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Social Media Marketing All-in-One For…
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Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies (2010. Auflage)

von Jan Zimmerman (Autor), Doug Sahlin (Autor)

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The bestselling social media marketing book Marketing your business through social media isn't an option these days ?it's absolutely imperative. In this new edition of the bestselling Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies , you'll get comprehensive, expert guidance on how to use the latest social media platforms to promote your business, reach customers, and thrive in the global marketplace. Social media continues to evolve at breakneck speed, and with the help of this guide, you'll discover how to devise and maintain a successful social media strategy, use the latest tactics for reaching your customers, and utilize data to make adjustments to future campaigns and activities. Plus, you'll find out how to apply the marketing savvy you already have to the social media your prospects are using, helping you to reach ?and keep ?more customers, make more sales, and boost your bottom line. Includes the latest changes to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more Offers tips for engaging your community and measuring your efforts Explains how to blend social media with your other online and offline marketing efforts Shows you how to leverage data to learn more about your community Don't get left behind! Let this book help you get the most from every minute and dollar you spend on marketing.… (mehr)
Titel:Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies
Autoren:Jan Zimmerman (Autor)
Weitere Autoren:Doug Sahlin (Autor)
Info:John Wiley & Sons (2010), 840 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies von Jan Zimmerman

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Jan ZimmermanHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Sahlin, DougHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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The bestselling social media marketing book Marketing your business through social media isn't an option these days ?it's absolutely imperative. In this new edition of the bestselling Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies , you'll get comprehensive, expert guidance on how to use the latest social media platforms to promote your business, reach customers, and thrive in the global marketplace. Social media continues to evolve at breakneck speed, and with the help of this guide, you'll discover how to devise and maintain a successful social media strategy, use the latest tactics for reaching your customers, and utilize data to make adjustments to future campaigns and activities. Plus, you'll find out how to apply the marketing savvy you already have to the social media your prospects are using, helping you to reach ?and keep ?more customers, make more sales, and boost your bottom line. Includes the latest changes to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more Offers tips for engaging your community and measuring your efforts Explains how to blend social media with your other online and offline marketing efforts Shows you how to leverage data to learn more about your community Don't get left behind! Let this book help you get the most from every minute and dollar you spend on marketing.

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