- Bücher
- 904
- Sammlungen
- Deine Bibliothek (904)
- Tags
- Den (401), Office (183), Sitting Room (164), General's Bedroom (134), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 10 (34), Office West Wall Bookcase-Shelf 1 (29), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 17 (28), General's Bedroom Bookshelf-Shelf 5 (28), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 13 (28), General's Bedroom Bookshelf-Shelf 1 (28), General's Bedroom Bookshelf-Shelf 2 (28), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 19 (27), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 15 (26), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 14 (26), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 12 (26), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 08 (26), Sitting Room Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 3 (26), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 18 (25), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 07 (25), Sitting Room Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 5 (25), Sitting Room Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 1 (24), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 02 (24), Sitting Room Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 6 (24), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 09 (23), Office East Wall Bookcase-Shelf 7 (23), General's Bedroom Bookshelf-Shelf 4 (23), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 20 (23), Sitting Room Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 4 (23), Office East Wall Bookcase-Shelf 5 (23), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 05 (21), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 04 (21), General's Bedroom Bookshelf-Shelf 3 (21), Office East Wall Bookcase-Shelf 6 (21), Sitting Room Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 2 (20), Office East Wall Bookcase-Shelf 3 (19), Den Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 03 (18), Office West Wall Bookcase-Shelf 3 (16), Office East Wall Bookcase-Shelf 1 (15), Sitting Room Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 7 (14), Office East Wall Bookcase-Shelf 2 (12), Office East Wall Bookcase-Shelf 8 (9), Red Room (9), Office East Wall Bookcase-Shelf 4 (9), Master Bedroom Desk Shelves-Shelf 2 (8), Master Bedroom (8), Sitting Room Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 8 (7), Office West Wall Bookcase-Shelf 2 (7), General's Bedroom Bedstand-Lower Shelf (6), Red Room Built-in Bookcase-Shelf 3 (6), Red Room Dressing Table (3), Sun Porch (3), Sun Porch West Bookcase-Shelf 1 (3), Yellow Room On Chest (3), Yellow Room (3), Sitting Room Sits on Easel (1)
- Wolken
- Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
- Medium
- Beigetreten
- May 10, 2013
- Bürgerlicher Name
- Dwight David Eisenhower
- Über meine Bibliothek
- The books included here are those in the collections of the Eisenhower National Historic Site, Eisenhower's home and farm in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Tags have been added based on the locations of the books as given in a July 2011 inventory provided by the National Park Service. See the tag mirror for a glance at Eisenhower's books by subject.
We hope to add additional books from the Eisenhower Presidential Library & Museum in Abilene, Kansas at a later time. - Über mich
- Dwight D. Eisenhower (14 October 1890 - 28 March 1969), World War II general and the 34th President of the United States (1953-1961).
- Ort
- Eisenhower Farm, Gettysburg
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