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Write Great Code: Volume 1: Understanding…
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Write Great Code: Volume 1: Understanding the Machine (2004. Auflage)

von Randall Hyde

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2432114,597 (3.69)1
This, the first volume in Randall Hyde’s Write Great Code series, dives into machine organization without the extra overhead of learning assembly language programming. Written for high-level language programmers, Understanding the Machine fills in the low-level details of machine organization that are often left out of computer science and engineering courses. Learn: •How the machine represents numbers, strings, and high-level data structures, so you’ll know the inherent cost of using them. •How to organize your data, so the machine can access it efficiently. •How the CPU operates, so you can write code that works the way the machine does. •How I/O devices operate, so you can maximize your application’s performance when accessing those devices. •How to best use the memory hierarchy to produce the fastest possible programs. Great code is efficient code. But before you can write truly efficient code, you must understand how computer systems execute programs and how abstractions in programming languages map to the machine’s low-level hardware. After all, compilers don’t write the best machine code; programmers do. This book gives you the foundation upon which all great software is built. NEW IN THIS EDITION, COVERAGE OF: •Programming languages like Swift and Java •Code generation on modern 64-bit CPUs •ARM processors on mobile phones and tablets •Newer peripheral devices •Larger memory systems and large-scale SSDs… (mehr)
Titel:Write Great Code: Volume 1: Understanding the Machine
Autoren:Randall Hyde
Info:No Starch Press (2004), Edition: 1st, Paperback, 440 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Write Great Code: Volume 1: Understanding the Machine von Randall Hyde

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This book may be useful to people who do generic computer programming and are interested in how the high-level code that they write gets funneled down to perform specific machine instructions. Generally speaking, computer programming does not frequently take place in assembly language, so there is a great disconnect between how a computer is physically built to carry out instructions, and how programmers write code.

However, I found this book, due to its emphasis on computer programming, to be not at all helpful or informative on improving embedded programming skills. Because of the great differences between the two paradigms, those who program embedded devices are generally already aware of peripheral usage, memory capacity, and the like. ( )
  lemontwist | Feb 4, 2018 |
This book serves as a very nice introduction to computer architecture and hardware. Programmers are the target audience and much of the focus is how the information presented can help with writing more efficient code. Some programming knowledge is required to get the most of the book, with C probably being the most useful, but examples are given in a variety of low-level languages and the code snippets are fairly well-explained in the text anyway. This is an appropriate book for someone just getting into programming professionally, a student, or a motivated enthusiast. ( )
  josh314 | Jul 1, 2012 |
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This, the first volume in Randall Hyde’s Write Great Code series, dives into machine organization without the extra overhead of learning assembly language programming. Written for high-level language programmers, Understanding the Machine fills in the low-level details of machine organization that are often left out of computer science and engineering courses. Learn: •How the machine represents numbers, strings, and high-level data structures, so you’ll know the inherent cost of using them. •How to organize your data, so the machine can access it efficiently. •How the CPU operates, so you can write code that works the way the machine does. •How I/O devices operate, so you can maximize your application’s performance when accessing those devices. •How to best use the memory hierarchy to produce the fastest possible programs. Great code is efficient code. But before you can write truly efficient code, you must understand how computer systems execute programs and how abstractions in programming languages map to the machine’s low-level hardware. After all, compilers don’t write the best machine code; programmers do. This book gives you the foundation upon which all great software is built. NEW IN THIS EDITION, COVERAGE OF: •Programming languages like Swift and Java •Code generation on modern 64-bit CPUs •ARM processors on mobile phones and tablets •Newer peripheral devices •Larger memory systems and large-scale SSDs

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