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Markets of New England von Christine Chitnis
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Markets of New England (2011. Auflage)

von Christine Chitnis (Autor)

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10Keine1,894,427 (4.5)1
Experience a quintessentially American summer--a village-green, homemade-ice-cream, corn-on-the-cob kind of summer--exploring the fifty vibrant farmers' and artisan markets profiled in Markets of New England. You'll find picture-postcard settings, delicious food, and unique crafts down every ribbon of highway. In Massachusetts, make your way up the coast to Cape Cod, where markets feature baskets of blueberries and flats of oysters still dripping with saltwater; hop the ferry to Sustainable Nantucket's picturesque farm stands; or journey inland to an art festival nestled in the Berkshires. In New Hampshire, attend a lakeside workshop and a market held on New England's largest town common, in the shadow of a classic white church and steeple. Meander across Vermont during an open studio weekend, or to Maine for a clam festival, a county fair, and craft guild shows. Even tiny Rhode Island has pleasures aplenty: an oceanfront gourmet food tasting, an indie art fair overlooking Narragansett Bay and Newport Harbor, and more. Markets of New England leads you to the local delicacies, the most interesting purveyors, the products of community supported farms and fisheries, the standout crafts and artwork, and provides all the details you need to know, including off-season schedules. The food and crafts are filled with local flavor, the settings pure New England, and the itineraries provide enough delights to fill an endless summer.… (mehr)
Titel:Markets of New England
Autoren:Christine Chitnis (Autor)
Info:Little Bookroom (2011), Edition: Main, 216 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Markets of New England von Christine Chitnis

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Experience a quintessentially American summer--a village-green, homemade-ice-cream, corn-on-the-cob kind of summer--exploring the fifty vibrant farmers' and artisan markets profiled in Markets of New England. You'll find picture-postcard settings, delicious food, and unique crafts down every ribbon of highway. In Massachusetts, make your way up the coast to Cape Cod, where markets feature baskets of blueberries and flats of oysters still dripping with saltwater; hop the ferry to Sustainable Nantucket's picturesque farm stands; or journey inland to an art festival nestled in the Berkshires. In New Hampshire, attend a lakeside workshop and a market held on New England's largest town common, in the shadow of a classic white church and steeple. Meander across Vermont during an open studio weekend, or to Maine for a clam festival, a county fair, and craft guild shows. Even tiny Rhode Island has pleasures aplenty: an oceanfront gourmet food tasting, an indie art fair overlooking Narragansett Bay and Newport Harbor, and more. Markets of New England leads you to the local delicacies, the most interesting purveyors, the products of community supported farms and fisheries, the standout crafts and artwork, and provides all the details you need to know, including off-season schedules. The food and crafts are filled with local flavor, the settings pure New England, and the itineraries provide enough delights to fill an endless summer.

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