
to-read (6,066), wishlist (1,168), used (1,116), hc/dj (928), sci-fi (925), mmpb (823), 2013 (666), TPB (654), wishlist-found (569), fiction (559), 2007 (553), 2008 (520), mystery (514), new (501), WWII (473), hc (429), sc (425), bibliomystery (397), 2014 (374), cooking (333), ebooks (315), books (289), 2009 (268), 2010 (253), 2015 (242), tv/movie tie-in (217), removed 2023 (215), 2011 (191), read (183), bookbinding (182), 2016 (178), mom (160), 2012 (160), ERB (157), 2017 (147), meatloaf (146), 2024 (135), action/adventure (133), 100 Books (121), 1st ed (119), currently-reading (119), horror (119), hotlist (117), 2023 (116), physics (115), 2019 (106), science (104), cookbook (96), Christmas (96), Scandinavian crime fiction (95), removed (94), Bantam War Book (93), 2018 (92), USAA Claim (91), books about books (85), WWII aviation (84), kindle (77), insects (76), philosophy (76), golden guide (75), gardening (75), remainder (74), Barsoom (74), espionage (73), wwii fiction (72), art (71), thriller (69), aviation (66), 2022 (65), entomology (65), kalevala (64), BCE (61), Miranda (59), self help (59), erotic cooking (59), CD (59), Bond (58), fantasy (58), Ballantine War Book (53), nonfiction (52), humor (51), graphic novel (50), sci-fi anthology (50), biography (48), YAF (48), Kindle (47), former library copy (47), nuclear weapons (46), @work (44), essays (44), writing (44), history (43), pb (43), military (43), erotica (43), Observer's book (41), wine & spirits (40), memoir (37), religion (37), Erik (37), folklore (36), Tarzan (36), grilling (36), 2021 (36), art instruction (35), first edition (34), guns (34), Ballantine Book (33), military history (33), crime fiction (32), butterflies (32), Golden Library (32), WWI (32), to Erik Christmas 2018 (31), historical fiction (31), short stories (31), winter war (30), rock (29), fantasy art (28), spiders (28), wwii biography (28), wishlist-Miranda-found (28), Curtis (27), German jets (27), drawing (27), apocalyptic (26), Wings of War (25), project management (25), literary fiction (25), gifted (25), 2020 (25), coloring book (24), tequila (24), removed 2024 (24), time travel (24), Nero Wolfe (23), ERB pastiche (23), true crime (23), arachnadia (23), Finland (23), New Age (22), literature (22), satire (22), poetry (22), aircraft (22), juvenile (22), Vonnegut (21), Vietnam (21), Western (20), juvenile science (20), gifted to mother (20), atomic bomb (20), Finnish literature (20), biography-literary (20), vampires (20), Ballantine Illustrated History (20), bibliomysteries LT (20), paper (19), mixology (19), reference (19), personal finance (18), wwii Germany (18), wishlist-mom (18), art technique (18), time management (18), history of physics (18), food writing (18), reading (18), sexuality (17), Manhattan project (17), country (17), literary criticism (17), book collecting (17), BBQ (17), anthology (16), PKD (16), Mom 2017 (16), leadership (16), Finland WWII (16), paperback (16), wwii memoir (16), magazine (15), aviation art (15), removed 2017 (15), signed (15), bookselling (15), dystopia (15), Bruce (15), Knowledge Through Color (15), sci-fi history (15), children's (14), Frazetta (14), signed by author (14), sp bound (14), relationships (14), field guide (14), Ballantine (14), book arts (14), Vallejo (14), photography (13), travel (13), philosophy of science (13), vintage sci-fi (13), drawing insects (13), Understanding the Atom series (13), removed 2022 (13), Bantam Book (13), military fiction (13), Miranda 2017 (13), nuclear engineering (13), Daughters of the Moon (12), guidebook (12), wwii Europe (12), business (12), Dirty Harry (12), Aunt Dimity series (12), Avengers (11), WWII Atlantic (11), mars (11), nuclear physics (11), scorpions (11), Ace Double (11), cacti (11), literary biography (11), pc (11), book a day (11), relativity (11), Change series (11), combat engineers (10), 1st (US) ed (10), Bibliophile Mystery series (10), painting butterflies (10), Page A Day (10), juvenile insects (10), Abbett (10), Krenkel (10), insect photography (10), eBook (10), Anna Pigeon (10), terrorism (10), libraries (10), sci-fi reference (10), zombies (10), watercolor (10), alternate history (10), WWII Pacific (10), bookstores (10), speculative fiction (10), tpb (10), gift (10), nature writing (9), quantum physics (9), Oregon (9), Dune series (9), verified (9), computers (9), Pellucidar (9), cooking instruction (9), weapons (9), Kevin Kerney (9), loaned to Cindy (9), golden field guide (9), radiation physics (9), mythology (9), holocaust (9), duplicate (9), home improvement (9), nature photography (9), removed 2020 (9), Allabout Books (9), butterfly gardening (9), history of science (9), submarines (9), management (8), nuclear (8), nature (8), spy (8), painting (8), productivity (8), coloring butterflies (8), rock gardens (8), UNCLE (8), Z_DVD (8), DVD (8), German Luftwaffe (8), philosophy of physics (8), book repair (8), military biography (8), Alien (8), health physics (8), Golden Press (8), cozy mystery (8), sci-fi cinema (8), bonsai (8), German atomic program (8), Heinlein juvenile (8), Dexter series (8), knives (8), Scandinavian fiction (8), houseplants (7)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jul 1, 2006
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
My library is not fully input into LibraryThing yet, so the titles I have listed are not yet representative of my total collection.

It seems my wishlist is growing faster than entries for my library. Consolidating my numerous wishlists is working, I sorted by wishlist and then printed it out so I have a hardcopy of my wishlist to take with me as I make the rounds of bookstores across the country. My job has me traveling quite a bit, and everywhere I go I try to hit a used bookstore or two (or three or four) if time permits.

Bookstores Visited in 2010:

Boulder Bookstore, Boulder CO (27 Oct 2010)
Trident Booksellers, Boulder CO (27 Oct 2010)
Denver Book Fair, Denver CO (26 Oct 2010)

Books with a Past, Glenwood MD
Second Story Books, Rockville MD
Wonder Books, Frederick MD
Wonder Books, Gaithersburg MD

Bookstores Visited in 2008:
Denver Book Fair, Denver CO (6/25/08)
Mutiny Now!, Denver, CO (6/25/08)
Murder by the Book, Denver, CO (6/24/08)
Third Place Books, Lake Forest Park, WA (Seattle) (6/13/08)
The Bookman, Colorado Springs, CO (6/18/08)
Books for You, Colorado Springs, CO (6/16/08)
Book Bank, Alexandria, VA (2/6/08)
Old Tampa Book Company, Tampa FL (1/30/08)
Second Story Books, Rockville MD (1/18/08)
Beckhams Bookshop, New Orleans, LA (1/17/08)
Dauphine St. Books, New Orleans, LA (1/17/08)
Faulkner House Books, New Orleans, LA (1/17/08)
Wonder Book, Frederick MD

Über mich
This is really out of date now, just barely able to keep up with adding new and previously acquired books. I track the bookstores I have visited on "my locals" now.

Not so new now to LibraryThing, but have still been spending a lot of time here. Lifelong love of books, and even owned a little bookstore for a short time in an experiment in private enterprise. Some day, when I grow up, I may do it again, but not when I need to depend on it as a source of income, but rather as a self-sufficient and self-sustaining hobby.

And last, here is what I have managed to read so far since I joined LT:

******* 2010 ********

10. Dearly Departed Dexter, Lindsay
9. Darkly Dreaming Dexter, Lindsay
8. Fatal Impressions, Warga
7. Fearless Jones, Mosley
6. A Multitude of Sins, Wren
5. Curiosity Didn't Kill the Cat, Wren, 3/01
4. Run for Your Life, Abercrombie, 2/25
3. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Stieg Larsson 2/11
2. Vintage Science Fiction, Peter Haining, ed. 1/31
1. The Case for Books, Robert Darnton, 1/29

**************** 2009 *************************
(oops - actually read many more, just did not keep this up to date)

The Hemingway Hoax, Haldeman
Devil May Care, Faulks
Watchmen, Moore & Gibbons
The Book that Changed My Life, Diane Osen
The Mist, Stephen King

**************** 2008 *************************
30. Palm Sunday, Vonnegut
29. Player Piano, Vonnegut
28. Book Case, Greenleaf
27. Bilioholism, Tom Raabe
26. Wampeters, Foma & Granfallons, Vonnegut, 2008/10/26
25. A Walk in the Woods, Bill Bryson, 2008/10/20
24. Unpopular Essays, Bertrand Russell, 2008.10.15
23. Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates, Tom Robbins, 2008.10.10
22. Scouts in Bondage, Michael Bell, 2008.10.08
21. The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, Bill Bryson, 10/4/2008
20. Cats Cradle, Vonnegut, 9/20/2008
19. Collapse, Jared Diamond, 9/15/2008
18. Man Without a Country, Vonnegut, 8/2/08
17. Variable Star, Heinlein & Robinson, 7/29/08
16. Welcome to the Monkey House, Vonnegut, 7/5/2008
15. The Battle is the Pay-Off, Ralph Ingersoll, 7/15/08
14. Chrysalis: Maria Sibylla Merian and the Secrets of Metamorphosis, Kim Todd, 7/7/08
13. Hit Parade, Lawrence Block, 7/4/08
12. Fires, Raymond Carver, 6/12/2008
11. Fer-de-Lance, Rex Stout, 6/1/2008
10. Critical Chain, Goldratt
9. Our Insect Friends and Foes, Dupuy 5/10/08
8. Scorpion; Michael Linaker
7. The Nymphos of Rocky Flats, Mario Acevedo, 4/18/08
6. The Lathe of Heaven, Le Guin
5. The Collector; John Fowles, 3/29/2008
4. Dies the Fire; S. M. Stirling, 3/17/08
3. The Collectors; David Baldacci 2/21/2008
2. To Sail Beyond the Sunset; Heinlein 2/5/2008
1. Callahan's Con; Spider Robinson

*********** 2007 **************
1. The Burglar on the Prowl - Lawrence Block (1/5/07)
2. Casino Royale - Ian Flemming (1/10/07)
3. The Spy Who Loved Me - Ian Flemming (1/13/07)
4. The Burglar in the Rye - Lawrence Block (1/20/07)
5. Aliens: Original Sin - Friedman (1/20/07)
6. The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza - Lawrence Block
7. The Burglar in the Closet - Lawrence Block
8. God Bless You Dr. Kervorkian - Vonnegut
9. If on a Winter's Night - Calvino
10. Dr. Zhivago - Pasternak
11. Thoughts of God - Kanaly
12. Dr. Bloodmoney - Philip K. Dick
13. The Reader - Bernhard Schlink
14. The African Queen - C.S. Forster
15. Hocus Pocus - Vonnegut (4/15/07)
16. Used and Rare - Goldstone (4/26/07)
17. Slightly Chipped - Goldstone (4/28/07)
18. The Man Who Fell To Earth - Tevis (5/12/07)
19. The Burglar in the Library - Lawrence Block 5/14/2007
20. From the Corner of the Eye - Koontz 6/2/2007
21. Hit Man - Lawrence Block - 6/15/2007
22. The Warrior of World's End - Lin Carter 6/16/2007
23. Hit List - Lawrence Block - 6/17/2007
24. The Moon is Down - Steinbeck 6/20/2007
25. Bookwomans Last Fling - Dunning 7/1/2007
26. Blood, Sweat & Bears, Lehtinen 8/6/2007
27. Kalevala-A Prose Translation, Ali Kolemainen Johnson
28. Miss Pickerell and the Geiger Counter, MacGregor
30. The Path: A New Look at Reality, Richard Matheson
31. Empire Falls, Richard Russo
32. Getting things Done, David Allen
33. The Kalevala: An Epic of Finland and All Mankind
34. Three Soldiers, John Dos Passos
35. Searoad: Chronicles of Klatsand, Ursula K. Le Guin
36. The Winter War, Antti Tuuri
37. The Road, Cormac McCarthy
38. The Varieties of Scientific Experience, Carl Sagan
39. Scouts in Bondage and Other Violations of Literary Porpriety, Michael Bell
40. World War Z, Max Brooks (12/22)

************ 2006 *************
The Day the Earth Stood Still - Tofte (s:12/26,06; f: 12/30/06)
The Burglar Who Liked to Quote Kipling - Block (12/6/06; f: 12/21/06)
The Burglar Who Traded Ted Williams - Block (S:11/30/06, f: 12/5/06)
The Burglar Who Painted Like Mondrian - Block (s:11/15/06. f; 11/30/06)
Slow Kill - Michael McGarrity (s: 11/05/06, f: 11/15/06)
Gerald's Game - Stephen King (s:10/15/06, f: 11/5/06)
Stealing Thunder - Peter Millar (s: 10/4/06, f: 10/15/06 )
Dante Club - Matthew Pearl (s:9/19/06, f: 10/4/06))
At Risk - Stella Rimington (s: 9/8/06, f: 9/19/06)
Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan (s: 8/27/06, f: 9/8/06)
The Burglar Who Thought He Was Bogart - Lawrence Block (f: 8/25/06)
Burglars Can't Be Choosers - Lawrence Block (f: 8/15/06)
The End of Physics, David Lindley (s: 7/06, f: 8/26/06)
Sign of the Book, John Dunning (finished July 2006)
Dangerous Visions, Harlan Ellison (finished July 2006)
The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger (s:7/06, f:9/06)
The Little Guide to Your Well-Read Life, Steve Leveen (finished July 2006)
The Position, Meg Wolitzer (finished July 2006)
The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Gary Zukav (finished July 2006)
Tuesdays with Morrie (s: June 2006, f: 9/21/06)
Frederick, MD
Wird gerade gelesen
Lokale Favoriten

Buchhandlungen: 2nd and Charles #2106, Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Power Plant, Broadway Book Mall, Burrowing Owl Books, C & W Used Books - Woodbridge, COAS: My Bookstore, Cottonwood Books, Daedalus Books & Music - Columbia, Fahrenheit's Books, Friends of the Library Bookstore - Gaithersburg, MD, Gallagher Books, McKay Used Books and CDs, Oregon State University Bookstore, Page 1 Bookstore, Page One Too!, Powell's City of Books (Portland), Prospero's Books, Read 'Em & Weep, Read it Again Sam, Scoop, Second Story Books - Rockville, MD, The Book Exchange, The Book Thing of Baltimore, Inc., The Last Word - Mt. Airy, MD, Wonder Book and Video - Dual Highway, Wonder Book Frederick, Wonder Book Gaithersburg

Bibliotheken: Clatskanie Library District, Seattle Public Library - Central Library

Sonstige: Stone Ridge Used Book Sale


Interesante Bibliotheken