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Clara and Asha von Eric Rohmann
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Clara and Asha (2005. Auflage)

von Eric Rohmann (Autor)

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20653136,373 (4.22)1
Young Clara would rather play with her imaginary giant fish, Asha, than settle down to sleep.
Titel:Clara and Asha
Autoren:Eric Rohmann (Autor)
Info:Roaring Brook Press (2005), Edition: 1, 40 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Clara and Asha von Eric Rohmann

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I did not like this book at all. I guess it is about a little girl that uses her imagination and has some very unique friends. There are not many words but at the end it says it is all in the pictures, but it really isn't. i was honestly confused as to the point in this book. Also in some pictures the fish is small and in others it is huge. In conclusion, i absolutely disliked this book. ( )
  hdavis1 | Aug 29, 2019 |
Clara and Asha is a beautiful picture book, and it's illustrations take the reader on a journey through the imagination of Clara. Even though the pictures are a bit on the darker side, it fits perfectly with the storyline. When I think of using my imagination, the imagery seems distorted, and not very clear. I think the author chose the darker colors for that purpose, to bring the book to life, to make the book feel as though everything Clara encounters is true and believable. I really enjoyed the illustrations and admiring the innocence of just being a child through Clara's many journeys. ( )
  Kstanley35 | Nov 26, 2018 |
This book was very cute. The pictures were super funny of Clara and Asha running through the trees and floating in the sky. It is clear in the book that Clara has Asha as an imaginary friend. I think this book would be good to read to children because many children do have imaginary friends that they do everything with. ( )
  MirandaBee | Mar 12, 2018 |
A book of nighttime adventures shows us that friendship comes in many forms. Clara's friend Asha, a giant fish not tied down by the laws of science joins this young girl in many adventures but the one featured here is a dance in the night sky. Beautiful oil paintings take us dancing with them until Clara's mom encourages her to try to sleep. Much to her mother's dismay, Clara only has more friends to play with as the night continues. ( )
  signecbaum | Mar 8, 2018 |
This is a story of a little girl with a vivid imagination. The story is illustrated with neutral colors as storyline is Clara’s’ imagination. Eric Rohmann illustrates the animals larger than life. He brings creatures to life and through Clara’s bedroom window. They take on traits that are not naturally occurring, “fitting for a child imagination”. What I have noticed by viewing three of Eric Rohmanns’ illustrated books is the lack of interaction between children. The character often children interact with their imagination but not with other children. Overall I enjoyed this book as it calls for interactive imagination. Eric Rohmann illustrates pages without text allowing the reader to interpret what is taking place. ( )
  STerrell | Feb 21, 2018 |
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For Candy and for Simon who both said, "It's all there in the pictures."
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"Clara! Time for bed," my mom calls.
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Young Clara would rather play with her imaginary giant fish, Asha, than settle down to sleep.

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Durchschnitt: (4.22)
1.5 1
3 7
3.5 3
4 13
4.5 6
5 19

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