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A Week to Be Wicked (Spindle Cove) von Tessa…
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A Week to Be Wicked (Spindle Cove) (2012. Auflage)

von Tessa Dare (Autor)

Reihen: Spindle Cove (2)

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7285832,408 (4.04)17
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

New York Times and USA Today Bestseller

When a devilish lord and a bluestocking set off on the road to ruin . . . time is not on their side.

Minerva Highwood, one of Spindle Cove's confirmed spinsters, needs to be in Scotland.

Colin Sandhurst, Lord Payne, a rake of the first order, needs to be . . . anywhere but Spindle Cove.

These unlikely partners have one week:

to fake an elopement
to convince family and friends they're "in love"
to outrun armed robbers
to survive their worst nightmares
to travel four hundred miles without killing each other

All while sharing a very small carriage by day and an even smaller bed by night.

What they don't have time for is their growing attraction. Much less wild passion. And heaven forbid they spend precious hours baring their hearts and souls.

Suddenly one week seems like exactly enough time to find a world of trouble. And maybe . . . just maybe . . . everlasting love.

… (mehr)
Titel:A Week to Be Wicked (Spindle Cove)
Autoren:Tessa Dare (Autor)
Info:Avon (2012), Edition: Original, 384 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


A Week to Be Wicked von Tessa Dare

Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonamymagnet70, nirena, private Bibliothek, mfred333, AlixAllison, DastardlyDarrig, BuDa45, bluenancyhawaii907, BeckyHall
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1st read: September 2021
2nd read: July 2023

I loved this just as much the second time around.

Original review:
This is so good. Minerva and Colin are great together. ( )
  zeronetwo | May 14, 2024 |
I really really really can't stand the trope of brilliant girl who can't figure out basic social cues. Just because a woman likes to read doesn't mean she also can't dance or make small talk. In an attempt to be feminist, this trope just comes off as even more sexist than if the heroine was a ditzy airhead falling in love every time she blinked. This trope makes it seem like women can't be both intelligent and socially adept. The exception to this is the Mary Sue character who can not only read and talk like a normal human but can usually play an instrument, doctor a wound, throw a punch, is a great athlete, and whatever else she puts her mind to. It's a frustrating and a tired, old trope that needs to die.

In this book Minerva Highwood is modeled after Mary Anning, a female palentologist, but she is far less interesting to read about. Minerva can't tell the difference between a consensual make-out session and rape. She is denser than the rocks she studies, and also has the stupidest plans. She runs out in the middle of the night to tell Colin not to marry her sister... could this not have waited till morning? When it would be more socially acceptable? She can't lie to save her life. Literally. If she had just lied once or twice in the novel, their journey to Scotland would've been a lot smoother.

But if you liked this character, then you would be so disappointed to know that she is completly different about halfway through. After her first orgasm, Minerva is suddenly capable of play-acting as a French mistress, giving blowjobs like she was born to do it, and her desire to be known as the person who discovered dinosaurs evaporates when Colin wins her wrinkled fruit at a country fair.

While I understood that Minerva needed to learn that knowledge wasn't everything and that a plaster footprint wasn't more important than a human life and lifelong love, the fact that she literally walks away from her dreams made it very disappointing. This book proved definitively that women cannot have it all, and while that can be true, it's not fun to read about in a romance novel.

There's some good dialogue and layering of the characters' personalities and trauma, but they are only just enough to save this book from being a total waste of time. ( )
  readerbug2 | Nov 16, 2023 |
Really funny. Engaging characters. Pacing of the book was nice. Thoroughly enjoyed.

always good. adding to favorites ( )
  aeryn0 | Jul 23, 2023 |
Minerva Highwood, una de las solteras de Cala Espinada, necesita ir a Escocia. Colin Sandhurst, lord Payne, necesita… salir de Cala Espinada. Tienen solo siete días para planear una fuga, convencer a sus familiares y amigos de que, a pesar de sus conocidas diferencias, se han enamorado locamente. Una semana que será su ruina.
En estos siete días de locura deberán recorrer con éxito 650 kilómetros, esquivando a los salteadores de caminos. Un viaje en el que se verán obligados a superar sus miedos más profundos sin cometer un asesinato. Pero tal proeza les parecerá imposible pues no les quedará más remedio que compartir un pequeño carruaje por el día y una cama, aún más pequeña, por las noches.
¿Será la atracción que de forma inesperada empieza a surgir entre ellos, una salvaje pasión que late en sus corazones, la encargada de conseguirlo? ¿Lograrán recorrer la distancia y cumplir todas las promesas que se han hecho? O por el contrario, ¿recorrerán únicamente el camino hacia lo más profundo de sus almas? Aunque quizá…, solo quizá…, este sea su viaje hacia el amor.
  Natt90 | Mar 16, 2023 |
Spindle Cove is a haven for women. A haven which is led by Susanna Finch with the goal of providing a safe place for those with delicate constitutions, overbearing family members, scandalous secrets or outlandish hobbies. There are few year round residents and even fewer male ones. Until Bram and his men turn up and are tasked with starting a militia. Although these books could be read by themselves, the plot makes much more sense having read the preceding books.

I really liked Minerva and Colin in the first book of the series. Every time they got near one another they were throwing off sparks and the banter was hilarious, the insults cutting and the rocks hard. And their book didn't disappoint. But I did feel like it was a rollercoaster of a ride. Colin could send you high but man could he take you low. My emotions were all over the shop - fluttery happiness, overwhelming disappointment and it was just this endless cycle til I didn't know what was going on. Colin was such an ass at times. But he didn't mean to be and that made it all the worse. Honestly that scene where Minerva is dumbfounded with the way she's believing he needs healing - I had no trouble believing any of it. That said, the roller coaster ride got a bit ridiculous towards the end. They seriously didn't get married on the steps of the Royal Geological Society - are you freaking kidding me? After everything she failed to make her presentation. I get it was supposed to be some affirmation of her commitment to their love or whatever but she already proved that by shooting Francine (Francine is the plaster mould of the footprint). I would've liked to see her get married, go present and wow them with Colin cheering on the side.

I loved how Minerva comes out of her shell over the course of the novel. She starts as this awkward lanky colt and blossoms into this confident, fiery woman who knows what she wants and feels confident enough to take it. I did think her naivety was a bit much with all her talk of science and that. I liked her intelligence and her interest in geology. The point of view changes to show what was happening back in Spindle Cove worked really well too and had me chuckling.

The chemistry between them was off the charts and the plot was a lot more action packed than I was expecting. There's a lot happening but it made for a very entertaining read. 4 stars. ( )
  funstm | Feb 18, 2023 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Tessa DareHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Morris, CarolynErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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For all the girls who walk and read at the same time.
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When a girl trudged through the rain at midnight to knock at the Devil's door, the Devil should at least have the depravity - if not the decency - to answer.
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Wikipedia auf Englisch (1)

Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

New York Times and USA Today Bestseller

When a devilish lord and a bluestocking set off on the road to ruin . . . time is not on their side.

Minerva Highwood, one of Spindle Cove's confirmed spinsters, needs to be in Scotland.

Colin Sandhurst, Lord Payne, a rake of the first order, needs to be . . . anywhere but Spindle Cove.

These unlikely partners have one week:

to fake an elopement
to convince family and friends they're "in love"
to outrun armed robbers
to survive their worst nightmares
to travel four hundred miles without killing each other

All while sharing a very small carriage by day and an even smaller bed by night.

What they don't have time for is their growing attraction. Much less wild passion. And heaven forbid they spend precious hours baring their hearts and souls.

Suddenly one week seems like exactly enough time to find a world of trouble. And maybe . . . just maybe . . . everlasting love.


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