesley.hanson (3), BigDaddy_JC (3), JoeManning (3), mdillon21 (3), ursag (3), SNWA (3), BNCLibrary (3), proximity1 (3), _thanasis_ (3), arafat (3), Koineamike (2), KandB (2), JAGOLP (2), isakhaer (2), kevinhhistory (2), omarmonn00 (2), Tara_Calaby (2), UMPhilosophy (2), dburnett51 (2), Nubie (2), jlallred2000 (2), daivid (2), theorein (2), SJCLibraryOxford (2), ToreKes (2), ai51 (2), bioethics (2), Zetesis (2), CarletonClassics (2), Mattitiahu (2), StevenSchweitzer (2), cemanuel (2), drkevorkian (2), sturmvogel (2), brs (2), Querolus (2), jose.pires (2), Steingart.M (2), mga318 (2), tcbrenna (2), kingdorothy (2), visa649 (1), sandya.sistac (1), Sackmann (1), JoKoster (1), Larrissa_McVicar (1), bgbaumgart (1), Makropous (1), Pulsion (1), TBN-OTS (1), lnarnold (1), archipelagodispatch (1), Hellenic_Museum (1), Tsclayton (1), TBN-POSTGRAD (1), MinervaBooks (1), rsapieha (1), gratia7 (1), zthorne (1), agrippa911 (1), Crooper (1), Rockhead515 (1), TrappedMonkey (1), Benim (1), dcsilva (1), Henry.Pole-Carew (1), Nachlass_Kalnapilis (1), KUClassics (1), EdCreedy (1), EduWolf (1), wallsi (1), PTFLOxford (1), RyanSOlson (1), PrincezDanielle (1), Gustavoreis (1), JohnTailor (1), slivansj (1), jweretka (1), safexharbour (1), Anna.Crow (1), TBN-NBTS (1), drusus_curvus (1), Isokrates (1), CSLewisSC (1), dockevorkian (1), Polleian (1), camillawb (1), iroviro (1), (1), sfzeller (1), Ronsank (1), katestiles (1), Susan_Test (1), Hswan (1), sublimeporta (1), t29 (1), Eduards (1), AmySusannaLewis (1), tdoran (1), andrewonbehalfofdena (1), drigsby (1), sdepangher (1), rcaf (1), marquayrol (1), MTSClassics (1), TAHorton (1), SeraphinaTealeaf (1), polBa (1), juyghtfred (1), HallvardHagelia (1), Fresch (1), modelsoffinance (1), paorear (1), Gwendolyn.Reece (1), Public_Services (1), modernwayofknowing (1), jab423 (1), Markober (1), Greeknut (1), Cacuzza (1), MemphisCOMM (1), lmv3 (1), toni.afandi (1), elmanu (1), Traveller1 (1), Rommert (1), luciofior (1), ppetersarros (1), Porscheboy (1), aimg (1), Thorwald_Franke (1), lexxnet1972 (1), sublime_porta (1), isenheim (1), NCMRwanda (1), marshallbe (1), Cdiep (1), Oriel_Library (1), ApRh (1), vy0123 (1), PerRalamb (1), kpclarke (1), gael_williams (1), mrezni (1), Karabel (1), stratis (1), sharporg (1)
