VerlagsreiheTwayne's Studies in Short Fiction

Andre Dubus: A Study of the Short Fiction von Thomas E. Kennedy 9 Exemplare1
Flannery O'Connor: A Study of the Short Fiction von Suzanne Morrow Paulson 8 Exemplare2
Peter Taylor: A Study of the Short Fiction von James Curry Robinson 2 Exemplare3
Tennessee Williams: A Study of the Short Fiction von Dennis Vannatta 2 Exemplare4
John Steinbeck: A Study of the Short Fiction von R. S. Hughes 7 Exemplare5
Virginia Woolf: A Study of the Short Fiction von Dean R. Baldwin 2 Exemplare6
Stephen Crane: A Study of the Short Fiction von Chester Wolford 6 Exemplare7
Bernard Malamud: A Study of the Short Fiction von Robert Solotaroff 2 Exemplare8
John Cheever: A Study of the Short Fiction von James Eugene O'Hara 4 Exemplare9
William Carlos Williams: A Study of the Short Fiction von Robert Franklin Gish 3 Exemplare10
Ernest Hemingway: A Study of the Short Fiction von Joseph M. Flora 9 Exemplare11
Franz Kafka: A Study of the Short Fiction von Allen Thiher 2 Exemplare, 1 Rezension12
Grace Paley: A Study of the Short Fiction von Neil D Isaacs 0 Exemplare13
Katherine Mansfield: A Study of the Short Fiction von John F. Kobler 1 Exemplar14
John Gardner: A Study of the Short Fiction von Jeff Henderson 2 Exemplare15
Jorge Luis Borges: A Study of the Short Fiction von Naomi Lindstrom 4 Exemplare16
Henry James: A Study of the Short Fiction von Richard A. Hocks 2 Exemplare17
Isaac Bashevis Singer: A Study of the Short Fiction von Edward Alexander 4 Exemplare18
Willa Cather: A Study of the Short Fiction von Loretta Wasserman 4 Exemplare19
William Goyen: A Study of the Short Fiction von Reginald Gibbons 3 Exemplare20
Irwin Shaw: A Study of the Short Fiction von James Richard Giles 0 Exemplare21
F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Study of the Short Fiction von John Kuehl 7 Exemplare22
Liam O'Flaherty: A Study of the Short Fiction von James M. Cahalan 2 Exemplare23
Gabriel García Márquez: A Study of the Short Fiction von Harley D. Oberhelman 4 Exemplare24
J.D. Salinger: A Study of the Short Fiction von John Wenke 8 Exemplare25
William Saroyan: A Study of the Short Fiction von Edward Halsey Foster 1 Exemplar26
Elizabeth Bowen: A Study of the Short Fiction von Phyllis Lassner 3 Exemplare27
Edgar Allen Poe: A Study of the Short Fiction von Charles E. May 11 Exemplare28
Samuel Beckett: A Study of the Short Fiction von Robert Cochran 1 Exemplar29
Edith Wharton: A Study of the Short Fiction von Barbara A. White 0 Exemplare30
Raymond Carver: A Study of the Short Fiction von Ewing Campbell 2 Exemplare31
Donald Barthelme: A Study of the Short Fiction von Barbara L. Roe 2 Exemplare32
Sherwood Anderson: A Study of the Short Fiction von Robert Allen Papinchak 3 Exemplare33
Kay Boyle: A Study of the Short Fiction von Elizabeth S. Bell 0 Exemplare34
Graham Greene: A Study of the Short Fiction von Rosemary Kelly 1 Exemplar35
Truman Capote: A Study of the Short Fiction von Helen S. Garson 1 Exemplar36
V.S. Pritchett: A Study of the Short Fiction von John J. Stinson 1 Exemplar37
Robert Coover: A Study of the Short Fiction von Thomas E. Kennedy 0 Exemplare38
Robert Penn Warren: A Study of the Short Fiction von Joseph R. Millichap 0 Exemplare39
Anton Chekhov: A Study of the Short Fiction von Ronald L. Johnson 3 Exemplare40
Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Study of the Short Fiction von Nancy Bunge 5 Exemplare41
Shirley Jackson: A Study of the Short Fiction von Joan Wylie Hall 7 Exemplare42
John Updike: A Study of the Short Fiction von Robert M. Luscher 5 Exemplare43
W. Somerset Maugham: A Study of the Short Fiction von Stanley Archer 4 Exemplare, 1 Rezension44
James Joyce: A Study of the Short Fiction von Mitzi M. Brunsdale 6 Exemplare45
Paul Bowles: A Study of the Short Fiction von Allen Hibbard 3 Exemplare46
Langston Hughes: A Study of the Short Fiction von Hans A. Ostrom 10 Exemplare47
William Trevor: A Study of the Short Fiction von Suzanne Morrow Paulson 3 Exemplare48
O. Henry: A Study of the Short Fiction von Eugene Current-García 8 Exemplare49
Seán O'Faoláin: A Study of the Short Fiction von Pierce Butler 3 Exemplare50
Mary Lavin: A Study of the Short Fiction von Janet Egleson Dunleavy 0 Exemplare51
D.H. Lawrence: A Study of the Short Fiction von Weldon Thornton 3 Exemplare54
Joyce Carol Oates: A Study of the Short Fiction von Greg Johnson 1 Exemplar57
Rudyard Kipling: A Study of the Short Fiction von Helen P. Bauer 2 Exemplare58
Colette: A Study of the Short Fiction von Dana Strand 0 Exemplare59
Tillie Olsen: A Study of the Short Fiction von Joanne S. Frye 1 Exemplar60
Jean Rhys: A Study of the Short Fiction von Cheryl Alexander Malcolm 1 Exemplar61
Jean Stafford: A Study of the Short Fiction von Mary Ann Wilson 0 Exemplare62
Julio Cortázar: A Study of the Short Fiction von Ilan Stavans 3 Exemplare63
Tobias Wolff: A Study of the Short Fiction von James Hannah 2 Exemplare64
Kate Chopin: A Study of the Short Fiction von Bernard Koloski 2 Exemplare65
Mark Twain: A Study of the Short Fiction von Tom Quirk 4 Exemplare66
Eudora Welty: A Study of the Short Fiction von Carol Ann Johnston 3 Exemplare67
Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Study of the Short Fiction von Denise D. Knight 0 Exemplare68
Mary Wilkins Freeman: A Study of the Short Fiction von Mary R. Reichardt 2 Exemplare69
John Edgar Wideman: A Study of the Short Fiction von Keith Eldon Byerman 0 Exemplare70
Leslie Marmon Silko: A Study of the Short Fiction von Helen Jaskoski 0 Exemplare71
Charles W. Chestnutt: A Study of the Short Fiction von Henry B. Wonham 1 Exemplar72
Wallace Stegner: A Study of the Short Fiction von Jackson J. Benson 0 Exemplare73
Bobbie Ann Mason: A Study of the Short Fiction von Albert Wilhelm 0 Exemplare74
Jack London: A Study of the Short Fiction von Jeanne Campbell Reesman 3 Exemplare75
John O'Hara: A Study of the Short Fiction von Steven Goldleaf 4 Exemplare76
Gertrude Stein: A Study of the Short Fiction von Linda S. Watts 0 Exemplare77
Vladimir Nabokov: A Study of the Short Fiction von Jenefer Shute 0 Exemplare

