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- Mar 28, 2011
- Bürgerlicher Name
- Alexandra Robbins
- Über mich
- I'm the author of The Overachievers, Pledged, and other books. My new book, THE GEEKS SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH: POPULARITY, QUIRK THEORY, AND WHY OUTSIDERS THRIVE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL comes out May 1, 2011. Mostly I update on Facebook, at - where I blog about author life, give away free books, give people the opportunity to be in upcoming books and articles, and post updates on the characters in my books. See you there!
And now for my publisher's standard bio... Alexandra Robbins has written for several publications, including Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, and The Washington Post. Hailed by the press as “a first-rate mind” and “a media celebrity,” Robbins' riveting signature style of investigative journalism reads like a fast-paced work of fiction. The winner of the Heartsongs award for contributions to the mental health of children and young adults, Robbins is also a judge for the Books for a Better Life Awards. She appears on TV shows such as 60 Minutes, The Today Show, Oprah, The View, CNN News and The Colbert Report. - Ort
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