
Bürgerlicher Name
Melvin Sico
Über mich
“Don't get involved in partial problems, but always take flight to where there is a free view over the whole single great problem, even if this view is still not a clear one.” — Ludwig Wittgenstein

Over the past decade, I have harbored a deep, unyielding desire to learn “how the world really works”. In addressing this need, I sought to read books that, in way or another, would help me establish a viable Weltanschauung. My reading interests therefore focus on books that I thought would help me in my pursuit of understanding the underlying ‘gears and pinions’ of fields such as finance, economics, and politics. These subjects continue to hold my attention as firmly as they did many years ago. Wading through library stacks or exploring collections electronically, I am inevitably drawn to books that profess to decisively illuminate a certain subject or throw new light on a topic that interests me.

An insatiable reader, I read for knowledge and for leisure; my book choices often convey a convenient, curious intersection of self-education and escapism. Although currently my reading list is focused on academic works, I have, as one might expect, explored the many nooks and crannies that fiction works offer. I have basked in the worlds created by the likes of Steinbeck, Wharton, Salinger, Twain, Doyle, Mann, Hemingway, Poe, Stowe, Melville, Hawthorne, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Orwell, Dickens, and Updike. Their creative writings—their literary quandaries—allow us to achieve a certain balance between the real and the vicarious, empirical linearity and stochastic phenomena, a sterile existence and the discursive experience of living.

Not surprisingly, if there is one thing I have developed during my years of reading, it is a keen awareness of the value of learning. Learning, digesting knowledge, pursuing lines of inquiry—these endeavors are all about creating neural networks, making connections and exploring ideas and insights that can be incorporated in one’s world view. I hope that, in my pursuit of reading, I will be able to share what I have learned so far—creating new neural ensembles in the process.
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