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Prophet's Prey: My Seven-Year Investigation…
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Prophet's Prey: My Seven-Year Investigation into Warren Jeffs and the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints (2012. Auflage)

von Sam Brower

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen / Diskussionen
3403279,349 (3.83)1 / 18
Religion & Spirituality. True Crime. Nonfiction. Despite considerable press coverage and a lengthy trial, the full story of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints has remained largely untold. Only one man can reveal the whole, astounding truth: Sam Brower, the private investigator who devoted years of his life to breaking open the secret practices of the FLDS and bringing Warren Jeffs and his inner circle to justice. In Prophet's Prey, Brower implicates Jeff in his own words, bringing to light the contents of Jeffs's personal priesthood journal, discovered in a hidden underground vault, and revealing to readers the shocking inside world of FLDS members, whose trust he earned and who showed him the staggering truth of their lives.Prophet's Prey offers the gripping, behind-the-scenes account of a bizarre world from the only man who knows the full story.… (mehr)
Titel:Prophet's Prey: My Seven-Year Investigation into Warren Jeffs and the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints
Autoren:Sam Brower
Info:Bloomsbury USA (2012), Edition: 1, Paperback, 336 pages
Sammlungen:Read, Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz
Tags:abuse, mormons, non-fiction, true-crime, polygamy


Prophet's Prey: My Seven-Year Investigation into Warren Jeffs and the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints von Sam Brower

Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonprivate Bibliothek, JTevebau, Mrtankcook, sarmakrk, WHambric, Eli_Mo, Mrs.Case, Scharke, Unwornstarship
  1. 60
    Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith von Jon Krakauer (JBD1, schatzi)
    schatzi: Jon Krakauer writes the foreword for Prophet's Prey, as well as playing a part in Sam Brower's investigation of the FLDS.
  2. 20
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    rxtheresa: Carolyn Jessop escaped from the FLDS so much of the same information is covered from a woman insider's point of view.
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  5. 10
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  7. 00
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» Siehe auch 18 Erwähnungen/Diskussionen

Compelling story but a little hard-boiled for my taste. Good on Mr. Brower for doing what he does to stop the FLDS, though. I'd recommend "Under the Banner of Heaven", however, for an introduction to this subject. ( )
  MaryJeanPhillips | Jun 22, 2022 |
Sam Brower knows the law, and how to use the judicial system to help bring down not just Warren Jeffs, but the whole FLDS organization.
Unfortunately, many in the legal system are not afraid to take the money and defend child rape in the name of religious freedom. Twelve years old , raped on a ceremonial temple bed, and not the first or last.
The cruelty that defines this society, and the insane power of Warren Jeffs and his fellow criminals, no longer surprises me. Sam Brower makes it real. ( )
  juliechabon | Jun 6, 2021 |
I like seeing the FLDS from the POV of an investigator who spent 7 years on various cases in its midst. But what i really wanted was some insight into what makes someone a crazy cult leader and why people follow along, even when exposed to other ideas.

From June 2011:
Look -- I started a polygamy shelf in goodreads. ( )
  ljohns | Jun 15, 2020 |
So frightfully horrible. Even once the government got involved... or didn't. Sad to hear what one person or small inner group of "leaders" can do to a whole community. This is a must read for my local friends. Even harder was the fact that it was on the front page of the trib today.
( )
  ksmedberg | Aug 15, 2018 |
3.5 Stars- This book was disturbing and heartbreaking. To imagine that this sort of stomach-turning criminal activity is going on right under the noses of the authorities and nothing is being done to protect these women and children is outrageous. The book was full of a lot of information about the FLDS "church" that I had no idea about even though I lived in Utah for 25 years. I do know that the Attorney General was as inept at doing anything to stop the abuses as his many predecessors. Sam Brower is not an author and the use of repetitive details and the minor choppiness in the flow of the story could have been adjusted by better editing, but he certainly is a trove of information about the miserable lives these poor children are/were living and I suspect continuing to live whether Warren Jeffs is in prison or not. Good, solid, informative read. ( )
  Maureen_McCombs | Aug 19, 2016 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Sam BrowerHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Krakauer, JonVorwortCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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...but others there are, who, of necessity and by force, are driven to write history, because they are concerned in the facts, and so cannot excuse themselves from committing them to writing, for the advantage of posterity; nay, there are not a few who are induced to draw their historical facts out of darkness into light, and to produce them for the benefit of the public, on account of the great importance of the facts themselves with which they have been concerned. - Josephus
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This book is dedicated to Rita for her encouragement and criticism, but most of all for all those meoments of eternal perspective, joy, and meaning.
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[Preface - by Jon Krakauer] Warren Jeffs is a tall, bony man with a bulging Adam's apple and a frightening sense of his own perfection in the eyes of God.
The prisoner's hands were cuffed to a belly chain that was cinched tight around his scrawny waist and secured by a padlock.
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Religion & Spirituality. True Crime. Nonfiction. Despite considerable press coverage and a lengthy trial, the full story of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints has remained largely untold. Only one man can reveal the whole, astounding truth: Sam Brower, the private investigator who devoted years of his life to breaking open the secret practices of the FLDS and bringing Warren Jeffs and his inner circle to justice. In Prophet's Prey, Brower implicates Jeff in his own words, bringing to light the contents of Jeffs's personal priesthood journal, discovered in a hidden underground vault, and revealing to readers the shocking inside world of FLDS members, whose trust he earned and who showed him the staggering truth of their lives.Prophet's Prey offers the gripping, behind-the-scenes account of a bizarre world from the only man who knows the full story.

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