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Evaluating in practice

von Ian Shaw

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Evaluation is not a self-contained phase of social work practice - one more dimension of the process - but a dimension of every phase. In this fully rewritten and updated second edition of his groundbreaking text Evaluating in Practice, Ian Shaw demonstrates how evaluation and inquiry are just as much practice tasks as planning, intervention and review. By demonstrating that good evaluating in practice helps sustain a commitment to evidence, understanding and justice, Shaw shows that for this to be achieved, evaluating in practice must permeate every aspect of social work. He: 1. Develops a framework for embedding evaluation and inquiry as a dimension of good practice in social work. 2. Demonstrates the central significance of a 'methodological practice' in social work that adapts, infuses, and translates social research methods as a dimension of the different aspects of social work, viz. assessment, planning, intervention, review and outcomes. 3. Facilitates good practice by exemplifying the argument through extensive worked examples and exercises. This book has much to say about the demanding skills that are necessary to achieve this shaping of practice and is a must-read for any social work student or practitioner.… (mehr)
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Evaluation is not a self-contained phase of social work practice - one more dimension of the process - but a dimension of every phase. In this fully rewritten and updated second edition of his groundbreaking text Evaluating in Practice, Ian Shaw demonstrates how evaluation and inquiry are just as much practice tasks as planning, intervention and review. By demonstrating that good evaluating in practice helps sustain a commitment to evidence, understanding and justice, Shaw shows that for this to be achieved, evaluating in practice must permeate every aspect of social work. He: 1. Develops a framework for embedding evaluation and inquiry as a dimension of good practice in social work. 2. Demonstrates the central significance of a 'methodological practice' in social work that adapts, infuses, and translates social research methods as a dimension of the different aspects of social work, viz. assessment, planning, intervention, review and outcomes. 3. Facilitates good practice by exemplifying the argument through extensive worked examples and exercises. This book has much to say about the demanding skills that are necessary to achieve this shaping of practice and is a must-read for any social work student or practitioner.

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