TagThree essays: Harry Cooper: The Surface in time: Notes on an Aspect of Modrian's Critical Reception; Harry Cooper: Looking into the Transatlantic Paintings; Ron Spronk: Revealing Revisions: the Transantlantic Paintings in the Laboratory; calatog with exte

Beinhaltet: Three essays: Harry Cooper: The Surface in time: Notes on an Aspect of Modrian's Critical Reception; Harry Cooper: Looking into the Transatlantic Paintings; Ron Spronk: Revealing Revisions: the Transantlantic Paintings in the Laboratory; calatog with exte, three essays: harry cooper: the surface in time: notes on an aspect of modrian's critical reception; harry cooper: looking into the transatlantic paintings; ron spronk: revealing revisions: the transantlantic paintings in the laboratory; calatog with exte

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