Tagnot what his enemies say he said - rather - just what he actually said - and why he said it - and his perception of what groups had what motivations and desires - is he wrong about everything? - read it - is there any validity (even the slightest scintill

Beinhaltet: NOT WHAT HIS ENEMIES SAY HE SAID - RATHER - JUST WHAT HE ACTUALLY SAID - AND WHY HE SAID IT - AND HIS PERCEPTION OF WHAT GROUPS HAD WHAT MOTIVATIONS AND DESIRES - IS HE WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING? - READ IT - IS THERE ANY VALIDITY (EVEN THE SLIGHTEST SCINTILL, not what his enemies say he said - rather - just what he actually said - and why he said it - and his perception of what groups had what motivations and desires - is he wrong about everything? - read it - is there any validity (even the slightest scintill

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