TagMeet the Bundys! Patriarch Al (Ed O'Neill) is a beer-swilling former high school football star who now sells women's shoes. Peggy (Katey Sagal) is his big-haired wife with a penchant for leopard-print clothing. Daughter Kelly (Christina Applegate) is a di

Beinhaltet: Meet the Bundys! Patriarch Al (Ed O'Neill) is a beer-swilling former high school football star who now sells women's shoes. Peggy (Katey Sagal) is his big-haired wife with a penchant for leopard-print clothing. Daughter Kelly (Christina Applegate) is a di, meet the bundys! patriarch al (ed o'neill) is a beer-swilling former high school football star who now sells women's shoes. peggy (katey sagal) is his big-haired wife with a penchant for leopard-print clothing. daughter kelly (christina applegate) is a di

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