VerlagsreiheSUNY series in psychoanalysis and culture

(Suny Series in Psychoanalysis and Culture) von Bettina L. Knapp 1 Exemplar
Acting beautifully : Henry James and the ethical aesthetic von Sigi Jottkandt 3 Exemplare
After Lacan: Clinical Practice and the Subject of the Unconcious von Willy Apollon 33 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
The American Optic: Psychoanalysis, Critical Race Theory, and Richard Wright von Mikko Tuhkanen 2 Exemplare
Beyond Lacan von James M. Mellard 3 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
The Book of Love and Pain: Thinking at the Limit With Freud and Lacan von Juan-David Nasio 11 Exemplare
Celluloid Couches, Cinematic Clients: Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in the Movies von Jerrold R. Brandell 2 Exemplare
D.H. Lawrence and the Paradoxes of Psychic Life von Barbara Ann Schapiro 1 Exemplar
Deracination: Historicity, Hiroshima, and the Tragic Imperative von Walter A. Davis 6 Exemplare
Desire of the Analysts: Psychoanalysis and Cultural Criticism von Greg Forter 9 Exemplare
Disappearing Persons: Shame and Appearance von Benjamin Kilborne 5 Exemplare
The End of Dissatisfaction: Jacques Lacan and the Emerging Society of Enjoyment von Todd McGowan 24 Exemplare
The Ethical Dimension of Psychoanalysis: A Dialogue von W. W. Meissner 8 Exemplare
The Feminine "No!": Psychoanalysis and the New Canon von Todd McGowan 4 Exemplare
Feminine Look: Sexuation, Spectatorship, Subversion von Jennifer Friedlander 11 Exemplare
Five Lessons on the Psychoanalytic Theory of Jacques Lacan von Juan-David Nasio 43 Exemplare
French Fairy Tales: A Jungian Approach von Bettina L. Knapp 13 Exemplare
Gambling, Game, and Psyche von Bettina L. Knapp 3 Exemplare
Hemingway's Fetishism: Psychoanalysis and the Mirror of Manhood von Carl P. Eby 6 Exemplare
Hitchcock's Bi-Textuality: Lacan, Feminisms, and Queer Theory von Robert Samuels 6 Exemplare
Joy and the Objects of Psychoanalysis: Literature, Belief, and Neurosis von Volney Patrick Gay 4 Exemplare
Lacan and Literature: Purloined Pretexts von Ben Stoltzfus 7 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Lacan in the German-Speaking World von Elizabeth Stewart 5 Exemplare
Lacan, Politics, Aesthetics von Willy Apollon 7 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
The Lacanian Left: Psychoanalysis, Theory, and Politics von Yannis Stavrakakis 11 Exemplare
Language and Politics in Julia Kristeva: Literature, Art, Therapy von Carol Mastrangelo Bové 2 Exemplare
The Later Lacan: An Introduction von Véronique Voruz 16 Exemplare
Levinas and Lacan: The Missed Encounter von Sarah Harasym 11 Exemplare
Literary Trauma: Sadism, Memory, and Sexual Violence in American Women's Fiction von Deborah M. Horvitz 6 Exemplare
The Logic of Sexuation: From Aristotle to Lacan von Ellie Ragland-Sullivan 15 Exemplare
Melville, Shame, and the Evil Eye: A Psychoanalytic Reading von Joseph Adamson 1 Exemplar
Once Below a Time: Dylan Thomas, Julia Kristeva, and Other Speaking Subjects von Eynel Wardi 1 Exemplar
The Order of Joy: Beyond the Cultural Politics of Enjoyment von Scott Wilson 1 Exemplar
The Other Side of Desire: Lacan's Theory of the Registers von Tamise Van Pelt 13 Exemplare
Post-Jungian Criticism: Theory and Practice von James S. Baumlin 12 Exemplare
Psyche and Text: The Sublime and the Grandiose in Literature, Psychopathology, and Culture von Henry Sussman 2 Exemplare
Psychoanalysis and narrative medicine von Peter L. Rudnytsky 15 Exemplare
Quiet As It's Kept: Shame, Trauma, and Race in the Novels of Toni Morrison von J. Brooks Bouson 9 Exemplare
Reading Seminar XI: Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis von Richard Feldstein 60 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen
Reading Seminar XX: Lacan's Major Work on Love, Knowledge, and Feminine Sexuality von Suzanne Barnard 39 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Reading Seminars I and II: Lacan's Return to Freud von Bruce Fink 45 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen
The Real Gaze: Film Theory After Lacan von Todd McGowan 14 Exemplare
Remaking the Frankenstein Myth on Film: Between Laughter and Horror von Caroline Joan S. Picart 6 Exemplare
The Return of the Repressed: Gothic Horror from Castle of Otranto to Alien von Valdine Clemens 13 Exemplare
Risking Difference: Identification, Race, and Community in Contemporary Fiction and Feminism von Jean Wyatt 3 Exemplare
Scenes of Shame: Psychoanalysis, Shame, and Writing von Joseph Adamson 7 Exemplare
Sex, Paranoia, and Modern Masculinity von Kenneth Paradis 1 Exemplar
Signifying Pain: Constructing and Healing the Self Through Writing von Judith Harris 13 Exemplare
The Subject of Lacan: A Lacanian Reader for Psychologists von Kareen Ror Malone 13 Exemplare
Transferring to America: Jewish Interpretations of American Dreams von Rael Meyerowitz 4 Exemplare
A World of Fragile Things: Psychoanalysis and the Art of Living von Mari Ruti 10 Exemplare
The World of Perversion: Psychoanalysis and the Impossible Absolute of Desire von James Penney 8 Exemplare
The Wounded Body: Remembering the Markings of Flesh von Dennis Patrick Slattery 20 Exemplare
Writing Prejudices: The Psychoanalysis and Pedagogy of Discrimination from Shakespeare to Toni Morrison von Robert Samuels 0 Exemplare

