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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 20, 2008
Bürgerlicher Name
Birgit Walraet
Über meine Bibliothek
Lots and lots and lots of books in all sorts and sizes :-) with a preference for contemporary or urban fantasy (white wolf or Neverwhere style). Most of them are still in boxes for the moment and not yet on LT, as I am still trying to figure out how on earth I'm going to make them all fit into our newly installed library :-).
Add to this my husband's Terry Pratchett collection and my kids' impressive bookshelves and you'll get a pretty good idea ...

Most books aren't rated, but if they are this is how the rating should be read (thanx to LT member Skullduggery :-)):

***** Brilliant, loved, must read
**** A great, memorable read
*** Okay, fine, readable
** Disappointing
* Very poor, to be avoided
Über mich
Living in Antwerp, Belgium, and enjoying myself :-) I happen to love books, LARP, cooking, cats, my job as an event producer, Neverwhere style fantasy, and my husband & kids ofcourse. Not to mention my bed & my bath.
Antwerpen, Belgium
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Buchhandlungen: De Zondvloed, FNAC Antwerpen, Forbidden Planet - London, Kinderboekhandel Pardoes, Mekanik Strip, Standaard Boekhandel Antwerpen Kiel

Bibliotheken: Openbare Bibliotheek Antwerpen - Openbare bibliotheek Kielpark, Stripbib Maddox Wezembeek-Oppem

Sonstige: Ontmoetingscentrum Nova


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