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- Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
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- Jun 13, 2010
- Bürgerlicher Name
- H.D.
- Über meine Bibliothek
- The catalog of H.D.'s library has been recreated from various sources, including the Orbis catalog at Yale University, where H.D.'s library and papers reside, through the catalog search "H.D." as "Special Collections Subject." (Information was taken from the notes or Special Collections Subject, whichever was more complete.)
The "Pearson's list" collection is compiled from scanned, typewritten indexes from the H.D. Papers at Yale, Box 59, 1425, "H.D.'s library," however notes from the cards have not been transcribed. Notes from related collection, 1425a, "Cards: notes on the books on H.D.'s library," which are handwritten, have not been transcribed--most were not sufficiently legible.
For more information on H.D.'s Papers at Yale, see the finding aid at: - Über mich
- H.D., or Hilda Doolittle, was an American writer born in 1886. She wrote many poems and novels, knew fascinating people, and lived most of her long life in Europe, dying in 1961.
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