Autoren-Cloud für Matteo_Pangallo

Jacob Abbott(1) Daniel Adams(1) Jane Adamson(1) Mark Akenside(1) A Layman(1) Thomas Bailey Aldrich(1) Peter Alexander(1) Dante Alighieri(5) Richard Allestree(1) Richard D. Altick(1) A. R. Ammons(1) Elizabeth Ammons(2) Hugh Amory(1) Hans Christian Andersen(1) John F. Andrews(1) Anonymous(1) Anonymous(1) Apuleius(2) Aristophanes(2) A. S. F. Army Information Branch(1) T. S. Arthur(1) Frank G. Ashbrook(3) Isaac Asimov(1) Marcus Aurelius(1) Wendell M. Aycock(1) Francis Bacon(3) Arthur Scott Bailey(1) Elizabeth Baldwin(1) Bela Bangha(1) James M. Banner(1) C.L. Barber(1) Nicholas Barker(1) Elizabeth F. Barkley(1) John Barnard(1) Sylvan Barnet(1) Allison Hoover Bartlett(1) John Barton(3) Nicholas A. Basbanes(1) Jonathan Bate(1) Ruth M. Beard(1) Bernard Beckerman(2) Stephen Vincent Benét(1) Gerald Eades Bentley(3) Bernard Berenson(1) David Moore Bergeron(1) Thomas L. Berger(1) Ralph Berry(1) Henry Beston(1) David Bevington(1) Sven Birkerts(1) Harold Bloom(2) Sol Bloom(1) Frederick S. Boas(1) Giovanni Boccaccio(4) Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke(1) Saint Bonaventure(1) Jorge Luis Borges(1) Deane G. Bornheimer(1) James Boswell(1) William G. Bowen(1) Fredson Bowers(7) Charles Boyce(1) A. C. Bradley(2) A. R. Braunmuller(2) Michael D. Bristol(1) Philip Brockbank(1) Richard Brome(1) Stopford Augustus Brooke(1) John Russell Brown(3) Edward S. Brubaker(1) Bill Bryson(1) Mike Bubel(1) Thomas Bulfinch(1) Geoffrey Bullough(1) Gelett Burgess(1) Edgar Rice Burroughs(1) Robert Burton(1) Wilhelm Busch(2) Samuel Butler(1) Johannis Buxtorfi(1) Richard C Cabot(1) Charles Henry Caffin(1) Steven M. Cahn(1) Michael & IMLAH CAINES, Mick (eds)(1) Lily Bess Campbell(2) Oscar James Campbell(1) Thomas Carew(1) Viscount Dorchester Dudley Carleton(1) Will Carleton(2) John Alden Carpenter(1) Lewis Carroll(1) Christie and Karim-Cooper Carson, Farah(1) Neil Carson(2) John Carter(1) Elisabeth Luther Cary(1) Kay Cassill(1) Catullus(1) George Cavendish(1) William Caxton(1) Benvenuto Cellini(1) Herbert Cescinsky(1) E. K. Chambers(4) George Chapman(3) Geoffrey Chaucer(1) C. R. Cheney(1) Patrick Cheney(1) Warren Chernaik(1) J. H. Chester(1) Colley Cibber(1) M. T. Clanchy(1) Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon(1) Badger Clark(1) John Clavell(1) John Cleaveland(1) Samuel Clemens(1) Noel Cobb(1) Robert Cohen(1) Paul Collins(1) Joseph Conrad(1) Natale Conti(1) Ann Jennalie Cook(1) George Coolidge(1) James Fenimore Cooper(2) Richard Corbet(1) David Cordingly(1) Frances Evelyn Maynard Greville, Countess of Warwick(1) William Cowper(1) Jeffrey N. Cox(1) John D. Cox(2) George Crabbe(1) Michael Crichton(2) Patrick Cruttwell(1) David Crystal(1) J. A. Cuddon(1) Moses Grant Daniell(1) Samuel Daniel(1) G. M. Davison(1) Barry Day(1) Leonard Fellows Dean(1) Daniel Defoe(2) Thomas Dekker(1) A. B. De Mille(1) Alan C. Dessen(3) Charles Dickens(4) Bruce Dickins(1) Samuel N. Dickinson(2) Jonathan Dollimore(1) Patricia Donahue(1) Ignatius Donnelly(1) Madeleine Doran(1) R.J. Dorius(1) George Francis Dow(2) Arthur Conan Doyle(1) Margaret Drabble(1) John Dryden(2) John Gregory Dunne(1) Esther Cloudman Dunn(2) James Eastland(1) Arthur M. Eastman(1) Paul Edmondson(1) Michael Edwards(1) Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston(1) Elizabeth L. Eisenstein(2) Charles Eliot(1) T. S. Eliot(3) William Empson(1) Desiderius Erasmus(1) Peter Erickson(1) Lukas Erne(2) J. Berg Esenwein(1) John Esqumeling(1) Marshall Everett(1) Margaret J. M. Ezell(1) George S. Farnell(1) Willard Farnham(1) Robert Farnsworth(1) Clarence H. Faust(1) Rosemary G. Feal(3) John Feather(1) Lucien Febvre(1) David Dudley Field(1) Henry Fielding(1) Peter Filene(1) David Finkelstein(2) Richard Flatter(1) John Fletcher(5) Alonzo J. Fogg(1) John Ford(1) M. Foster(1) O. S. Fowler(1) Anatole France(1) Benjamin Franklin(1) Miriam A. Franklin(1) Russell Fraser(1) Paulo Freire(1) Wilhelmina Paulina Frijlinck, [from old catalog](1) Robert Frost(1) Northrop Frye(1) Minoru Fujita(1) René Fülöp-Miller(1) Horace Howard Furness(1) Ernest K. Gann(1) Marjorie Garber(1) Samuel Rawson Gardiner(1) Edmund Gardner(1) David Garrick(1) Philip Gaskell(2) Leslie Geddes-Brown(1) Edward Gibbon(1) Colin Gibson(1) Rex Gibson(1) Henry Glapthorne(1) Carlo Goldoni(1) John Goldsbury(1) Oliver Goldsmith(4) Lawrence Goldstone(1) Herman Gollob(1) Ronald Gottesman(1) Remy de Gourmont(1) S. Goyeneche.(1) Leon Gozlan(1) Paul Gray(1) Margreta de Grazia(1) Bernard D. N. Grebanier(1) Stephen Greenblatt(2) Robert Greene(1) Chester Noyes Greenough(1) D. C. Greetham(1) W. W. Greg(3) John Gross(1) Kenneth Gross(1) Robert A. Gross(1) Bernard Grun(1) Cherrell Guilfoyle(1) Andrew Gurr(4) Quinn Haber(1) Frank E. Haggard(1) F. E. Halliday(1) Peter Hall(1) Radclyffe Hall(1) Samuel Hall(3) Charles Hamilton(1) Dag Hammarskjöld(1) Helene Hanff(1) Peter Happé(1) Alfred Harbage(2) G. B. Harrison(3) George B. Harrison(1) A. J. Hartley(1) Paul Harvey(1) Anne M. Haselkorn(1) Michael Hattaway(1) Terence Hawkes(1) Ann R. Hawkins(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(2) William Carew Hazlitt(1) Dominic Head(1) J. T. Headley(1) Seamus Heaney(1) Levi Hedge(1) Léon Hennique(1) Philip Henslowe(1) George Herbert(1) Thomas Heywood(3) Andrew Hiscock(1) Louisa Hoare(2) Anthony Holden(1) Raphael Holinshed(1) Peter Holland(5) Karl J. Holzknecht(1) Homer(2) Horace(1) Leslie Hotson(2) Leslie Howsam(1) Edmond Hoyle(1) H. N. Hudson(1) Victor Hugo(1) Thomas Hull(1) George K. Hunter(1) Lynette Hunter(1) Michael Cyril William Hunter(1) Maurice Hunt(1) Washington Irving(1) H.J. Jackson(1) Richard Jackson(1) Russell Jackson(3) Henry James, Jr.(1) Francis Jaques(1) D. L. Johanyak(1) Adrian Johns(1) Richard Johnson(1) Samuel Johnson(1) T. R. Johnson(1) Ernest Jones(1) Henry Arthur Jones(1) Ben Jonson(4) Bertram Leon Joseph(1) M Jourdain(1) John Jowett(1) Alexander Corbin Judson(1) Stephen N. Judy(1) Ivo Kamps(2) David Scott Kastan(2) Ralph James Kaufmann(1) Nikos Kazantzakis(1) Siobhan Keenan(1) Thomas Keightley(1) Leon Kellner(1) Frank Alexander Kendall(1) Adrienne Kennedy(1) Alfred Keogh(1) Frank Kermode(3) Shakespeare edited by Alvin Kernin(1) Omar Khayyám(1) kingthomasjames(1) T. J. King(1) Arthur F. Kinney(1) John R. Kippax(1) Andrew Kippis(1) David Klein(2) Bernice W. Kliman(1) Walter Klinefelter(1) Jeffrey Knapp(1) George Wilson Knight(1) Zoran Kuzmanovich(1) Thomas Kyd(1) Charles Lamb(1) G. F. Lamb(1) James M. Lang(1) Richard A. Lanham(1) Björn Larsson(1) Mary Lascelles(1) D. H. Lawrence(1) T. E. Lawrence(1) W. J. Lawrence(1) Alexander S. Lawson(1) Russell E. Leavenworth(1) Naomi Lebowitz(1) Leonora Leet(1) Alexander Leggatt(2) Toby Bookholtz Lelyveld(1) John Lempriere(1) William Van Lennep(1) Elmore Leonard(1) Aldo Leopold(1) Laurence Lerner(1) J. C. Levenson(1) J. W. Lever(1) Harry Levin(1) Roy Harley Lewis(1) Anne Morrow Lindbergh(1) Harold Littledale(1) William Little(1) Titus Livius(1) Roger Lockyer(1) Locrine(1) Christopher Logue(1) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(2) Martin Lowry(1) E F C Ludowyk(1) Martin Luther(1) Niccolò Machiavelli(1) Frank Abbott Magruder(1) Mary Z. Maher(1) M. M. Mahood(1) Thomas Malory(1) David Mamet(1) Alberto Manguel(2) Leah S. Marcus(1) Louis Marder(1) Christopher Marlowe(5) Florence Marryat(1) John Martin(1) Louis L. Martz(1) David Mathew(1) Brander Matthews(1) Thomas May(1) Bill McBride(2) Russ McDonald(2) Claire McEachern(1) Thomas McFarland(2) Bruce McIver(1) Wilbert James McKeachie(1) Ronald Brunlees McKerrow(1) David McKitterick(1) George W. Melville(1) Herman Melville(2) Thomas Middleton(1) Thomas and Dekker Middleton, Thomas(1) Edna St. Vincent Millay(1) Arthur Miller(1) Julia Miller(1) John Milton(4) Peter Milward(1) Molière(1) Tom Moniz(1) Louis Montrose(1) James Moran(1) Hannah More(1) Edmund S. Morgan(1) John (Ed) Et. Al Morley(1) Lillian Mortimer(1) Richard G. Moulton(1) Walter Mountfort(1) Farley Mowat(1) Kenneth Muir(4) Edward Lindsay Carson Mullins(1) E. L. C. Mullins(1) Anthony Munday(1) Andrew Murphy(1) Arthur Murphy(1) Caroline Mytinger(1) Vladimir Nabokov(2) A. M. Nagler(1) Peter Neill(1) Victor Nell(1) John Nelson(1) William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle(1) State of New Hampshire(1) A. Edward Newton(1) Charles Nicholl(1) Graham Nicholls(1) Allardyce Nicoll(2) Rosemary O'Day(1) Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich(1) Walter J. Ong(1) C. T. Onions(1) Pete Orford(1) Robert Ornstein(1) George Orwell(1) Grant Overton(1) Lewis J. Owen(1) Lyn Oxenford(1) Ralph D. Paine(1) Simon Palfrey(1) Charles Follen Palmer(1) D. J. Palmer(1) Mr. Alan Palmer(1) J. Max Patrick(1) George W. Peck(1) Andrew Pettegree(1) James D. Phillips(1) Samuel T. Pickard(1) Gerald M. Pinciss(1) John Pitcher(1) Christopher Pitt(1) Henry Robert Plomer(1) Edgar Allan Poe(1) Alfred W. Pollard(1) George Reuben Potter(1) J. G. Pratt(1) William H. Prescott(2) Diana and Michael Preston(1) Ottokar Prohaszka(2) Eleanor Prosser(1) Rh Value Publishing(1) Louise-Clarke Pyrnelle(1) John D. Quackenbos(1) François Rabelais(3) Harold Rabinowitz(1) Norman Rabkin(1) Peter Reynolds(1) Ernest Rhys(2) Irving Ribner(1) Luigi Ricci(1) M. R. Ridley(1) Kate Louise Roberts(1) George Robertson(1) Patsy Rodenburg(1) Stuart Rojstaczer(1) Mary Beth Rose(1) Ron Rosenbaum(1) Henry Rosovsky(1) Dante Gabriel Rossetti(1) Edward A. Rossit(1) A. P. Rossiter(1) John Ross(1) A. L. Rowse(3) Herman Harold Rubin(1) Frederick Rudolph(1) Richard Russell(1) Peter Saccio(3) Claire Sacks(1) Eric Sams(1) Mrs. John Sandford(1) M. Elizabeth Sargent(1) Samuel Schoenbaum(5) Sir Walter Scott(1) Thomas Scott(1) Nancy L. Segal(1) Edward I Selig(1) Gregory M. Colón Semenza(1) Anna Sewell(1) The Shakespeare Society(1) William Shakespeare(175) George Lyman (edit William; Kittredge Shakespeare(1) G. B. Shand(2) Laurie Shannon(1) James S. Shapiro(2) Robert B. Sharpe(1) Charles H. Shattuck(1) William H. Sherman(1) Scott Cutler Shershow(1) Boris Shub(1) Silhouette(1) Anthony Sillem(1) Rhona Silverbush(1) William Gilmore Simms(1) Charles S. Singleton(1) Ludovico M. Sinistrari(1) Nancy J. Sipes(1) Meredith Anne Skura(2) A. A. Smirnov(1) Bruce R. Smith(1) David Nichol Smith(1) Hallett Darius Smith(1) John Thomas Smith(1) William Smith(1) Malone Society(4) Samuel Soeller Rolf/Bertsche(1) Southeastern Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies(1) Robert Speaight(1) D. Friedrich Spitta(1) Charlotte Spivack(1) Caroline Spurgeon(1) Daniel Staniford(1) England) Stationers' Company (London(1) Robert Steele(1) Laurence Sterne(2) Tiffany Stern(1) Caleb Stetson(1) H. Steuding(1) Robert Louis Stevenson(1) Wallace Stevens(1) Elmer Edgar Stoll(1) Harriet Beecher Stowe(3) Charles H. Stowell(1) Marta Straznicky(2) William Strunk Jr.(1) J. L. Styan(2) T. R. Sullivan(1) John Sutherland(1) Oliver G. Swan(1) Jonathan Swift(4) Wally Swist(1) Henry Dugdale Sykes(1) John Addington Symonds(1) Robert Tailor(1) Harriet Silvester Tapley(1) Lewis Tappan(1) Gary Taylor(1) Isaac Taylor(1) Michael Taylor(1) Alfred Lord Tennyson(3) T. F. Thiselton-Dyer(1) Dylan Thomas(1) Isiah Thomas(1) Mary Augusta Thomas(1) Ann Thompson(1) Peter Thomson(1) William O. Thomson(1) Robert J. United States Thoms(1) Henry David Thoreau(1) Ashley Horace Thorndike(3) James Thorpe(1) E. M. W. Tillyard(1) Elza C. Tiner(1) Simon Trussler(1) Joseph 1778-1840 Tuckerman(1) Patrick Tucker(1) Thomas S. Turgeon(1) Ernest Lee Tuveson(1) Mark Twain(1) Unknown(2) John Updike(1) George Usher(1) D. T. Valentine(1) Mark Van Doren(3) John Gaines Vaughan(1) Brian Vickers(1) Silvio Villa(1) William Henry Waddell(1) John Wain(1) Timothy Walker(1) Isabel Richman Wallach(1) Edmond Waller(1) James P. Warburg(1) William Warburton(1) Lynd Ward(2) H. Ware(1) Homer A. Watt(1) Max Weber(1) John Webster(5) Samuel Webster(1) Paul D. Wegner(1) Evelyn Wells(1) Henry Willis Wells(1) Stanley Wells(5) Stanley W. Wells(2) James Welwood(1) Siegfried Wenzel(2) Elizabeth M. White(1) Walter Muir Whitehill(1) William Wallace Whitelock(1) Bernard Whitman(1) Glynne Wickham(2) Kate Douglas Wiggin(1) Martin Wiggins(3) Marshall P. Wilder(1) Thornton Wilder(1) Joseph Willard(1) Franklin B. Jr. Williams(1) William Carlos William(2) William Proctor Williams(1) F. P. Wilson(2) J.T. Winterich(1) William Winter(1) Theodore Frelinghuysen Wolfe(1) Leonard Wolf(1) Gordon S. Wood(2) William Wordsworth(1) W. B. Worthen(1) Lawrence Wright(1) Frank Yerby(2) Charlotte M. Yonge(1) Edward N. Zempel(1) Chuck Zerby(1) M C(1)