
Englischsprachiger Tag: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Übersetzung verbessern)

Beinhaltet: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth, Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth, The Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth, Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, polish–lithuanian commonwealth, polish - lithuanian commonwealth, the polish - lithuanian commonwealth, polish-lithuanian commonwealth, , poland-lithuania commonwealth
Übersetzungen: Рэч Паспалітая, Жечпосполита, Polen-Litauen, República de las Dos Naciones, République des Deux Nations, Poljsko-Litavska Unija, Confederazione polacco-lituana, Polijas—Lietuvas ūnija, Abiejų Tautų Respublika, Lengyel–Litván Unió, Полско-литванска унија, Pools-Litouwse Gemenebest, Polen-Litauen, Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów, República das Duas Nações, Uniunea statală polono-lituaniană, Речь Посполитая, Republika oboch národov, Државна заједница Пољске и Литваније, Puola-Liettua, Polsk-litauiska samväldet, Lehistan-Litvanya Birliği

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