Dieses Thema ruht momentan. Die letzte Nachricht liegt mehr als 90 Tage zurück. Du kannst es wieder aufgreifen, indem du eine neue Antwort schreibst.
This is what to do: (read this before you enter any common room or class)
Find out what house you're in with the sorting hat.
Decide if you want to be a HoH or a teacher or both.
Go and see who is in your house in your common room.
Check out classes and The Daily Prophet.
Invite friends!
Find out what house you're in with the sorting hat.
Decide if you want to be a HoH or a teacher or both.
Go and see who is in your house in your common room.
Check out classes and The Daily Prophet.
Invite friends!
I’m in Ravenclaw, of corse!