
type: novel (48), genre: romance (44), subgenre: magic (36), genre: fantasy (32), theme: school (26), favourite series (20), type: shonen manga (18), genre: adventure (17), genre: crime (15), series: negima (14), favourite author (14), theme: family (12), detective: lynley and havers (11), series: inspector lynley mysteries (11), type: shojo manga (11), type: trilogy (11), series: harry potter (10), type: classic novel (10), category: reference (9), theme: vampires (9), theme: finding self (9), genre: historical (8), genre: chicklit (7), theme: war (7), language: latin (7), genre: tragedy (7), type: preteens (6), type: clamp manga (6), genre: supernatural (6), theme: social (6), genre: cultural (5), theme: amnesia (5), theme: music (5), theme: inheritance (4), theme: monarchy (4), theme: adult issues (4), theme: feminism (4), series: the princess diaries (4), series: love hina (4), theme: redemption (4), category: filmed (4), country: japan (4), type: fairytale (4), theme: rags to riches (4), category: retelling (4), theme: life and death (4), favourite book (4), type: girly (4), type: family saga (4), type: textbook (4), series: vampire knight (4), series: la corda d'oro (4), series: black magician trilogy (3), language: french (3), genre: horror (3), era: victorian (3), genre: gothic horror (3), genre: life story (3), type: saga (3), series: twilight (3), detective: holmes and watson (3), theme: political (3), theme: drugs (3), series: sherlock holmes (3), series: xxxholic (3), genre: yaoi (3), series: legal drug (3), type: collection (3), theme: world-travel (3), type: memoirs (3), country: scotland (2), theme: animals (2), theme: adultery (2), type: modern classic novel (2), series: dollanganger (2), theme: psychology (2), series: howl's moving castle (2), theme: other woman (2), series: tales of the otori (2), theme: religion - catholicism (2), language: ancient greek (2), country: france (2), era: medieval (2), genre: children's (2), genre: mystery (2), theme: drama (2), type: autobiography (2), theme: time-travel (2), theme: beauty and the beast (2), type: guide (2), genre: humour (2), country: wales (2), theme: guilt and innocence (2), theme: death (2), series: ghost hunt (2), theme: necromancy (2), series: old kingdom (2), theme: change (1), theme: murder (1), theme: jane austen (1), theme: fascism (1), theme: fairies (1), type: epic poem (1), theme: dr seuss (1), theme: poison (1), series: wicked lovely (1), theme: espionage (1), series: studies (1), era: industrial revolution (1), genre: spy (1), type: grammar book (1), theme: sexuality (1), series: tenshi ja nai (1), genre: epistolary novel (1), theme: sex (1), theme: rivalry (1), theme: the wizard of oz (1), theme: sleeping beauty (1), series: camelot (1), theme: sacrifice (1), theme: revenge (1), theme: christmas (1), category: shakespeare (1), series: lucifer box (1), series: cat royal (1), theme: competition (1), type: dictionary (1), genre: philosophy (1), genre: steampunk (1), category: poetry (1), country: india (1), country: afghanistan (1), type: non-fiction (1), theme: friendship (1), theme: writing (1), type: picture book (1), theme: bees (1), genre: satire (1), country: brazil (1), type: biography (1), language: spanish (1), series: sally lockhart (1), series: earth's children (1), series: thursday next (1), series: his dark materials (1), theme: poverty (1), theme: art (1), theme: young women (1), theme: manipulation (1), genre: dark fantasy (1), theme: injury (1), type: based on legend (1), theme: aristocracy (1), theme: literature (1), category: sheet music (1), genre: fantasy adventure (1), category: true story (1), type: diary (1), theme: fashion (1), series: glass books (1), series: bridget jones (1), genre: sci-fi fantasy (1), type: semi-true story (1), era: tudors (1), era: upper paleolithic (1), theme: anthropology (1), type: septilogy (1), type: nonilogy (1), theme: angels (1), series: angels unlimited (1), theme: conspiracy (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Aug 9, 2007
Über meine Bibliothek
This is my library from secondary (high) school - I'm now at university and you can find my new library under the username Melandria.
When I was 16 I wrote: 'My library consists mainly of fantasy/romance/magic books, and then some reference books for my interests, sheet music (because I'm that sad I catalogued it), and books I read before I was 11 that I used to up my numbers, hehe. Oh, and there's quite a lot of manga, too.'
Über mich
I'm a classicist.
When I was 16 I wrote: 'I'm a language student (mainly Latin and French), semi-professional musician (accompanist, and musical assistant) and aspiring novelist (mainly Victorian/Regency, mystery/supernatural/horror, and fantasy romance, and don't forget FAIRYTALES, I love love love them). I have been reading real books since I was two years old and I love nothing better.'
Lancashire, Royaume-uni
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