- Sammlungen
- Tags
- § (643), C (473), Acq.Ant.Amsterdam (456), R (378), Painting (371), Acq.Amsterdam (369), M (351), Architecture (336), W (330), Acq.Ant.Paris (293), M19 (253), G19 (244), R20 (241), C19 (236), 2007 (233), L19 (229), G (226), Sculpture (225), C17 (221), M20 (212), Cfr (210), L (206), C18 (198), Cnl (195), 2008 (194), B (194), Paris (190), Acq.Paris (189), Acq.Paris-FS (189), G20 (187), C16 (186), Gfr (185), Cit (184), Wrel (182), Cma (174), 2009 (171), Wph (169), C15 (164), L20 (161), G18 (160), P (159), Cultural history (157), Mnl (152), Mfr (147), Acq.Paris-Internet (147), Civil architecture (146), Cren (143), C20 (142), Acq.sHertogenbosch (139), 2016 (139), Gnl (137), Decorative arts (134), 2006 (133), Religious art (133), Romanticism (130), 1970 (128), Cde (125), Catholicism (125), Kings (124), Guides (123), G17 (123), History of Ideas (121), Illustrations (121), Collections (119), §M (118), R19 (117), Mde (117), Rome (116), Painters (115), Historical fiction (114), Bgen (112), Cgen (111), Gde (110), Wars (108), Lde (108), Churches (107), Writers (107), Poetry (106), Religious architecture (106), M18 (104), §R (104), Amsterdam (101), Rnl (97), Lfr (94), Mnl20 (94), Iconography (93), Gma (92), 2010 (92), Zoology (92), Gfr19 (90), G16 (90), Goethe Johann Wolfgang von (89), Symbolism (89), Ren (89), Mde19 (88), Lnl (87), 2014 (86), Travels (83), Female authors (83), Ethics (82), L18 (81), Cfr19 (80), Dutch novels (80), Lde19 (80), Aesthetics (80), English novels (79), Men (78), Museums (78), Rfr (78), Cnl17 (78), Anthropology (77), Poets (75), Mystery (74), Mythology (74), Baroque (74), London (73), Castles (72), Git (71), Wph20 (71), Wphde (70), Love (69), Pfr (69), Botany (69), 2015 (69), Everyday life (69), 2012 (69), Social hierarchy (68), Aut (68), Rnl20 (68), Cit15 (67), 2017 (67), Z (67), French novels (67), Saints (66), Cfr18 (65), N (65), Gfr18 (65), Cen (65), Gen (65), Florence (65), Mfr19 (64), Emperors (64), Cant (64), Gant (63), Rde (63), Dutch poetry (63), Zgen (63), Aut20 (62), Palaces (62), History of science (62), Short stories (62), 2011 (62), Ren20 (61), Christianism (61), Mde18 (60), Wph19 (60), G15 (60), Crime (60), Cesp (60), Jews (59), Irony (58), Manuals (56), Politics (56), Wphfr (56), Lfr19 (56), Ggen (56), Theatre (56), Cit16 (56), Mnl19 (55), Mfr20 (55), Spinoza (55), Cfr17 (55), A (55), Gde19 (54), Theology (54), Drawings (54), Geur (54), Taxonomy (53), Lnl20 (53), Styles (53), Gardens (53), Metaphysics (53), Venice (52), Grom (52), Bible (52), Pantheism (51), Acq.sHertogenbosch-OJV-OBH (51), Murder (50), Essays (50), Humour (49), German novels (49), Gnl20 (49), Death (49), Cnl16 (49), Cnl19 (48), Medicine (48), 2013 (48), Local history (48), Len (48), 1979 (48), Acq.sGravenmoer-SM (48), Wrel20 (47), Wph17 (47), Coming of age (47), Ram (47), Homosexuality (47), Furniture (47), Cfrma (47), Folklore (46), Evolution (46), Military (46), Art-theory (46), Weimar (46), C14 (46), Interiors (46), Gnl19 (45), Second World War (45), O (45), D19 (45), Portraits (45), Catalogues (45), Christianity (45), Epistemology (44), M17 (44), Gnl17 (44), Wrelnl (44), Gam (44), Ndic (44), Acq.Ant.sHertogenbosch (43), Lde18 (43), Sexuality (43), Protestantism (43), Impressionism (43), Couperus Louis (43), Vertebrates (43), Photography (43), Cfr20 (42), Citren (42), Realism (42), Gde20 (42), Judaism (42), Wph18 (42), R21 (41), Frescoes (41), American novels (41), Schbk (41), Revolutions (41), Wpol (40), Cfr16 (40), Invertebrates (40), Engravings (40), Lnl19 (40), Freemasonry (40), Ram20 (39), Gfr17 (39), Rde20 (39), L17 (39), Landscape painting (39), Aristocracy (39), Gfr20 (39), Crom (38), Lfr20 (38), Wrel19 (38), Physics (38), Wphnl (38), Physiology (38), Anthology (38), Cde19 (37), Cnl20 (37), Mma (37), Cbel (36), Rfr19 (36), Aut19 (36), Men19 (36), Rfr20 (36), Letters (36), Den Haag (36), Draughtsmen (35), Psychoanalysis (35), Gothic (35), M16 (34), Cnl15 (34), Socialism (34), Tourism (34), Wrel17 (34), Gren (34), Mammals (34), Wphde19 (34), D (34), Popes (34), Mit (34), Wrel18 (33), Maps (33), Cde18 (33), Nvar (33), Mgrant (33), History of Science (33), Acq.Paris-EdAtl (33), Gnl16 (32), Romanesque (32)
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- Beigetreten
- Aug 10, 2007
- Bürgerlicher Name
- Jan Willem Noldus
- Über meine Bibliothek
My personal library contains nearly 12,000 books. My LT catalog will represent this library, i.e. the books I really own, but not books on my wishlist or books read but not owned, nor other documents (DVD, recordings, etc.)
A long time (many, many years!) will have passed before everything will be cataloged, especially because most of my books cannot be found on, LC or other sources. Nearly every item must be entered manually.And I regret also not being able to spend as much time on LT as I would like.
I start with titles, authors and tags. More information about editions, covers, &c., will be added later for most books, as will be a key to my rather expansive tagging system.
Finding tags,sharing one's books with others are terrific things. Cataloging permits to find secret passages between books.Actuellement ma bibliothèque compte presque 12.000 volumes (presque autant de titres) en 7 ou 8 langues différentes - c'est pourquoi j'ai décidé de faire tout en anglais, sinon le système des mots-clés deviendrait inutilisable...
Cataloguer tout cela va sans doute demander beaucoup de temps, d'autant plus qu'il s'agit pour 80% de livres "anciens", c'est à dire d'éditions d'époque sans ISBN (18e au 20e siècle). Je ne cherche pas d'exemplaires précieux (premières éditions, provenance,etc.) et ne suis pas investisseur, mais m'intéresse plutôt à des livres qui en tant qu'objet me transmettent (si possible) quelque chose du monde de leur auteur ou de leur sujet.
Sinds ik in Parijs woon, zijn er natuurlijk veel Franse boeken bijgekomen. Ik heb echter toch nog heel wat Nederlandse boeken en ga die ook catalogiseren. Tenslotte dient een catalogus ook een getrouw beeld te geven van wat je in je bibliotheek hebt - alleen al voor jezelf. Omdat ik ook de data en de plaatsen van verwerving (aankoop, ruil en schenking) vermeld, wordt de catalogus uiteindelijk een soort intellectuele (auto)biografie, een weergave van een belangrijk deel van mijn levensweg.
***LibraryThing is an avatar of Shangri-La!***- Über mich
- I am an Art historian and philosopher who reads whenever he has nothing else to do. I adore practically anything (well, many things), except reading books on cooking, sport or trivia like popstars and TV celebrities .
Eclecticism is my style, in life, in thought, in taste: no single person or institution can pretend to the ultimate knowledge or wisdom, but all together we can approach the mystery of life, of beauty, of truth...
Je suis historien d'art et philosophe, lecteur vorace dans beaucoup de domaines (art, littérature, histoire, sciences, ...) Mes intérêts en matière de livres ne concernent pas beaucoup l'actualité (dernières parutions,bestsellers); un de mes grands plaisirs est de faire des trouvailles dans le rayon des auteurs oubliés.
Je suis eclectique en tout. Aucune personne ni institution possède la vérité, mais tous ensemble nous arrivons à soulever un petit bout du voile d'Isis...
Kunsthistoricus en filosoof, sinds lange jaren Nederlander in Parijs - een geweldige stad voor de boekenminnaar!
Ik heb bijna altijd wel een Nederlandstalig boek onder handen, maar lees weinig recente Nederlandse (of andertalige) romans of verhalen. Waarom? Er zijn nog zoveel andere boeken te lezen!
***"Disce omnia, videbis postea nihil esse superfluum" (Hugo of St.Victor)***
Dear visitor,
You should know that your comments are very much appreciated, whatever they may be. So, please leave me a trace of your passage in the language you prefer - even a very simple one (a greeting?).This will not create obligations, but helps to create a worldwide network of booklovers.
Happy reading! - Ort
- Paris, France
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- Dante Alighieri, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Apuleius, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, Honoré de Balzac, Charles Baudelaire, Walter Benjamin, William Blake, J. C. Bloem, Godfried Bomans, Jorge Luis Borges, P. J. Bouman, P.C. Boutens, Alfred Edmund Brehm, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Robert Browning, Giordano Bruno, Jacob Burckhardt, Conrad Busken Huët, Lord Byron, Joseph Campbell, Lewis Carroll, Anton Chekhov, G. K. Chesterton, Agatha Christie, Colette, Wilkie Collins, Joseph Conrad, Louis Couperus, Sigrid Damm, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly, Lodewijk van Deyssel, Charles Dickens, Emily Dickinson, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Arthur Conan Doyle, Umberto Eco, Frederik van Eeden, George Eliot, T. S. Eliot, Desiderius Erasmus, Frans Erens, Euripides, Jean-Henri Fabre, William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gustave Flaubert, E. M. Forster, Sigmund Freud, John Galsworthy, Guido Gezelle, André Gide, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, ניקולאי ו. גוגול, E. H. Gombrich, Herman Gorter, Remy de Gourmont, Ernesto Grassi, Robert Graves, Graham Greene, Herman Friedrich Grimm, Thomas Hardy, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Martin Heidegger, Eli Heimans, Ernest Hemingway, Abel Hermant, Hermes Trismegistus, Herodotus, Hermann Hesse, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Homer, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Victor Hugo, Johan Huizinga, Aldous Huxley, Joris-Karl Huysmans, Henrik Ibsen, Henry James, William James, Robinson Jeffers, C. G. Jung, Immanuel Kant, John Keats, Søren Kierkegaard, Willem Kloos, Alain-René Le Sage, C. S. Lewis, Alberto Manguel, Heinrich Mann, Thomas Mann, Eugene N. Marais, H. Marsman, W. Somerset Maugham, Guy de Maupassant, André Maurois, Molière, Michel de Montaigne, Paul Morand, Desmond Morris, Harry Mulisch, Friedrich Nietzsche, Erwin Panofsky, Walter Pater, Iain Pears, Jacques Perk, Eduard du Perron, Francesco Petrarca, Plato, Plotinus, Edgar Allan Poe, Adolf Portmann, Alexandre Dumas, Marcel Proust, Alexander Pushkin, Thomas de Quincey, Rainer Maria Rilke, A. Roland Holst, Jan Romein, Joseph Roth, Carl Sagan, George Sand, Dorothy L. Sayers, Arthur van Schendel, Friedrich Schiller, Seneca, William Shakespeare, George Bernard Shaw, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Sophocles, Baruch Spinoza, Robert Louis Stevenson, Theodor Storm, August Strindberg, Algernon Charles Swinburne, Alfred Lord Tennyson, William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Aquinas, Henry David Thoreau, Jac. P. Thijsse, J. R. R. Tolkien, Leo Tolstoy, Anthony Trollope, Ivan Turgenev, Mark Twain, Paul Valéry, Émile Verhaeren, Jules Verne, Leonardo da Vinci, Voltaire, Aby Warburg, Evelyn Waugh, H. G. Wells, Edith Wharton, Walt Whitman, Oscar Wilde, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Virginia Woolf, Stefan Zweig
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Buchhandlungen: Anagram Bookshop, Antiquariaat A. Kok & Zn, Athenaeum Boekhandel, Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Fifth Ave, Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Main Store, Blackwell Charing Cross Road, Boekhandel Het Martyrium, Boekhandel Robert Premsela, Boekhandel van Rossum, Boekwinkel Heinen, Burgersdijk & Niermans, De Slegte Amsterdam, De Slegte Den Bosch, De Slegte Den Haag, Editeurs Réunis, Facultas Dombuchhandlung am Stephansplatz, Feltrinelli Libri e Musica (Torre Argentina), Foyles (old Charing Cross branch), Librairie Compagnie, Librairie de Paris, Librairie del Duca, Librairie Delamain, Librairie du Musée du Louvre, Librairie Guillaume Budé, Librairie Renaissance, Libreria Herder, Libreria Stendhal - Libreria Francese di Roma, London Review Bookshop, Rizzoli Bookstore, Scheltema, Schottentor Buchhandlung, Smithsonian American Art & National Portrait Gallery Bookstore, Studystore Utrecht, The Dover Bookshop - London, The Folio Society, Unsworth's Antiquarian Booksellers (At Foyles) [moved], Van Stockum Boekverkopers, Van Stockum Boekverkopers, WHSmith Paris
Bibliotheken: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Bibliothèque des littératures policières (BiLiPo), Bibliothèque Forney et fonds de la bibliothèque des Arts Graphiques, Bibliothèque historique de la ville de Paris (BHVP), Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) - Site François-Mitterrand, Bodleian Library, British Library, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Központi Könyvtár, Centre de documentation sur les métiers du livre (CDML), Dumbarton Oaks, Folger Shakespeare Library, Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België, Library of Congress, Library of the University of Amsterdam, National Gallery of Art (US) Art Research Library, New York Public Library - Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, Plantin-Moretus Museum Main Library, Rijksmuseum Research Library, The Morgan Library & Museum, The Royal Society Library and Archives, Utrecht University Library Uithof, Warburg Institute Library, School of Advanced Studies, University of London
Sonstige: Museum Meermanno|Huis van het boek, The British Museum, Stadhuis Antwerpen, Franz Kafka Museum, Letterkundig Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Sherlock Holmes Museum, Maison de Victor Hugo (Hôtel de Rohan-Guéménée)
- Freunde
- anaall, BelleStewartGardner, BenjaminFranklin, callmejacx, Caroline_McElwee, EdHANSSEN, ellenandjim, ErikaEngland, ErnestHemingway, FriedrichNietzsche, Henriette19510, johninvienna, JWvonGoethe, kanichat, Kathleen828, LeonardodaVinci, liabelle, MarieAntoinette, MikeMcQueen, Naren559, NCNL, PatrickSantiago, rejeanpellerin, Smethers, the_red_shoes, theoldman, ThomasJefferson, unbridledbooks, walshga, WolfgangAMozart, yvlind1, yvoseule
- Interesante Bibliotheken
- 4Pas, ACDoyleLibrary, AdamSmith, adancingstar, AlexanderPushkin, anaall, annamorphic, antimuzak, aquaticus, Bellerophon, BelleStewartGardner, BenedictusdeSpinoza, BenjaminFranklin, bibliophiles, bluepiano, boldface, botanica, brunellus, Caroline_McElwee, Carolus, CharlesDarwin, Crypto-Willobie, debweiss, devenish, EdHANSSEN, edwinbcn, ellenandjim, Eloise, ErnestHemingway, EstherD, EzraPoundsLibrary, FAMeulstee, Franz_Kafka, FriedrichNietzsche, FScottFitzgerald, GalileoGalilei, GustaveFlaubert, henkl, henrybond, JamesJoyceLibrary, jkuiperscat, johnandlisa, johninvienna, joopdejong, JWvonGoethe, kanichat, KarenBlixenLibrary, keylawk, lalla, LeonardodaVinci, Lewis_Carroll, LolaWalser, madA63, mahlerfan1, MarieAntoinette, marieke54, MBRLibrary, mgallagher, micheldemontaigne, moibibliomaniac, Napoleon.I, NCNL, nicoelston, Nicole_VanK, nudewoody, odderi, Paenultima, palladiana, papyri, paradoxosalpha, PatrickSantiago, PedrBran, poliphilus, pomonomo2003, popa, pranogajec, prussia_cove, Randy_Hierodule, redlevin, rejeanpellerin, ReligiousNaturalism, Rembrandt, RichardFrancisBurton, Romanus, rubicon528, SamuelJohnsonLibrary, Savages, schibboleth46, SteinToklasLibrary, Steven_VI, SylviaPlathLibrary, TELawrence, TempWmFExperiment, the_red_shoes, ThomasJefferson, ThomasMann, Toledoth, vanhalewijn, VoltaireLibrary, walshga, WalterScottLibrary, WilliamButlerYeats, WoolfLibrary, WSMaugham, yvlind1, yvoseule
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