TagJohannes der Täufer

Englischsprachiger Tag: John the Baptist (Übersetzung verbessern)

Beinhaltet: John the Baptist, john the baptist, St. John the Baptist, Saint John the Baptist, John The Baptist, John the Baptizer, Johannes de Doper, John the baptist, St John the Baptist, JOHN THE BAPTIST, john the Baptist, john the baptizer, John the Baptist Saint., Saint John The Baptist, Johannes döparen, John the Baptist., st John Baptist, st john the baptist, SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST, John the Baptist (St.), St john the Baptist, John the Baptist (Saint), Yochanan the baptiser, John the baptiser, John the Baptiser, John the baptizer, st. john the baptist, john the baptiser, john the baptist (saint), johannes de doper, johannes döparen, yochanan the baptiser, john the baptist (st.), Johannes Döparen, st john baptist, JOhn the Baptist, saint john the baptist
Übersetzungen: Іаан Прадцеча, Йоан Кръстител, Johannes der Täufer, Juan el Bautista, Jean le Baptiste, Sveti Ivan Krstitelj, Giovanni Battista, Jānis Kristītājs, Jonas Krikštytojas, Keresztelő János, Свети Јован Крстител, Johannes de Doper, Johannes Døperen, Jan Chrzciciel, João Batista, Ioan Botezătorul, Иоанн Креститель, Ján Krstiteľ, Јован Крститељ, Johannes Kastaja, Johannes Döparen, Yahya

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