
relationships (6), abuse (3), death (3), Situated learning theory (2), Peripherial proximity (2), pack horse library scheme in Kentucky mountains (2), COP's (2), family relationships (2), Who killed Daniel Sutherland on his house boat.Any of the three women listed on the inside cover. Each damaged each with a motive. Good thought girl on the train was better. Could have been called festerings away (1), Freddie there to people watch and give her book cahracters depth. A women screams the room evaualted as a res (1), Tunnels and escape plans from West Berlin to East to get people under the wall. So called tunnel 29 because thats how many people they managed to save (1), Canteen workers in Burma in WW2. Their lives and trouble conflicts while on a tour of duty. Unsung heros behind enemy lines and the issues of being in enemy terriority. Skip to this centuary and Bea needs money to reroof her house. Decides to sell the net (1), Reunion of Wasbies (1), Showcases the lives of 4 women who are black and live in Memphis. haxel grandmother (1), has her research stolen. Finally takes a role on a TV show about cooking and teaches women chemistry at the same. Encourages women to achieve their goals. Lovely cameo of the dog six thirty (1), Laugh out loud funny. Elizabeth Zott chemist is a sinbgle unwed mum in the 50'2 who is firsed from jobs because she refueses to give in to men (1), Miram and August daughters and Joan and Myan mirams daughter. Miram and co move back to Mephis after mirams husband Jax beats her up (1), 4 women compete in a cooking contest to co produce a cooking show during WW2. They all eventually come to live at Audrey's house. Eventaull Audrey sister Gwendoline opens a restaurant and the 4 friends work and cook in it (1), exploring and getting to now more about Walter after his death. (1), UK and Rwanda (1), worked at a pool shop. Lived under her mothers aura. Fell in love with Walter who was gay. Walter dies and leave Greta a trip to USA (1), Clever Hannah in Australia is the author and each chapter she writes Leo in Boston reads & provides feedback. 4 people in a reading room (1), Carolina from Brazil falls in love with Fransoise from France a explorer. They can't marry because Fransoice is already marrried with a living wife in Paris. the couple finally become ambassodor in Melbourne. Eldest sone Xharles is wayward and claims the (1), Russian sniper 302 kills as a Russian soldier protecting Russia against German invasion (1), Based in a Rotorua Tavern where a robbery to pay back a gang goes wrong. A young kid in the pub doing a drug hand over is scared and hands over the drugs. The insurance investigator believes it could have been an inside job and emplys an investigator. Gan (1), do things together (1), Carmen and Stan Abilino and Austen and Tibbie Lamb who see each other lots (1), Fiona Sussman is the New Zealand author wrote Letters to Greta which is still in the books of the group so I was attracted to her next book. The Doctors wife is set in suburbia Auckland.The story is based around four friends (1), Couldn't put it down. After bombings in London and Frankfurt US sec of state staff receive coded message of bombings. sec of start then travels around globe trying to work out where in US next one is. Traitors inside Oval office. Is he isnt he? (1), Grace a cello maker in UK has a relationship with high profile English lawyer in France who has a family. They save a lady infront of a train and his photo is published. Their affair unravels. Graces closest friends become her supporters. hes a total bast (1), Disfunctional family in California. Girl saved by her Grandpa who is an apriculturist. Parallels with life of bees to that of the author as a child (1), Murder in private exclusive school in Norfolk. Epilespy but found a reaction to Asprin. Boy was a bully. Police called and out Detective Jazz Hunter persuaded to come back onto job. A master commits suicide and a boys step father. Could be a mulittude of (1), exactly 12 months on from a women parking her baby in its pram at the foot of the ferris wheeel and going missing. While at the christening Falk and his f (1), Light but good mystery. Amish community (1), Aaron Falk Austrailaian federal Ploice goes to rural Adelaide to be Godfather to his friends child (1), A race horse stud in Kentucky in slavery times + a modern day couple placing together the bones on the equis at Smithesonian museum in NY. Racism (1), the wife returns and it turns out she killed her brother and hes in the deep freeze behind the wall (1), Rubbish. Dad has to go into care so the 2 kids turn his girlfriend out of the house and sell the house. the girlfriend buys it (1), Tasmania. The blowing up of the bridge to Bruny Island. The Chinese workers bought to Australia as the Chinese step in to start purchasing Tasmania properties. The sister of the MP is called from US to invistitage the case (1), Private investigator goes to very rural Australia to search the death of a young girls after her sister offers a reward. Turns out his father killed her at the carnival and buried her on the farm (1), and finally where thy are buried. Has issues with her privacy (1), Greta lived with her mother in Akland (1), family (1), Fiction however could easily be a non fiction story. Story of a young girl rescued and then smuggled out of Afghanastan to USA with foster mother. Always struggles to know what happened to her family (1), moving between a father living in the woods of the Northwest and dealing with mental illness (1), Set in Auckland. Indian family mother has gone missing. Mum and dad used to fight alot. Adult son has accident and back hope recouperating. Mums body is found in the waitakerie ranges not far from the house after 10 years. Son sits at his window trying to (1), especially abuse. Climate change is dealt with (1), where any thing she sees she feels (1), heightened by Inti's rare condition that makes her actually feel the touch that others feel - whether loving or violent. Inti suffers mirror- touch synesthesia (1), they have an incredibly close relationship (1), and a mother living in Australia who is a detective specializing in domestic abuse. And then Aggie marries an abusive man. Her trauma and how it has affected Inti explains some of the current events and Inti's reactions. As twins (1), is revealed. They had an odd childhood (1), Disfunctional family fighting to keep their teenaged son's child v a childless mixed race couple hoping to adopt. Basically a good story although why drag the wife back from Africia. A bit far fetched in places (1), and that of her twin sister Aggie (1), Inti's story (1), are not happy to have her there or the wolves back. As the story of the wolves unfolds (1), and definitely the farmers (1), most of the locals (1), a conservationist in Canada and her Mother a detective in Australia and her interest in wolves. Inti is leading a team of scientists reintroducing wolves to Scotland in an effort to rewild the land. Introducing the predators will recreate the balance miss (1), need to read more (1), Freckles is a parking attendant in Dublin (1), about maps. good read (1), she’s having a fourth baby and needs help. Ruth believe that’s code for ………help…..and how do you get a defector to Russia (1), irritable and unpredictable in the way she acts and treats people. One day Tibbie’s body is found at the bottom of a cliff and Carmen is prime suspect. So who killed Tibbie Lamb? Enter the two detectives Hillary Stark and Ramesh Bandara as they pursue j (1), or relationships in a world where men control women. (1), About women and their relationships with their daughters (1), and her whit.As you will learn from Fox himself – be sceptical of the magican’s assistant - keep your eyes on the ball and there’s the twist. (1), always in the first person (1), out of Russia under the watchful eyes of the KGB.Perhaps again a couple of long bows drawnI like Williams’ style of writing (1), Iris and three children defected from the UK to Russia about 8 years previously…. Ruth wasn’t happy about Iris’s relationship with Sasha and the subsequent marriage……..And now in 1951 Iris sends a post card (1), and plays by the rules. Tickets a yellow farrarri and the owner then becomes her friend. he said that a person is the average of the five people you spend most time with. Freckles tries to work out who are her friends and tries to make friendships to no a (1), of course under the nose of the KGB. Not an easy task especially as Sasha (1), upper class and Oxford graduates they are spying for the Russians. Burgess and Hunt went on to defect to Russia.1951. This is the story of Iris who married Sasha and Iris’s twin sister Ruth. The story begins with Ruth heading to Moscow as agent Fox’s (1), being good guys (1), and others all Oxford graduates working in London for MI5. Under the cover of MI5 (1), Anthony Hunt (1), and this event is based loosley on the Cambridge spy ring known to be active in the UK around the 1950s. Names like Guy Burgess (1), Beatriz Williams tends to write about events (1), live in the same area and have done for yearsAusten Lamb is Carmen and Stan Abilino’s doctor and their friend. At the opening of the book Carmen is diagnosed with a brain tumour and after surgery is irrational (1), This story is told in dual time frames and two points of view. One story line is from 1875-1876 that of Hannie a black slave child on her master’s Augustine estate in Louisanna. Hannie (1), not too many characters and each one has a part in the story.Well deserving of the Crime Fiction Ngaio Marsh award. I loved it. (1), missing on her way home from school on a Friday. Slightly deals with drugs (1), though not in any pedantic way. It just flows through the conversations and observations. There is also much thought given to proper attention to the past and the future. There is a line drawn within the family and village from the days of WWII to the pre (1), planning to spend much of it in Valetto. This novel strikes me as an historian’s take on a family history. There is so much here about how we humans look at the world and people around us (1), Esters friends Mum suggest they look at Clint kenard as he used to be the town druggie. Killer discovered. Interesting ending to the book after murder cleared up a recap of the characters further on in life (1), except Ronnie (1), not one grasses on anyone else (1), abuse and small town (1), two homicide detectives called in to find a missing 12 yr old girl Ester (1), An old Italian village closing down because the old people are leaving. Mum 99 lives in a villa with her two daughters. Hugh Fisher is an historian; writes of abandoned towns and villages and their history. His mother was Italian in the very small village (1), Set in a rural deprivied town in NSW (1), turning 18. Nella wants o marry her into a good family to save their failing fortune after Johannes death. Thea of course is in love with a scene painter at the local playhouse. The miniaturist starts leaving minitures and Walter the art painters wife si (1), Ottyo and marlins child (1), Not as good as the miniaturist. Picks up the story where the other one left off. The story of Thea (1), unravels. Interesting ending. (1), twitchers and neo Natsi sympatherisers. A man runs for his life in a forest. A woman plans sabotage. About 100 pages from end a bit predictable and then everything ties up (1), the Serafinos. (1), Syndrome K infectious disease in a Rome hospital to keep the gestapo out and priovided a safe space for allied airman (1), called in with partner Ivan to investigate a body found when someone blew up the Murray River regulators. Story goes from WW2 POW camp with Italians (1), Mason James Ritchie Chaz etc (1), NSW sheep farm from 1880 - 1920's and the family that owned it. Generational saga (1), An elderly women complains she is being stalked and Jack Weir investigates. (1), Good old harry Bosch read. Harry taking cancer treatment works with his1/2 brother Haller taking on cases. Bosch and Haller work together to "walk" an innocent woman from jail Lucinda Sanx took a deal for 15 years in prison after the death of her ex husba (1), Set in Covid Edinburgh. Two detectives investigagte an authors script where he is planning a death to set his friend author up who has run off with his wife. Different (1), Jamaican familyes coming and settling in Lindon. The abuse they recieved and how the houses they were renting were the pits. (1), Set in England 1643 when the King was an war woith parlimentarians over land. Jayne Swift is dr and treats patients from both sides. She meets William Harrier who seems to be on both sides and a footman. A good story up until the last chapter (1), Young girls date drugged and raped. Sara the Dr gives evidence at a courst case where one of her select upmarkets Dr sons is the abuser. She finds connections to her rape and the gang of seven. Britt & Mac Mcillege (1), Another great Kate Morton read. Split between Christmas Eve 1959 where Izzy Turner and her four children are found possibly poisoned. And Jess who flies from to Sydney from UK as her Grandmother Nora has has a fall and is seriously ill. As it turns Nora h (1), one side of the story. Is it done to sell the book (1), Story of family who sail from Plymouth to follow Cooks third voyage and sail the wrong way around the Pacific. They sail for 10 years. The story of the daughter who grows up craving education and the struggle she had to study and break free. Going on to b (1), the police didn't do a great (1), The seven the founding families of an irrigation scheme have a standing in the community. The accountat is murdered and nell Buchanan Ivan Luciv from Dubbo come into to investigate. Three paralele stories at once. A bit lame (1), A manipulative teacher who pits students against each other. begins with stealing going on in the class between students. Teacher singles out her favourites. Teacher gets friendly and then is going to marry narrator ( student in class) Dad. Justine (1), A little bit predictable. Divorced Mum meets American man who wants to marry her and buy cottage together. Family in an outrage. As the story unfolds you dislike Tyler more and can see he's manipulating Rosie. Finally she breaks it off. Good writing of th (1), how her sister inlaw Izzy died and her brother Thomas Turner in UK. A who dunnit. Some red herrings (1), to Nells own family (1), Set on the banks of the Murray river as the boundry between Victoria and NSW. Based close to Muidura + Griffith true places. Detective Nell Buchanan nelwy appointed homicide detective (1), I really enjoyed reading this book (1), they start collecting the advertisements/ stories to put in their Book of Lost FriendsThe story deals with racism (1), 3 sisters and mother life at SandCove Isle of Wight (1), whom she eventaully helps and solves his kidnapping (1), Lesbian journalist who seeks help to get stories from a boss who dislikes her (1), Peggy lives on a canal boat with her twin sister Maudie who has behavioural issues during WW2. Both girls work as page folders at the Univerity Press book binders at Oxford. The business is in Jericho where all the working class people live. A class struc (1), Asher aged 18 in court charged with first degree murder after being found clutching his dead girlfriend lily's body in her home. he claims he found her. Ashers Mum Olivia had left an abusive relationship with father Braden. Lily is trans. Olivia is an api (1), the influence of the white and affluent in both slave time and modern day and how people are very reluctant to look back fearing what they may uncover. Loved it and loved the strength of a passionate teacher (1), poverty and valuing education and racism. Bennie develops a project to try and engage /encourage her students to look into their own family histories in this area. And of course out of the woodwork come the sanctimonious white folk Each chapter begins wit (1), one hestitaing getting engegd and then enters a lesbian relationship (1), plenty of rednecks and not everyone on the journey is supportive of abolishing slavery or black people having rights.The other point of view is that of Bennie (Bernadette). Bennie is a first-year teacher at the poor rural school in Augustine a tiny Missis (1), travels down the Mississippi to Texas in the post-Civil War American South where tension is high (1), protecting two of her master’s children (1), and is not medically dependent. (1), Samoan from her father and European from her mother. Being too brown to be whi (1), Ruby Tui’s life. I am troubled about the topical issues raised which Ruby has faced and discusses. Bluntly??? Ruby being of mixed blood (1), deserted by alhcolic father. There trials as three mature women (1), another leaving her stifling controlling husband. Mum interfering. A good back story of how Rachel oldest sister helped bring the other girls up (1), Set in Amsterdam. heroine is a member of the resitance and saves her two Jewish friends taking them to live with her parents. Shes eventaully caught and tortured. Based on a true story (1), it begins when busy wife and mother Freycinet Barnes distractedly steps in front of a moving car. The driver (1), aging father. Choir members offer support as Frey. The choir members are a demented (1), rebel teenaged son (1), dancing daughter starving herself to death (1), and Freycinet finds herself welcomed into their supportive fold as she deals with cheating husband (1), are members of the West Moonah Womens Choir (1), Kyrie and her passenger Rosanna (1), community and empowerment (1), Light. Woman Rory with OCD and other disorders doesn't leave her apt. Controlled by her aunt. Sees her father across the road at a homeless doss and then someone in her apartment. Eventaully works out who it is and why (1), never been done before. She and he scullery maid spent 10 years incorporating flavour into food with local fresh ingredients. Recipe book later sold by Mrs Beeton. Twist at the end discovering Eliza had illegitimate daughter. (1), Eliza back in 19860's wrote a recipe book listing method and ingredients (1), not unpredictable (1), except the husband testifies again Johannes and sends him to his death by drowning. A gripping story with turns (1), 1600 Amsterdam. A young girl Petronella is in an arranged marriage with a wealthy older merchant Johannes in his house in Amsterdam with his ssiter and 2 servants. He doesn't seem to want to "take his Bride" and as she discovers he prefers men. Also runni (1), but not to the extent. The murderts burst into his beach house while he is going an audio report. A bit lame. Still a good read (1), No 4 in the jack hawkesworth series set in Australia. You could tell what was going to happen and who was helping who (1), The story of rehousing wolves in Scottish highlands. The narrator Inti's life told through her eyes of time with her father (1), A woman in the close is hit from behind (1), is curous. Father is no 1 suspect athough Jon the journalist doesn't think its him. Cara from next door starts to work with Jon to unearth and solve the murder mystery. As it turns out Grace is not who she has lead her mother and others to believe she is. (1), land wars maori issues aliens ww2 (1), meeting birth family (1), family relationships aging dying (1), aircraft crash private investigator Lilly 18th brithday (1), murder private detective (1), devious husband. (1), WW2 German Jewish extermination (1), Australian sugar cane. Aboriginal issues 1960s (1), assisted suicide friendship (1), woman and daughter escape London to house sit for bridge builder (1), Photgrapher fakes own death (1), paid help (1), To be continued (1), Started well (1), father hood (1), fitting in cousin Nancy jewellery Grandmother murder (1), LA riots vietnam vets murder (1), Guersney Island (1), Jem dead (1), Queensland sugar cane (1), adoption of children from Friendless society on the trains going Mid west from New York (1), Slavery in Sth USA in 1860's. Life of a girl slave and her owner who works for salvery abolishment. (1), Interesting story discovered by reading the diaries in the apartment of the owner who worked her way up from bar maid at Follies. Her affairs and birth of children. April furniture expert wrestles with own marriage (1), like the blac (1), Scout goes home for holiday. Her long time friend and beau works for Atticus and she discovers they are attending a racial meeting. Scout has trouble coming to terms with this. Atticus makes some racial comments (1), Atticus now older (1), 1950's race relationships (1), Divorced woman with alcohol problem routinely catches train to phantom job each morning passes the street & house where she lived with husband now living there with new wife and baby. She fantasises about a couple in a house just down the road. Wife Megan (1), find passport solve who is around asking questions about her. (1), Holiday read. Elderly twin sisters take in foreign woman and child and nephew and elderly tramp friend and sort out womans issues (1), Detective Sadie Sparrow on leave for going to press over London murder delves into Cornwall murder. Intriguing list of suspects. Ending weakish (1), accountant set up for laundering money by feds. Does deal on murder with feds to finger actual murderer who he worked out a plan with in prison. A bit far fetched as story progresses. (1), boy with black nanny stutter (1), London post war (1), Blended learning (1), Father emulating his father who actually lived through a scandal (1), MS (1), paintings (1), dementia (1), hunger (1), 1960's (1), child abduction (1), WW 2 (1), blacks (1), clara (1), poverty (1), education (1), slavery (1), families (1), friendships (1), ethics (1), drama (1), Aboriginal rights (1), Russia. Leingrad. (1), Communities of practice (1), a murderess (1), Art work (1), Social presence. cognitive presence (1), Tenko (1), a lawyer (1), Social issues (1), Rubbish (1), heaven (1), Google (1), Light (1), American civil rights (1), a doctor (1), A story of friendship (1), Kim Philby (1), girls (1), hierarchical family (1), Lacey Flint works for the marine squad on the Thames (1), Tedious. (1), Based on Amelia Aerhart (1), Detective investigating a murder in her home town of one of her old school friends. Deals with previous memorios (1), Husband Owen disappears amidst a scandal of insider trading. He leaves a note protect her for Hannah and a bag of cash for Bailey his daughter and Hannah's step daughter. This is the story of Hannah trying to piece together odd bits and Bailyes memories t (1), Stolen baby taken from hospital after mother's baby is still born. 18 yrs later mothert confesses. Child meets with biological parents. Father altra ego. Mother Anna really nice and supportive. Mother Hope goes to prison. A few too many words. Easy to ski (1), Mum property away and is having an affair with his wife. As time elapses the people in the cafe tell their stories and develop a bond to help the gunman (1), perhaps not as good as the new woman. Strangers in a cafe get held to ransome by a chap who murders the cafe owner. Cafe owner is his step dad who took his live (1), Luke Livingstone is tranforming into a woman to acknowledge those surpressd feelings he has had for years. Seen from his and his families eyes. (1), Detective in outback Australia. Coming back to where they grew up to solve a murder. Childhood mixed up in memories (1), Set in a day at a bach at a beach. Dips back into the life that has effected the main character Elle. At the beach is her long time friend/ boyfriend Jonas. elle deals with either staying with Jonas or husband peter as she is filled with guilt of previous (1), Hungarian Jew who helped 1500 jews to Switzerland after intense negotiation. Then in Israel the community turn on him. Young Australian reporter trying to discover her Grandmother roots as Grandmother refues to discuss. Turns out Grandmother is negoitater (1), Similar to Lovely bones. 18 yr old girl shifts to NY City. Befriended by elderly man Noah at the same time that that Ruby Jones arrives from Aust. Both have their issues with relationships. Alice becomes interested in photography and is murdered one morni (1), family and friendship. (1), and gives us glimpses of their past and relationships with each other. A memorable story of the trials and tribulations of what it is to live (1), Iris had MS and off to Zurich for anesthesia. Terry's dad has dementia. The road trip to Zurich has Terry reflecting more closely on her life and her sense of identity (1), lenni aged 17 with a terminal illness and Margot aged 83 in hospital for heart surgery team up to produce 100 paintings that depicts the total age of them both. I loved lenni a precocious teenager. The paintings tell both womens life story. I loved lenni' (1), old dead boyfriend (1), Same author as I knew her. Grace young child (1), Based in the Great Depression and the Dust bowl. A woman is left with her two children and the inlaws in the dustbowl when there is no money and no rain to grow crops . Elsa packs up her 2 children and travels to California the rumoured land of plenty. Sa (1), Sudden ending. I had seen the link between the brain and the seahorse. Woman arrives in an English village at a house (1), Which is guilty. Surprising ending (1), she stubmles into a house clutching a book saying I know who is trying to kill me. As the woman of the house start reading the book she learns about the mysterious and nasty things the neighbours are doing (1), love (1), half written by william mcilvanney and finished off by Ian rankin. Detective stories in Glasglow. Waring gangland groups and 2 detectives trying to solve the mystery. You could tell when Rankin picked up the story. A difference in language (1), Whos to blame. Mother ( Granny) the nanny of Jocelyn herslf (1), claiming amnesia although the house is familiar. Her journey as she traps the husband who used to preform lobal sugery in Berlin. (1), British woamn does off with her new found assistant who is running away to new Caledonia to find an unfound beetle (1), with multiple illness in a wheel chair and medically dependent is found gone and her mother murdered in their home. neighbours and residents get together to find Grace knowing she is medically dependent. A journalist who is black listed from his first art (1), Spy novel based in France Sister Elloise trying to discover why her family farm and her brother has been the centre for attack. (1), The third from this author after The Baltimore boys and the Harry Quoibbit affair. A part time journalist arrives at a police officers leaving do to tell him he and hi partner who investifgated a murder in 1994 got it wrong. Suddenly sh goes missing and (1), not beautiful like her elder sisters or flighty like her younger sisters. (1), continually put down (1), needs a bit of editing. Wriiten in the same language as Pride & predijuce. Tells of the story of Mary Bennet the middle siter who was unloved (1), Slightly long (1), A policewoman's call out to a domestic violence incident sets off a chain reaction that derails her life and takes her in unexpected directions. Toxic friendships. (1), two white children escape from the Native Indian training school and paddle down the Missouri River to find their aunt. An interesting ending when they meet their aunt to discover the owner of the Indian Training School is trying to capture them. Turns ou (1), making peace with his family (1), also lives on a house boat. Explore tributaries by swimming or in a kayak. Finds a dead body thought to arrive through people smuggling. Gets squad involved. Ending a bit confusing. Was she sad Thessa (1), & Fox working together. (1), Brilliant. London. Story of a kitchen maid in a country house who got promoted to a ladies maid. The life and times of people in that era. Maid held the secret of the house and who killed the playwrite at the New Year's Eve party (1), Jersey Island during the German invasion. Tells the story of a few islanders and how they make do and plan an escape. rather a rushed endinglfe of (1), Depression days West Virgina. layla writng history of the town rom foundation for the quesentail celbration. Becomes involved with Romeyn family whose father owned a hosery factory. Family relationships explore through eyes of 12 yr old. Break up of famil (1), stretched and compromised after Matts unexpected marriage at 18 and Kates university career (1), Nrth Canada parents killed and eldest brings up younger children relationship between Matt and Katie (1), dress thief relationships between grandmere who she lives with and feel good friend sponsor who knew her artist grandfather. Artist is extorting money from sponsor and attacking girl. (1), Police investigation of murders in Edinborough. Rebus makes links to other crimes. Shibohan (1), one brash and involved with the resistence walking English airmen over the Pyrenees to Spain and freedon and the other conservative sister who saved 17 Jewi (1), this not as good (1), silly lady. Loved B4 u go to sleep (1), really frustrated with main character (1), gives him her phn no. Meets again and dresses in clothes he leaves for her at conceiage. He storks her etc. Gave up (1), stupidly meets up has sex (1), Began OK then Julia gets involved with man on net (1), which she relives for a TV production trying to uncover the facts. (1), Ok started well then lost interest after my operation (1), told through letters. Daniel once a ace pilot fighting in both wars (1), Not page gripping but a good story. two sisters both claim the other killed their Dad. Goes to court. Two youngish solicitors working the cases. One sister accused the other guilty and then that solicitor works out who the real murder was theorugh an elab (1), fetoal aicohol syndrome. Story told through the eyes of a 21 year old who is preoccupied with vikings and her life revolves around viking terminology (1), Not a penny more (1), woman getting back at her husband starts a company and manages to take control of his. Similar to Archers (1), Former woman scientist now selling jewelery in a department store. Feels shame on helping to develop an atomic bomb which kills thousands. Develops mental heath issues. Now asked by FBI to spy for them on her former workmate and scientist Weaver who is a (1), Eddie Flynn detective investigating a kidnapping and potential murder of caroline Howell connected to Julie Rossen (1), Jane Tennison solves a robbery by thinking outside the square and following up leads. A little far fetched. Tennison is up against it in a male world and the male oriented flying squad (1), kennedy tradgies . (1), Slow to start. Story of Josephine and Napoleon and their marriage (1), Family who move to Alaska. and an exixtance of surbvival. Abuse and survival. Fab read (1), Violet scientist married to a dominant man. How she developes a relationship with anaother man and escapes to Paris. Parale story of her grat niece who receives her suitcase and tries to piece the stoy together (1), Reporter at Nassau to report society column. Duke and duchess of Windsor are there as governor. Bi story of Elfreide who is a German in love with Thorpe . Reporter eventually marries Thorpe from Nassau who is a British agent. And how they sprang him from (1), Russian woman meets student in moscow. Immigrates to Australia and meets up with him again (1), started well following the migration of artic terns. Then got dark and suicide with lots of back channels. Looking at efects of climate change on animal life. DEpressing (1), which her gardener finally cracks. How as empress she wants parts of the seed collection and the French people especially the state gardeners don't want her to have it. Back chanel story of the two gardeners/ biologists trying to successfully grow the for (1), his want for an heir. She establishes herself at Malmasion and develops the garden there claiming seed from the expeditions around the world. The challenge in growing the Australian eucalyptus gum (1), Nancy leaves London to be a nanny for a couple in France / Italy. The book is her friends grand daughter following her postcards and dress patterns to find out hwere is is living. An interesting twist as an endingr (1)
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Jul 5, 2008
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