
no dupe (177), Box 40 (78), box 6 (67), 2 copies (63), Box 15 (54), Box 42 (50), Box 30 (49), Box 4 (48), Box 38 (47), Box 37 (46), Box 27 (46), Box 46 (45), Box 2 (44), YRL (42), Box 12 (41), Box 23 (40), Box 32 (40), Box 29 (40), Box 48 (40), Box 13 (39), Box 26 (38), Box 28 (38), Box 1 (37), Box 16 (37), Box 33 (37), Box 18 (37), Box 21 (35), CL (33), Box 24 (33), Box 14 (33), Box 5 (31), Box 41 (30), Box 36 (30), Box 34 (30), Box 45 (30), Box 11 (30), Box 43 (29), Box 22 (29), Box 19 (28), RPG (28), Box 3 (27), Box 25 (27), Box 9 (26), damaged (25), Box 31 (25), Box 8 (25), Box 20 (25), Box 39 (23), YRL special collections (22), Box 7 (22), SRLF (21), Box 17 (21), Box 35 (21), unknown box (21), Box 47 (20), Box 44 (20), Box 10 (15), Box 6 (7), 3 copies (7), LAW (5), to remove? (4), LGBT (2), reading room (1), to replace? (1), Enigman acknowledgements (1), in ITALIAN (1), box 48 (1), 2 copies? (1), African American Studies Library (1), Social Sciences and Humanities Acquisitions (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Mar 6, 2008
Über meine Bibliothek
This is a test online catalog for the Enigma Library. Enigma is a Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Gaming Club at UCLA, founded in 1985. The physical library has over 1000+ items, including books, VHS tapes and DVDs, games, and magazines. This LibraryThing account was created in a study to test free, inexpensive, and open source library software to see which system would provide the best catalog and provide remote access to the Enigma Library's collections. If this system is chosen, then the entire catalog will available here at some point in the future.
Los Angeles, California