Tagbut the animals that he encounters enjoy games that do not interest him--the bee likes ``Buzz-a-lot''; the dog suggests ``Woof-a-lot''; the chicken prefers ``Cluck-a-lot''; and the big cat scares him away with a loud ``Wham! Bam! Scram!''

Beinhaltet: but the animals that he encounters enjoy games that do not interest him--the bee likes ``Buzz-a-lot''; the dog suggests ``Woof-a-lot''; the chicken prefers ``Cluck-a-lot''; and the big cat scares him away with a loud ``Wham! Bam! Scram!'', but the animals that he encounters enjoy games that do not interest him--the bee likes ``buzz-a-lot''; the dog suggests ``woof-a-lot''; the chicken prefers ``cluck-a-lot''; and the big cat scares him away with a loud ``wham! bam! scram!''

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